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Bums against nukes Diet Simon - 24.10.2005 18:55
North German farmers resisting nuclear waste transports have posed nude for a pin-up calendar to raise money for legal costs. A sample can be viewed at http://www.wendlaendischer-bauernkalender.de/. When farmers resist nuclear waste being transported into their picturesque Gorleben area once a year, it usually means moving out with their tractors, blocking rails and roads with them and being booked by police. Now 13 of them have teamed up in a protest action to bring in money instead of bookings. Under the motto, “This is where we stand” they’ve posed nude for photographs in their stables or on their fields that have gone into a pin-up calendar. The money raised is to be used for fighting legal cases connected with the 28-year-old resistance to nuclear dumps in the Wendland, as the district around Gorleben in Lower Saxony is called. Local photographer Nils M. Rehfeldt, from the village of Nemitz, took the pictures of 11 men and two women. The “Wendländischer Bauernkalender” was published by Nieswand Verlag in Kiel. Susanne Kamien of the Wendland Farmers Emergency Group says the calendar premiered at the Frankfurt Book Fair, the world’s biggest, on 22 October. It’s available from bookshops for €19,80 or can be ordered by email from susannekamien@freenet.de. “The returns from the sale of the calendar are to help check the Castor and one day perhaps even checkmate it,” says the trext with the 12 pictures. “We’re not going to give up even under black-red regency,” a reference to the coalition planned between Conservatives and Social Democrats in Berlin. The Gorleben nuclear opponents are busy preparing for another rail and truck transport of 12 caskets of nuclear waste to come soon – either on the 7th or 21st of November. Previous coverage at http://germany.indymedia.org/2005/10/130508.shtml. |
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