Food Not Bombs / Katrina Polderwind - 04.09.2005 11:26
Food Not Bombs actief voor de slachteroffers van het getroffen gebied in Amerika. Hulp uit Nederland is ook gewenst.  Please help Food Not Bombs provide help for the victims of Katrina. We plan to send another busload of food to the effected area. We URGENTLY need your support! If you can help cook and serve food, have money you can donate or have the time to call groceries and warehouses for food please contact us at You can make a financial donation on line or mail checks to Food Not Bombs, P.O. Box 744, Tucson, AZ 85702. Please call (1-800-884-1136 ) or email ( ) us if you can join us on the bus or help with gas money. We intend to leave in the next few days. Our Food Not Bombs chapters in New Orleans and Biloxi, Mississippi have been wiped out. Our groups in Houston, Austin, San Antonio Jackson, Pensacola, Memphis and other southern cities are feeding people fleeing the disaster. Food Not Bombs is ready to help the tens of thousands of people that have been made homeless by the storm. Thanks, Keith McHenry - cofounder of Food Not Bombs. E-Mail: Website: |