The Battle of Algiers @ oPeRaTiNg tHeAtRe oPeRaTiNg tHeAtRe - 03.12.2005 14:23
Tuesday December 6th, the oPeRaTiNg tHeAtRe presents "The Battle of Algiers" Directed by Gillo Pontecorvo with Brahim Haggiag and Jean Martin, black and white, 120 minutes, 1965, french spoken / english subtitles. The Battle of Algiers depicts the struggle to create an independent Algerian state, from the beginnings of rebellion in 1954 to the country’s eventual liberation in 1962. This docudrama combines some actual newsreel footage with staged sequences featuring amateur and professional actors playing characters based on real people. It emphasizes the organization of guerrilla forces and the methods used by the French government to stifle resistance. The Battle of Algiers was the first feature film produced in Algeria by Algerians (although the director and much of the film’s crew were Italian). Forbidden in France from 1966 till 1971, the film won the Venise Mostra in 1966. In 2003, the Pentagone is showing the movie to the troops heading to Irak. For the first time on french television in 2004! open: 19:00 voku: 19:30 films: 20:30 Entrance for free, but donations are welcome oPeRaTiNg tHeAtRe New location: Vijzelstraat 5A (next to Pathé!), Amsterdam |