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Info avond over Chili na Pinochet PodemosNL - 07.09.2005 19:06
Uitnodiging voor info avond over Chili.  Op 9 september om 19:30u in Haarlemmerweg 179, een nieuwe chileens links platform geeft informatie over het verkiezingen programma van de presidentiële verkiezingen. Na 15 jaar zonder dictatuur in Chili, is er niet zo veel veranderd. Er wordt nog steeds met de militaire grondwet geregeerd, dan is het geen sprake van een democratische "Recht Staat". De vrouw van een vermoorde Burgemeester, door de dictatuur van Pinochet zal ons op de hoogte brengen van de situatie van de Rechten van de Mensen. Chili is een land die vecht om de onrechtvaardigheid niet te laten zege vieren. Met vriendelijke groet. PODEMOS ( sociaal democratische machten ) JUNTOS PODEMOS MAS- HOLANDA p/a Weesperstraat 314 1018 DN Amsterdam Holland +31-(0) 20-4235544 Girorek:4128382
podemosnl@gmail.com www.podemosinternacional.org www.podemos.cl Estimad@s; El día 9 de septiembre a las 19:30, en Haarlemmerweg 179, el Juntos Podemos Más-Holanda tiene el agrado de invitarte a una presentación oficial de nuestra Plataforma Programática para un Chile Justo, Solidario, Soberano y Democrático. En esta oportunidad la ponencia tratará los temas de este documento que son los pilares de nuestra propuesta de gobierno. Expondremos temas como: Derechos Humanos y aprovechando la corta estadía, en Holanda, de la compañera Hilda de la Vega, presidenta de la Comisión de Derechos Humanos Tocopilla, nos informará, entre otros, de la situación actual en Chile en esta materia. También se expondrá sobre derechos sociales, salud y temas que le aquejan al pueblo chileno. Por lo que ha significado tu a poyo y solidaridad con el pueblo chileno nos gustaría contar con tu presencia. Un saludo cordial, Coordinadora Juntos Podemos Más-Holanda JUNTOS PODEMOS MAS- HOLANDA p/a Weesperstraat 314 1018 DN Amsterdam Holland +31-(0) 20-4235544 Girorek:4128382
podemosnl@gmail.com www.podemosinternacional.org www.podemos.cl E-Mail: podemosnl@gmail.com Website: http://www.podemosinternional.org |
Lees meer over: vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen |  | Brief in het engels | podemosnl@gmail.com - 07.09.2005 20:35
Foundational Document of “Juntos Podemos” (Translates as: “Together We Can”) In Chile, in Latin America and all over the world, a small percentage of the population possesses great wealth while the majorities suffer from serious deprivations. Said minority has systematically taken over political power, economic strength and technology. This process – a force that demolishes national sovereignties and autonomy – attains supreme expression in the Free Trade Agreements (FTA), or specifically in the intention to impose the scheme called Free Trade Zone for the Americas, Área de Libre Comercio para las Américas (ALCA). The formation of markets that are subordinated to the dictates and conditions of global economic powers, demonstrates without any doubt the regional and global power of the multinational corporations. In this way, while international financial capital is increasingly concentrated, the local economies lose their autonomy at a vertiginous rate and find themselves obliged to adapt to the implicit and explicit extortion of the dictates carried out by these new powers, now structured and organized, through the perfecting and political empowerment of organisms such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank (IBRD), the World Trade Organization (WTO), and apparatuses of coordination and domination such as the G8. When resistance to these policies is met, the U.S. and its allies bring to bear their combined military force, with the complicity of local sectors that try to participate in the apparent benefits of the imperialist objectives. Thus it is that today, big capital dominates the means of production as well as thought, through its control over communications and information media. In the current state of affairs, the old solidarity has been evaporating and, ultimately, we have come to the disintegration of the social fabric and people's disconnection from each other, despite widespread penury. Nothing escapes the impact of this fragmentation, not even the most respected political and social referents. We have fundamented faith and the certainty of experience, in the possibility of articulating the broadest coalition of left, progressive and anti-neoliberal political and social forces, to assemble a great movement that will decisively push back the present conditions of social inequality and injustice. The mute tragedy that our nations are experiencing today demands responsibility and lucidness, which we must move closer to, as step by step we build a new construct that will aid in dismantling the tyranny – the tyranny that is no longer solely of weapons, but of money We firmly believe in the possibility of recovering the power of the social base to decide, and of projecting it towards the taking of political power. This faith in union and in the possibility of recovering political power for the peoples is already beginning to manifest itself in our continent and in other parts of the world, as a growing capacity for organization, which we assume today as part of our own struggle and as a responsibility in the present and the future. For this reason, even though our action is localized in our country, our look and solidarity are directed at our Latin America and the possibility of a better world. From this position of coincidence of diagnostic and will amongst diverse forces, we have been sustaining various convergencies, in joint action as well as in shared reflection, in the spirit of moving forward and configuring a Movement that will make possible the fullest and most democratic participation of the people’s social and political organizations, and whose direction can be our country’s political and social transformation, that can lead us to a real democracy. We therefore believe that this is the appropriate political and historical moment for gathering together the experiences of these last decades, and channel it toward developing a will that will unify the diversity of expressions into a force capable of offering a viable political and social alternative for Chile. This Movement should be constituted in our entire country, it should be broad, diverse and strong. In this sense, the orientation will point at generating convergence of men, women, youth, students, workers, indigenous peoples and of all organizations, no matter how small, in order to create a future of dignity, in which our people will recover the rights that they were stripped of, first by force, and today by the threat of unemployment and marginalization. Likewise, lay and religious organizations, intellectuals, professionals and artists, micro, small and medium enterprise, farmers, miners, fishermen, white collar workers in the business and service sectors, are called to the generation and construction of new and original political, economic, social and cultural models that may replace the unjust models in force today. We who sign this declaration have agreed on the foundational ideas and action strategies that we propose to all the political, social and cultural movements, willing to integrate with us in this process of transforming hopes into paths of concrete political expression, for their subsequent analysis, discussion and enrichment. Foundational Ideas 1. Formation of a Political and Social Movement that will prioritize its struggle, not solely in actions of a political nature, but in the capacity to recover faith in the possibilities of transformation of the unjust social, political and cultural conditions that today seem to be falsely imposed as being the sole, immoveable alternatives. 