CALL 4 NODES - Be a part, don't be apart hackmeeting 2005 - 16.09.2005 20:53
This message is a call for YOUR participation into the 2005 edition of the Hackmeeting which is taking place this October at Menorca (Spain). We are looking forward receiving proposals for nodes of work/activism/difusion/conferences and, as is getting usual, a network of activities and encounters in and around hacktivism, cyberspace, telecommunications and its technopolitical dimensions, during a full (and free) weekend. CALL 4 NODES - BE A PART, DON'T BE APART Hackmeeting 2005 "" ..:: freedom in progress... please stand by ::.. v.2.0 -------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- ..:: INTRO ::.. -------------------------------------------------------------- This message is a call for YOUR participation into the 2005 edition of the Hackmeeting which is taking place this October at Menorca (Spain). We are looking forward receiving proposals for nodes of work/activism/difusion/conferences and, as is getting usual, a network of activities and encounters in and around hacktivism, cyberspace, telecommunications and its technopolitical dimensions, during a full (and free) weekend. We've switched from the traditional call4papers to the call4nodes where the attendants are not restricted to just papers but to a wider range of media (workshops, conferences, 360º tables, expositions, posters, etc) that build-up the so-called nodes. As you already may know, the HM is actually a participative event where the breach between organizer and public melts dilluted into the necessity of collectively auto-managing the event. Thus we are looking for you! This year, the hackmeeting is being developed along the constant struggle of the liberation and finding of spaces for knowledge circulation. In the physical aspect, we won the sue por the illegal deallocation of the CSOA (Centro Social Okupado Auto-Gestionado - Auto Managed Social Center or AMSC) Labo03 [1]; at the european parliament we also won the refusal of the software patents law; at the cyberspace, our virtual meeting point, we are celebrating the constant increase of our community [2] and that of more robust, stable and of course, free systems. There are still efforts trying to set up 1984's-alike control systems around us, such as the Data Retention [3] which implementation, given the case it was approved at the EU parliament, would store about 4 years of Internet and telephone traffic even off mobiles. During our constant work for the creation of places for collective experimentation, knowledge difusion and sharing of abilities, we often clash against bureaucratically compiled programs designed to end all this kind of activities up: these materialized into police forces and estate agencies which execute inexistent judicial orders that have already obliterated the AMSC "L'Estella" from Mataró [4] --where the hackmeeting was going to take place this year-- that has been relocated at the AMSC "La Fibra" [5], and as well the AMSC "Llucalari" from Menorca was taken over, which has been also relocated to Biniancolla (Menorca) and is currently under deallocation menace. Growing under the counter-culture movement, the HackMeetings defends the right to experiment in freedom, to open up new spaces of colletive creation and to overpass our individual limitations by the reconstruction and (auto)management of the preexistent social codes and spaces. [1]The HackMeeting 2002 takes place: [2]Ten new HackLabs in Spain this year: [3]On Data Retention: [4] AMSC "L'Estella" (Mataró): [5] AMSC "La Fibra": -------------------------------------------------------------- ..:: WHERE AND WHEN ::.. -------------------------------------------------------------- [Hm.>K'05] MenorHack HACKMEETING Menorca 2005 Balearic Islands (straight to Eibissa, then turn left) "" ---> October 21, 22, 23 --- (("Es Mercadal", Menorca)) "" ---> DEADLINE FOR NODE PROPOSALS: 5th - October - 2005 --- -------------------------------------------------------------- ..:: THEMATICALS ::.. -------------------------------------------------------------- The following are some of the themes that have been treated in past editions of the hachmeeting that we'd like to debate over the upcoming, though they are not the only ones. We are always looking for the new points of view and discoveries that you may be willing to show off, debates you may want to coordinate, ideas and techniques you wish to share. * Reality hacking * Copyleft * What our defences