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2 websites which are germany canceled@google democracy-for.all.at - 10.09.2005 16:06
2 websites are cancelled by the german ministry of the interior 3 days ago fromall big searchengines (Google, Yahoo, even in the usa). One site is about a german victim of violent statecrime ( http://repressionsopfer.regress-now.com) and another is an writing and ideaboard ( http://democracy-for.all.at , block popups before!) Email: democracy-for@all.at  2 websites are cancelled by the german ministry of the interior 3 days ago fromall big searchengines (Google, Yahoo, even in the usa). One site is about a german victim of violent statecrime ( http://repressionsopfer.regress-now.com) and another is an writing and ideaboard ( http://democracy-for.all.at , block popups before!) Email: democracy-for@all.at Short explanation in english lang. of the website www.democracy-for.all.at: its a messageboard with a lot of writings about parts of the (european) history and with a lot of 'storys' of today. 1. split: First a story about a heavy criminal provokation of the german civilpolice in hamburg against someone, than the explanation what http://democracy-for.all.at , is, than an interesssting writing about possible developements, than a story about bad work done by state, than a writing about heavy criminal hurt of a person, than a reporting about the situation in germany 2005. Than theire are two links, one about interesting themes around my city and one about racism. Split 2: In the 2. split first a writing about some motherfuckers which try to diss someone very heavily. The next writing (2. split, 2. writing) about I wrote is handling about the different usage by state with members of the same families. This is manifested over the prenames. The next writing is about how fanatics are carmouflaging theire activities. The next writing of this 2. split is about disturber of state which are disturbing structures of the movement, the next writing (further called wrt.) is about disturbance by state of personal developments by provokated disassembly. The next 3. wrts. are about helpers of heavy criminal statecrimes, the next wrt. about selfdegradates treatment of fascists, next wrt. about the sence of a website http://repressionsopfer.regress-now.com. 3. split : The next wrt. (1. in split 3) is about the danger of right togetherness in false structures. This writing is very interesting. Then a wrt. about criminals which are trying to relate themselve about non real (commercially) successes. Next wrt. is about the coward repression in germany and europe and the last wrt. is about the best handling with the puplic press, indeed not to take these unreservedly to your knowledge Try to get a better translationtoolB, this on this websites is not even the best one. Regress _________________ "Go out and you are doing this also to potential enemies, also to those which about you did'nt think this before and also to them which only can be one day your enemy" http://democracy-for.all.at (block popups before!)pups One site is about a german victim of violent statecrime ( http://repressionsopfer.regress-now.com) and another is an writing and ideaboard ( http://democracy-for.all.at , block popups before!) Email: democracy-for@all.at E-Mail: democracy-for@all.at Website: http://democracy-for.all.at |
aanvullingen |  | Which sites canceled by german government | rg - 12.09.2005 11:23
 closed apart from the searcheingine became www.repressionsopfer.regress-now.com the entries relative www.regress-now.com, this Web address leads to a forwarding too www.democracy-for.all.at E-Mail: democracy-for@all.at | |
aanvullingen | |