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{LIVE} China: Forgotten minorities wed oct 5 / 20.30 hrs CET De Balie, Amsterdam - 05.10.2005 16:12
China: The Next Generation - Do China’s minorities celebrate? This evening you will be introduced to China's minorities. You will find out how Chinese authorities cope with minority-issues and will be informed first hand on the difficulties that these groups experience in their daily lifes. {LIVE RealVideo stream www.debalie.nl}  Rebiya Kadeer Freedom of expression and religion continue to be a sensitive topic in China. The global war on terror has made the problems of minorities only harder. Besides Uighur human rights activists and exile community representatives, ITC (International Campaign for Tibet) and the UNPO (Organization of non Represented Peoples) will participate in this program. Since the september 11 attacks in the United States, the Chinese authorities have used the global 'war on terrorism' to justify their crackdown on ethnic minorities who are pressing for greater autonomy over there historic regions. Arrests of so-called 'seperatists, terrorists and religious extremists' continue. Many of those charged with 'seperatist' or 'terrorist' offences face questionable trials and are reportedly sentenced to death. One of the largest minorities - the Uighurs - live in Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region (XUAR), located in the Northwest of China. The region once made up the central portion of the legendary Silk Road. The Uighurs are Turkish speaking people and primarily Muslim. At the moment, millions of Chinese immigrants control the region politically, economically and culturally. The Uighurs are suffering unemployment, discrimination and restrictions on their religious and cultural freedoms. A problem similar to the situation Tibetans increasingly face. Speakers: Uighur speaker: Mrs. Rebiya Kadeer, a prominent Uighur human rights activist. ITC (International Campaign for Tibet) speaker: Tsering Jampa Executive Director ITC Europe UNPO (Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization) speaker: Mr. Marino Busdachin General Secretary of the UNPO ITC (International Campaign for Tibet) http://www.savetibet.org UNPO (Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization) http://www.unpo.org Wednesday October 5th 20:30hrs CET (= october 6th 2.30 am Beijing timezone) RealVideo live stream: http://www.debalie.nl/live In cooperation with: Amnesty International Voorafgaand aan het debat over minderheden in China dat op 5 oktober in deBalie plaats vindt, zal Amnesty International van 19.00 uur tot 20.30 uur op stille wijze actie voeren voor de ingang. Passanten en bezoekers aan het debat kunnen een groetenkaart ondertekenen aan de Moeders van het Plein van de Hemelse vrede en op http://www.amnesty.nl een petitie ondertekenen voor vrijlating van een Oejgoerse mensenrechtenactivist. E-Mail: live @ balie.nl Website: http://www.debalie.nl/artikel.jsp?articleid=41369&podiumid=salon |
Lees meer over: Agenda CHAT! globalisering kunst, cultuur en muziek natuur, dier en mens vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen |  | |