Verenigde Staties nemen de tijd albert geinstein - 16.09.2005 12:56
In een wanhopige poging om het impasse bij de Verenigde Naties te doorbreken, komt een afgezant van John Bolton met een hilarisch voorstel om de VN-Millenniumdoelen TOC te halen...  "Take It or Leave It!" Taking Your Time 751st Amendment to the UN MDG draft proposal 893b/12 to be approved by the UN General Assembly on September 16th 2005 by I.C. White (on behalf of John Bolton) Chief Inter-External Relations at the United Stations UN-US Taskforce Whereas it has been clear for some time now that the UN Millennium Development Goals will not be fully met in the proposed time schedule; whereas the extreme ambitions and ruthless optimism that have accompanied the MDGs from its very conception, is demoralizing for both the people concerned as well as the people working to realize these goals; whereas the United States have told you so (time and time again); whereas the United States believe in free trade, but only if our farmers and industry benefit from it (just like Europe, by the way); whereas we still have to show in some way that we care; whereas it is the 100th anniversary of Einsteins discovery of the relativity of time; and whereas time is definitely NOT on our side: It be resolved that, starting this very moment, all countries in the world adopt the METRIC SYSTEM FOR MEASURING TIME, where there will be 100 seconds in one minute, 100 minutes in one hour, 100 hours in one day, and 100 days in one year (and 1000 years in one millennium). This will not only make calculations much easier worldwide, it will also free up 68,464,000 old-system seconds (or more than two old system years per new system year), and thus make the year 2015 much much further away compared to the old system, which was a very stupid construction anyway. We firmly believe that this should give the United Nations enough freedom to talk about the Millennium Development Goals at a later date, preferably when there´s a new president. E-Mail: Website: |