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 | pakketjes | nn - 04.10.2005 20:08
is it possible to send them packages with food in it? Or are they also denied that? | Pakketjes | Respect voor Dieren - 05.10.2005 10:24
No, they are not allowed to receive food. The only thing they can receive is post, so please send them a postcard or a letter. Keep in mind that even the smallest boring details are a welcome reader when your world is restricted between 4 walls. | ?? | nn - 05.10.2005 14:35
when do we get to find out if they have to stay in detention for two weeks or untill their courtcase? | ?? | Respect voor Dieren - 05.10.2005 22:33
This Tuesday they will both appear before the "Raadskamer", which is the place where it's will be decided whether they have to be detained for longer and/or to the courtcase which is set on November 24th. Please write them a few lines, people - time inside is boring! Show solidarity with our two comrades! | raadskamer | raadskamer - 05.10.2005 23:09
waar is die raadskamer?stad, adres.. kan je er heen gaan om ze te steunen? | Raadskamer | Respect voor Dieren - 06.10.2005 08:55
Dat staat niet bekend. Het is ook niet open voor de publiek. Alleen hun advokaten mogen mee gaan. 24 November is wel open voor iedereen. The "raadskamer"-session is not open for the public. Only their lawyers are allowed. The courtcase on November 24th is open for everyone. | Correct adres voor gevangene in Hoorn | Respect voor Dieren - 06.10.2005 19:57
Onlangs is het bekend geworden dat de adres voor de arrestant in Hoorn niet correct is, dus hij heeft geen of heel weinig post ontvangen tot nu toe. De correcte adres is: PI Noord-Holland Noord Unit De Zwaag De Compagnie 1 1689 AG Zwaag Zijn gevangenenummer: E40X klopt nog steeds. We've discovered that the address for the activist in Hoorn, is incorrect. See above for correct details. His detainee number, E40X, is correct. Please write this guy since he hasn't received much post if any at all. | Time | nn - 07.10.2005 09:46
another question, do you know at what time the courtcase begins at the 24th of november? | Time | Respect voor Dieren - 07.10.2005 17:45
No not yet. If it's the wish of the activists that this is publicised, you'll find the information on this site later. | |
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