Flipper against a worldcrisis ! Flipper - 02.12.2005 13:07
Well, it's high time we went. Direction: Flipécoland !  According to Flipper (that's me !) it's high time we went. Flipper was throwing out of severals sites/forums... as www.dsg.nl and www.dvhn.nl And why... ? Mmmm..., just for the reason that i spoke the truth. Well, i admit, sometime i excellerating a little bit and i did make use of my friends: doctor Haaibaai, the Krakens and Seahorse... But is that a reason ? Meanpoint is/was... i told the people what they got to do to create a better world. As an example (and nothing more...!) i use Flipécoland. Well, and here we are. I (Flipper) was overstepping my bounds for telling the truth to people. Mmmm..., it seems no one in this world can stand it if you tell him/her the truth. What a world ! I assume that this message also disappear as soon as possible... the reason: well, i told people that i told people the truth. Even that will probably be enough to clean up this. Your sincerely: Flipper E-Mail: haaiflip@hotmail.com Website: http://www.bloggers.nl/flippers |