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 | Meer spandoek-foto's. | Domela Jr. - 05.11.2005 23:16
   Nu met betere camera en betere flitser (waarvoor dank aan de fotograaf!).
| Proficiat | de buren in de straat - 05.11.2005 23:39
bij deze felicitaties van de buren! | arrest, unarrest | no name - 06.11.2005 16:44
 baton wound to mid back I came the Amstel with my partner, drum and tibetan trumpet and after an alarm call that informed me of the actions of the riot police. It seemed outrageous to me that such state force can be used to take down fairly harmless and banners that should be everybody's right to use as a form of expression and speech. I like to use the trumpet as a way to bring attention in the city to what is happening as the trumpet is particularly loud. The actions the police are taking under higher orders should be witnessed by as many people as possible. Noise I feel is also a good way to give support to those taking higher risks in the action. Perhaps I was a little foolish and reckless to be standing right at the front line of the riot police but I didn’t want to be intimidated by the charades and to be a close as possible to where the event was taking place. The other foolish thing was staying where I was after I felt a higher-ranking police officer pointed in my direction whilst talking in a riot cops ear. After some time of blowing the trumpet and playing the drum, eventually the riot cops under order lifted their batons and shields in threatening manner and then totally out of the blue they started charging. Like everyone else I turned to run but low and behold there was a bicycle parked right in my path. Not much choice really but to try and run over the top of it, as there were people on either side. This didn't really work and I fell to the ground and as I was falling felt the crashing blow of a baton right in the middle of my back. I curled up in a protective manner fearing more baton strikes. Next there was a whole load of people on me and they were saying 'get up', 'get up'. At this point I was a bit disorientated and I looked around and for a little while as I got up I thought they were fellow demonstrators helping me. No such luck, plain cloths police. They searched me for weapons, held me up against a van and handcuffed me. I was asked if I had any ID on me and I told them I wanted to speak to a lawyer first and be informed of my rights. I asked what I was arrested for and they said something like 'disobeying a direction'. As far as I remember the riot police charged without any warning, which I would guess in the Netherlands as in most countries, this is totally illegal. No warning was given before the police charged. After being put in the back of a van the inspector in charge of the operations asked if I had any ID and I told him the same story that I wanted to speak to a lawyer. Then he asked me if I had a quarrel with a police officer and which I replied 'no'. He then told me that they are letting me go and that there had been a mistake. They kept the trumpet however and said I could pick it up the following night at 12midnight. I think maybe I was just lucky that there was probably a no arrest policy for this action. I think maybe part of the reason for the charge was directed at me and perhaps my partner for making so much noise. This wont stop me in future actions except to take more care. I would also encourage others to have at the ready in alarm actions noisy instruments.
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