2. We believe it necessary to accelerate revolutionarily the true meaning of the struggle, which is not only referred to political and economic conditions, but also to social and personal ones. We therefore visualize a Movement that must manifest itself simultaneously in the fields of politics, society, economics, culture and psychology. 3. Our direction is to move decisively toward a new economic and social system that will give priority to the solution of the needs of our peoples, and not to the profits of big capital, submitting to open debate the present and unjust relationship between capital and labor. 4. Likewise, we affirm that our natural and financial resources are exposed to depredation and exploitation by large transnational capitals. In this sense, we consider among our priorities, the need to recover our resources, which have only favored a few, and to put them at the service of the great majorities of our country. The sole recovery of our copper and employee funds will make it possible to guarantee the right and access to quality public health and education for all citizens. 5. It is from such posture that our Movement defines itself as being in open opposition to neoliberalism and to any other model that may be the expression of the capitalist system. 6. Certainly, and in regard to the foregoing, we also position ourselves in open opposition to the right and to the parties of the Coalition who are responsible for instituting the reigning political, social and economic model. In consequence, those of us who belong to this Movement will not accept pacts or alliances of any kind with the above-mentioned referents, in any of their political expressions. We consider this posture necessary in order to give unequivocal and coherent signals to those who aspire to the radical replacement of the system that rules over us today. 7. We aspire to a participative and direct democracy as a political system, and we reject all forms of dictatorial regimes, at the same time that we support political pluralism as the only legitimate scheme. In this sense, we wish to modify at its roots, the reigning practice of representation, by giving primary importance to popular consultation, to referenda, direct election of candidates, and the right of the people to revoke mandates. Through the binomial system, the current political Constitution opposes the full capacity of the citizenry to elect and be elected to office, and it makes an essential mockery of real Democracy. 8. This Movement affirms the values of respect and personal, cultural and ideological diversity, and rejects uniforming and homogenizing systems, as well as any form of discrimination. Consequently, we will work to give those who are discriminated against and excluded, the guarantees merited by their representation, by strengthening all measures that will favor in practice their inclusion and development. Today, the minorities that are harassed by xenophobia and discrimination plead for recognition. In this sense it is our responsibility to raise this issue up to the most important levels of discussion, heading the struggle in each place until defeating open and covert neofascisms. To struggle together with those who are discriminated against and excluded is to fight for the rights of all human beings. 9. Our Movement does not only seek to build itself in Chile; its vocation is Latin Americanist and it is in active solidarity with the struggles of those who are excluded and persecuted in our continent and in the world. 10. This Movement considers as fully relevant the struggle for memory, truth and justice in the crimes against Human Rights that have been committed our recent history. We consider that Human Rights do not belong to the past; they continue to pressure painfully over our present, but they are also in our future, inviting our intentionality and feeding a struggle that is revived with each new violation of the human being’s destiny. For this reason, all claims that are made in favor of such violations have meaning, because they show the powers that be that they are not omnipotent and they do not control the future. 11. We sustain that at the root of the unjust system that rules us today, lies the institutionalized violence that is expressed not only in the use of arms when the people have attempted to rebel, but also in the economic violence that marginates the great layers of the population from their elemental rights to dignified education, health, housing and employment. Our Movement aspires to the surpassing of every form of violence in society, which in the final analysis does not depend on nations and is imposed through direct intervention, through war and other forms of subjugation of national and popular sovereignty. However, attending to the particularity of the country’s present political situation, we have set ourselves the goal of promoting non-violent methods of struggle, that place in the center the massiveness and plurality of the struggles of workers and of the people, whose decision, experience and wisdom are at the base of our strength. The methodology of struggle that we adopt should not be understood as a concession to State repression and violence. On the contrary, we believe in the right to rebellion and the people’s self-defense, which will be more powerful, the greater our capacity becomes, to construct a determined and united organization that makes it possible to disarticulate any aggression in a sustained and specific way. Consequently, we launch a call to convoke a great national convention of all progressive political and social left and anti-neoliberal forces and movements, so that together we may build a new hope for our peoples. This Document initiated the setting-in-motion of a great political-social movement which has been joined by diverse organizations throughout Chile. We attach the list of the first 22 organizations which signed the Document on 13 December 2003. Signees of the Document Santiago, Chile 13 December 2003
E-Mail: podemosnl@gmail.com Website: http://www.podemosinternacional.org | |
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