Free you personally;! Rg - 11.09.2005 08:36
To free you personaly and to reach or don't lose your independent perspectives! To Develope independent perspectives is setting ahead not to be patronized and not to be overreached, also not to patronize and not to overreache other. But watch out: Falangists are controling the western world, democratically right-nationally are only so long 'til those criminals, allegedly, personally related themselve to you. This two Website are canceled by the german government in all big searchengines worldwide some days ago: Cowardly rush on individual by the german government: Writings, Ideas and Chatroom for independent life: Germany, the 09. 11. 2005 (11. of september in 2005)  Falangists are controling the western world, democratically right-nationally are only so long 'til those criminals allegedly personally related themselve to you. But these camouflage themselves also as left fellow combatants, poor beggars, old friends, successful businessmen and democratic commonwealth. And: Do not underestimate the national endeavor to place better the Falangists and also a little bit them which changed over to them after a old fascist reward system. Also they trie to place them better opposite outstandings. Straight one in Germany is this the case. But: For independent life you must learn also to save your own food, bed and personal structures. In no case move yourselfe in wrong structures or forums. This two Website are canceled by the german government in all big searchengines worldwide some days ago: Cowardly rush on individual by the german government: Writings, Ideas and Chatroom for independent life: E-Mail: Website: |