are against copyright * Auto-managed wireless networks * Telematic counter-culture * Autonomous servers * Counter-cumber WSIS * Free software: Gnu/Linux, Debian, etc. * Criptography * Video, mediactivism * Hacktivism * e-Government: Laws, Cibercrime, infopol, censoreship, ... * e-Corporations: copyright, patents, monopolies... * New technologies in and around education * Universal access to networks, knoledge and techniques. * Civil disobedience/Information Society * Ciberpunk * Artivism * Internet history and its relationshio withj social movements * Hacker philosophy. Hackerism * Privacity, e-anonimity. * Hacklabs * Computer reciclyng * Iniciation into GNU/Linux, TCP/IP, passwording... * Phreaking * Hacking * Reverse engineering * Virus creation and spreading. Viral ethics. * Artificial Intelligence and Artificial Life * Smart cards, Digital sign. * Tips and tricks (getting power from the phone-line, building a PC-table with recycled materials...) * Is server-squatting similar to actual squatting? * 360º tables. Brainstorming * Debates on books and texts -------------------------------------------------------------- ..:: MODALITIES ::.. -------------------------------------------------------------- Modalities are all open. There go some suggestions: * Posters (explaining and sinthesizing a group's activities, someone's ideas, or the results of a project/investigation) * Conferences (About 1 and a half, or 2 hours each of them) * Workshops (About 2 or 3 hours each, with a more participative element) * Meetings for coordination * Round tables (360º) * Expositions (GPL material, old computers, ingenious inventions, new techniques...) As well as the presential modalities, the HM will provide virtual participation, so video, audio, and text-writing are always welcome to be put out on the network. -------------------------------------------------------------- ..:: HOW TO PROMOTE A NODE ::.. -------------------------------------------------------------- Every node proposal is commented in the mailing list of the HM: "" We thus ask you to subscribe to the list at: "Http://" just in case you want to start participating in the node of your proposal and watch over the process that will follow your action. In any case, to promote a node you must send an a-mail with the following heading: ''"[node] proposal_name"'' to these two addresses: " * hackmeeting @ sindominio.net2 " * charlas @" (the latter is in charge or coordination of the timetables of the HM) In the body of the message we propose you to fill-in the following data according to the nature of your proposal: '' * Information for the public/attendants:'' 0. Modality a) Conference b) Workshop c) Round table d) Poster e) Exposition f) Coordination meeting g) Other 1. Name of the author/dynamizer/coordinator 2. Title 3. Abstract 4. Keywords 5. Required knowledge for attendants 6. Structure and contents 7. Methodology: exposition, debate, getting-hands-dirty, etc. 8. Duration 9. Bibliography (if any). '' * Information for coordination:'' 10. Required material (including type of room/space, tables/chairs/whatever). 11. Preferred timetabling 12. Certainty of attendancy (from 1 to 10) 13. Documents or archives related to the node (software, presentations/text/video/audio files,...) -------------------------------------------------------------- ..:: OTHER WAYS OF PARTICIPATING ::.. -------------------------------------------------------------- Apart from the nodes, any other ways of participatin are welcomed and necessary, such as bringing/lending/donating material, wiki-editing, activities coordination, streaming, cooking, translating, etc For any further information, please refer to the mailing list through where the Assemblée is meeting permanently: "" You may subscribe to: "" -------------------------------------------------------------- ..:: FURTHER INFORMATION ::.. -------------------------------------------------------------- The first Hackmeeting was concellebrated in Fiorenza in 1998. Since then, it has been repeated anually in Italy (The last italian Hm along with all the previous links are put together at The first spanish-speech hackmeeting in Europe was cellebrated in Barcelona[6], followed by the 2001 edition at Leioa-Euskadi [7], the 2002 at Madrid [8], the 2003 at Iruña [9] and the 2004 at Seville [10]. [6] [7] [8] [9]ña03 [10] Should you require any further information, you may write to the following mailing list: or else visit directly the event's webapge: |