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CIA AIRLINE in Netherlands-CIA AIRLINE in Nl Clayton Hallmark - 22.11.2005 05:25
QUESTION: WILL CIA AGENTS BE TREATED AS "FOREIGN COMBATANTS" BY FOREIGN COUNTRIES WHEN THEY OPERATE OUTSIDE THE LAW? There is plenty of evidence in the news of illegal (under international and non-US laws) CIA operations. The European Commission JUST ANNOUNCED (Nov. 21) it will draft a letter to the CIA asking for clarification of the CIA's use of EU airports. The CIA denies it has engaged in the practice of rendition, kidnapping people in foreign countries and transporting to countries like Egypt where they can be questioned with torture. There are also reports the CIA maintains prisons and jails on European soil, especially in Eastern European countries that are seeking to join the EU. The EU strongly warned against such jails.  Which Plane was Just in Netherlands?  CIA Hides Planes Germany, Hungary, Italy, Morocco, Norway, Poland, Romania, Spain and Sweden have all been linked to the CIA's use of planes for the transit of prisoners allegedly subjected to extra-judicial detention and torture. News media reported also that the group Human Rights Watch "claims records and other evidence point to POLAND and ROMANIA as countries that allowed their territory to be used by the CIA to jail top suspected al-Qaeda captives." We report that HRW knows that from tracing the movements of CIA planes and WE PROVIDE A LIST OF THE 28 PLANES, 8 SHELL COMPANIES, AND SEVERAL CIA-RELATED COMPANIES. Of course the CIA and the US government deny that secret airlines (illegal under US law), renditions, and torture are part of the CIA's repertoire. ------------------------------------- We have learned that there are other secret CIA prisons in Bulgaria, Ukraine, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Macedonia, and Kosovo. (We didn't fight in the republics of the former Yugoslavia just for human rights. Got some bases and perks, too.) IF YOU DO NOT SEE THE GRAPHICS (table and chart), this site must not support graphics. To see them, go to http://argentina.indymedia.org/news/2005/11/345053.php (for table) and to http://chicago.indymedia.org/newswire/display/65584/index.php (for organizational chart). The European Union reacted to a Washington Post report that the Central Intelligence Agency has set up a network of secret prisons in eight countries, including one in Afghanistan, code-named "the Salt Pit." The report cited U.S. and foreign officials as saying the CIA has been hiding and interrogating some of its most important al-Qaida captives in a Soviet-era compound somewhere in Eastern Europe. The HRW report clarifies earlier explosive reports http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/11/03/AR2005110301732.html in the mainstream media. In the linked article, Dana Priest declined to name the countries, planes, and companies. How does Human Rights Watch know about the secret jails? Planespotters, that's how. The aviation enthusiasts follow the travels of planes, take photos, and post the photos and locations to websites like http://www.Planespotters.net , http://www.JetPhotos.Net and http://www.Jetspotter.com . A Boeing 737 "leased" by the CIA to transport prisoners departed from Kabul, Afghanistan, and made stops at remote airfields in POLAND and ROMANIA before continuing on to Morocco and then to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, according to HRW. So POLAND and ROMANIA are two of the several Eastern European countries earlier reports only alluded to. We can be sure that planespotters soon will identify the rest. "HUMAN RIGHTS" Not to be paranoid, but even HRW is not an unmitigated blessing. "Human rights" can be a shibboleth used to justify military intervention by the United States. In the case of the countries of the former Yugoslavia it certainly was. We conducted massive World War II-style bombing there under Bill Clinton, in the name of "human rights" and stopping genocide, mainly stopping genocide against Muslims. Now we are using those republics and other Balkan states to abuse human rights, mainly of Muslims, with prisons and rendition flights. Beware militarists bearing "human rights." As for Iraq, now that the Niger Forgeries and other Bush Administration lies that misled us into Iraq have been exposed, getting rid of Saddam Hussein in the name of "human rights" has replaced WMD as the excuse. The US human rights idea is: Free 'em: Dead or Alive (as long as it suits US geopolitical goals). The accompanying table shows the CIA shell companies and the planes they own, including the 737, which has the FAA-assigned tail number (N-number for US planes) N4476S. At least three of the planes, marked with asterisks, are used for "rendition" (kidnap-torture) flights. Naturally the tail numbers are changed when the planes' use for torture flights to secret no-justice prisons is revealed. HOW THE CIA'S AIRLINE WORKS The 737, which is the flagship of The CIA Airline, is not really leased by the CIA. It is owned by a CIA shell company, Keeler and Tate Management, LLC. Like other CIA shell companies, it has no employees, no business premises, and no website. In lieu of these, it has a CIA-contracted lawyer who provides a mail drop, registers the company with the state and the planes with the FAA, and interfaces in other necessary ways with government agencies and the public. The lawyer provides many of the legal services needed by a normal company, including a place to serve legal papers and court documents on the company. The address of Keeler and Tate is 245 E. Liberty St., Suite 510, Reno, Nevada 89501 (Washoe county). The corporation information provided to the Nevada secretary of state lists the resident agent as Steven F. Petersen, an attorney whose address and phone number are the same as Keeler and Tate's. The only company officer listed is Tyler Edward Tate of the same address. Some newspapers have tried to track down CIA shell company directors like and have found that they almost always are fictitious persons, like "Tate," and once in a while figureheads -- misguided, or misled, persons who lend their name in the name of patriotism. Tracing the officers of the shell companies is a futile exercise. Basically, the only real people working for the shell companies are the private attorneys. (The CIA "proprietaries" are a different matter.) The address of Keeler and Tate and of the lawyer Petersen is shared by Lexalt Group West, the law firm of Paul D. Laxalt and Peter D. Laxalt. Paul D. Lexalt is a former Republican senator from Nevada. His law firm specializes in "political public relations services." So does Petersen's, which has the same address and phone number. Laxalt, the former US senator whose address and phone number are used by the owners of the CIA's 737 prison plane, was a close friend of Republican icon Ronald Reagan. When Reagan was president, Laxalt was referred to as the "First Friend." The Ghost of the Gipper is with us. Besides the shell companies, there are at least four CIA "proprietary" companies that actually have operations, employees, and premises. These companies provide things like flight crews, full-service operation of planes, avionics, or an owner-operator function. Beware of disinformation/psyops agents thay deny the truth of these graphics. The table is like the one the New York Times referred to. The chart is like the one the Washington Post showed to the CIA. The graphics will be proved right. |
Lees meer over: globalisering | aanvullingen | spotters opgelet! | Akela - 23.11.2005 00:55
Deze vliegtuigen deden eerder coalitie partner Denemarken aan: N1016M, N1018H, N120JM, N1210Z, N157A, N162EM, N168BF, N168D, N169KT, N173S, N187D, N196D, N1HC, N204FN, N212AZ, N212CP, N2138T, N2189M, N219D, N221SG, N229AL, N229WJ, N312ME, N315CR, N33NJ, N35NK, N368CE, N381AA, N393DF, N4009L N403VP, N4042J, N418MN, N42HN, N4456A, N4489A, N4557C, N470JF, N475LC, N478GS N505LL, N50BH, N5117H en N5139A | Vermoedelijk CIA toestel | snoecks - 15.12.2005 13:25
N1HC geland te Rotterdam Airport 14/12/2005 komende van Frankfurt. | |
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