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More than 3300 NGO and peace movement leaders More than 3300 NGO and peace movement leaders - 03.11.2005 15:39
We need to provide the time and place when world leaders will sign and ratify the World Space Preservation Treaty.  When the first twenty U.N. Member nations sign and ratify this Treaty it becomes law, and an international (world) cooperative Outer Space Peacekeeping Agency will be established and equipped to monitor outer space and enforce the ban. The same equipment can be applied to verify agreements including the reduction and elimination of missiles (thus eliminating the need for “missile defense’), nuclear weapons, and other dangerous and polluting technology on our Earth. More than 3300 NGO and peace movement leaders and activists have signed a Petition for a U.N. Space Preservation Treaty Conference: VIEW SIGNATURES & SIGN U.N. PETITION:
http://www.peaceinspace.org For more information, please contact Institute for Cooperation in Space (ICIS) – North America 3339 West 41 Avenue Vancouver, BC V6N3E5 CANADA Tel: 604-733-8134 Fax: 604-733-8135 Email: info@peaceinspace.com Campaign: http://www.peaceinspace.org Exopolitics: http://www.exopolitics.com ICIS: http://www.peaceinspace.com Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd Institute for Cooperation in Space (ICIS) – South America PO Box 288 Loja, Ecuador Email: rosin@west.net
http://www.madretierra1.com Tel: 011 593 7 2 580687 Dr. Carol Rosin Website: http://www.peaceinspace.org |
aanvullingen |  | Adopt (Berkeley CA) Local Resolution | "Peace in Space for Peace on Earth - 03.11.2005 17:21
 "Peace in Space for Peace on Earth"by Congressman Dennis Kucinich  "A Sacred Mission"by Congressman Dennis Kucinich  "Spirit and Stardust" by Congressman Dennis Kucinich Adopt the Berkeley Space Preservation Resolution in Your Town The Berkeley Resolution can be adapted to every city. Present it to your city council, mayor, etc., and ask them to pass this in your city. Below is the Berkeley Resolution. You can also read Letters of Support and read the story of the Berkeley Resolution in our Education Section. For more information, please contact: ICIS President Dr. Carol Rosin (593-7-2) 580-269 (593-7-2) 580-687 (ECUADOR) rosin@west.net ICIS Secretary-Treasurer Alfred Webre, JD, MEd (604) 733-8134 alw@peaceinspace.com Berkeley Commissioner Leuren Moret (510) 845-3139 leurenmoret@yahoo.com Berekely Councilmember Dona Spring (510) 845-0330 donaspring@mindspring.com
Website: http://www.peaceinspace.com/sp_background.shtml | |
aanvullingen | |