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oPeRaTiNg tHeAtRe is back tonight... oPeRaTiNg tHeAtRe - 15.11.2005 18:09
the oPeRaTiNg tHeAtRe moves on... Grand Opening @ the Squathé: From tuesday 15 november the oPeRaTiNg tHeAtRe will be screening films at a new location: Vijzelstraat 5 (next to the Pathe cinema). Dinner at 19:30, Film at 20:00 Entrance for free, but donations (including cushions, soup bowls and spoons) are welcome ................ HISTORY OF VIOLENCE David Cronenberg, 2005 A History of Violence is the tale of Tom Stall, a loving family man and well-respected citizen of a small Indiana town. But when two savage criminals show up at his diner, Tom is forced to take action and thwart the robbery attempt. Suddenly heralded as a hero who took the courage to stand up to crime, people look up to Tom as a man of high moral regard. But all that media attention has the likes of mobsters showing up at his doorstep, charging that Tom is someone else they've been looking for. Is it a case of mistaken identity or does Tom have a history that no one knows about? Either way, someone's about to find out if there's a history of violence. ................ the oPeRaTiNg tHeAtRe is a micro-cinema that occupies squatted spaces to project free films and bring different people together around the mini-moviescreen for collective reflection and discussion. the oPeRaTiNg tHeAtRe throws all kinds of stuff towards the retina of your mind's eye - from documentaries about life and struggle to re-spliced experimental trash. if you want to suggest some films to screen, create some possibilities for discussion, distribute programs around the place, help find & cook free dinners or collect and set up equipment email: operate@squat.net ................ het oPeRaTiNg tHeAtRe is een bioscoop die gekraakte ruimten gebruikt om gratis films te vertonen en verschillende mensen tot elkaar te brengen rond het mini filmscherm voor collectieve reflectie en discussie. het oPeRaTiNg tHeAtRe gooit van alles voor het netvlies van je geestesoog – van documentaires over leven en strijd tot hergemonteerde experimentele zooi. Als je filmsuggesties hebt, mogelijkheden voor discussie wilt creeeren, programma’s wilt verspreiden, wilt helpen met het vinden en koken van gratis avondeten of apparatuur wilt ophalen en opzetten, email dan:
operate@squat.net |
Lees meer over: kunst, cultuur en muziek | aanvullingen |  | thanks... | clara - 16.11.2005 13:06
thanks to everybody who made this happen by setting up the space in the last days, to the people from vijzelstraat 5 for cooking and doing the bar, for all the people who showed up, and for johnny Kapot for the live music later in the evening. and if you can think of any films you want to see or any benefit film nights then contact the operating theatre at operate@squat.net | |
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