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Documentaire over uitlevering Maarten Blok Steun Maarten! - 22.11.2005 10:35
Op dinsdag 29 november zal er een voorvertonig zijn van de lange documentaire over de uitlevering van Maarten Blok aan Zweden, open voor publiek On Tuesday the 29th of November there will be a prescreening of the long documetary on the expradition of Maarten Blok to Sweden, open for the public  Je bent van harte welkom bij de voorvertoning van de documentaire over de uitlevering van Maarten Blok aan Zweden op dinsdag 29 november om acht of tien uur ‘s avonds op de Nieuwe Achtergracht 64hs in Amsterdam. Om te zorgen dat er voor iedereen plek is vragen we je van te voren even te mailen dat je komt: info@steunmaarten.org You are welcome to join us with the prescreening of the documetary on the extradition of Maarten Blok to Sweden on Tuesday the 29th of November either at 8 or 10 o’clock at night, at the Nieuwe Achtergracht 64hs in Amsterdam. To make sure we can seat everyone we ask you to mail that you are coming: info@steunmaarten.org The Blok Case - Synopsis On the 14th of June 2001 Amsterdam resident Maarten Blok is in the Swedish town of Gothenburg to demonstrate against the Euro summit. Shortly before President Bush will be passing by, the place where he and his fellow protestors sleep is cordoned off by sea containers. As he tries to escape he is beaten and arrested by the police; later he gets deported from Sweden. Obviously Maarten is angry and files a complaint against the Swedish police. Several months later he is informed that Sweden has requested his extradition because he is supposed to have severely battered a policeman. The Dutch government turns out only too willing to expel a Dutch citizen. For three years Maarten, with the help of many friends at home and abroad, fights against his expulsion and for a fair trial. His case gradually gets more support and publicity, but it is of no avail: on the 31st of August Donner, the Dutch Minister of Justice, decides to have Maarten extradited to Sweden. A month later a group of friends and relatives travels to Gothenburg, where athrilling trial begins. The book on Maartens case is still for sale: in the bookstore or over the Internet.
http://www.supportmaarten.org English version is coming up soon. E-Mail: info@steunmaarten.org Website: http://www.steunmaarten.org |
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