Cities for Peace Fernando Ruiz Canales - 21.11.2005 08:09
International campaign to promote the peace  What is Cities for peace? It is an international and permanent campaign that it looks for to promote between the citizens, the commitment to obtain a coexistence between the respect nations, peace and to reject the use of the arms to solve conflicts between the nations. The inhabitants of each city who are interested in participating in the campaign, must reunite more of 300 thousand sings by city, soliciing to the governor or authority of their city, that signs the International Letter of Peace, document that contains the commitments of those citizens to promote the peace and respect between the nations and to reject its participation in military acts. Once signed the International Letter of Peace, one settles a bell and a plate in a public place, like certainty of the commitment acquired by the citizens and authorities of the city that has accepted the campaign. The authority of each city, is committed to cover the expenses of the elaboration of the bell, the plate and its installation. Any person in any country, can participate like volunteer in the promotion of this campaign, only must be registred their participation by electronic mail. The sings, can be sent in digital format by electronic mail for their registry. All the volunteers will be recognized by their activism for the peace, by means of international certainties and events. By this web page will be informed to the public on the advances into the campaign. The Law and Human rights Council, nongovernmental organism with 14 years of work in the promotion of the human rights in Mexico, is the organizer of this campaign. The volunteers who register themselves, must provide their complete name, age, nationality, city in which is going to reunite the sings and mail of contact. The objective of this campaign is to promote the peace and rejection to the military actions like means of solution to conflicts between the nations. One looks for anywhere in the world to reunite 10 million of sings to promote the peace. The sings will be given to the United Nations (the UN) like certainty of the will of the citizens to live in peace. Meaning of the logo The logo represents a candle formed by semi circles in five colors and the ignited flame. the word peace in five languages.(Spanish, English, French, German, Italian) The candle represents the hope by the peace and justice in the world. The five colors of semi circles, represent the union and coexistence of the towns in the world. INTERNATIONAL LETTER OF PEACE The citizens who we inhabited this city, we commit ourselves to make all the efforts necessary to guarantee that our city and its settlers, will not participate in military acts. We trusted the capacity of the men to coexist peacefully between the nations and rejected the use of the arms like means of solution to the international conflicts. We rejected the violence between the nations and promote the dialogue like coexistence means. In the conflicts armed between the nations, our city will offer a space to the dialogue, the reason and only will promote a respectful solution between the nations in conflict. We defend the human rights consecrated in the Universal Declaration of the Human rights and demanded our governors, the respect to those rights. In the cases of military actions between nations, we pronounced ourselves to guarantee the respect to the human rights and protection to the civil populace. The children, will have to be the main preoccupation of the nations in war and we promote their protection during military actions. We declared to our city and its population like "City for Peace" Registry of volunteers :Please visit the web page E-Mail: Website: |