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21th bulletin of the Basque Observatory Basque Observatory of Human Rights-Behatokia - 23.09.2005 13:14
The subjects we have included in this issue: - Cutbacks on the right to demonstrate - Conclusions on the Jarrai-Haika-Segi trial - Two police forces 11 incommunicado detainees - Behatokia addressed the UN Human Rights Sub-commission on the issue of antiterrorist measures and human rights - Greater distances and more accidents caused by the policy of dispersal - Iñaki de Juana Chaos: arbitrary incarceration Dear friends, We are writing to you to let you know that our bulletin Nº 21 is now available on our web page, www.behatokia.info/boletin Below, you will find the subjects we have included in this issue. You can downlowd them one by one, if you prefer this to downloading the full bulletin in its usual pdf format by going to the following addresses: Full bulletin in pdf format:
http://www.behatokia.info/docs/boletinak/Islada210805eng.zip - Cutbacks on the right to demonstrate The use of ambiguous phrasing prevents establishing with precision what people still have the right to call demonstrations and what people have lost this fundamental right
http://www.behatokia.info/docs/boletinak/word/21/21manifaeng.rtf - Conclusions on the Jarrai-Haika-Segi trial Violations of several rights of the accused were observed throughout the proceedings
http://www.behatokia.info/docs/boletinak/word/21/21conclusioneseng.rtf - Two police forces 11 incommunicado detainees Several of the detainees complained they were subjected to pressure and threats and beaten while in police custody
http://www.behatokia.info/docs/boletinak/word/21/21incomunieng.rtf - Behatokia addressed the UN Human Rights Sub-commission on the issue of antiterrorist measures and human rights
http://www.behatokia.info/docs/boletinak/word/21/21onueng.rtf The full text is available in the “Infos” section of this web page. - Greater distances and more accidents caused by the policy of dispersal The last 20 prisoners transferred have been taken to jails even further away from the Basque Country
http://www.behatokia.info/docs/boletinak/word/21/21dispereng.rtf - Iñaki de Juana Chaos: arbitrary incarceration He is under a preventive imprisonment order, accused of “membership of an armed group” and “terrorist threats” for having written two articles in a newspaper.
http://www.behatokia.info/docs/boletinak/word/21/21dejuanaeng.rtf We hope you find this bulletin interesting and take the opportunity to remind you that any comment, query or suggestion will be welcome. E-Mail: info@behatokia.info Website: http://www.behatokia.info |
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