Social tragedies as the one that affected our neighbourhood one year ago have no roots here, in our streets, among our kids, in our families. The roots of this tragedy are in the even bigger drama of a "war between civilisations", which is separating brothers and sisters worldwide, insinuating terror and fear about each other's actions, splitting populations living together. We are ruled by a government that has willingly choosen to participate to the imperialist war in middle east, a war that fosters hatred and violence worldwide, a war that is not only fought in Iraq but, as every war, affects also the homelands of everyone involved, our homes. Mohammed B is responsible of making things worst for all of us living here, because he decided to become a soldier in this war, he took up arms against a civilian and becoming a soldier made him a murderer like all other soldiers. But the current government ruling the Netherlands is the real responsible for the murder of Theo Van Gogh: for their deliberate choice to participate in a war driven by capitalist interests, for their participation in a "war on terror" that divides our own country, separates our cultures, attacks our homelands and blindy follows the logics of conquest and exploitation, at the cost of the current dead body count, in Iraq as in Schipol, here and elsewhere. The responsible is not just a single person, but the government which now makes good use of the shock of citizens, with the strategy of tension, to establish more social control, hailing xenophobia and ruling with violence. Freedom of speech can't be enforced with coercion and social control. The war and terror don't belong to us, don't belong to here. |