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fotos (c) | vlo - 17.12.2005 22:38
Hoi Arend leuk verslag, maar waarom neem je (c) fotos over? niet alleen kan dit er toe leiden dat indymedia gesommeerd wordt deze fotos weg te halen, ook promoveert het niet de alternatieven waar wij voor staan, zoals onder andere, de creative commons licenses. bovendien zou het ook sieren als je laat zien welke bronnen je gebruikt hebt zodat anderen de informatie ook kunnen verifieren voor zichzelf. Herpost zonder foto's en vervolgens zal de posting blijven, anders is het volgens indymedia spelregels prullebak...
| lees ook | Guido - 18.12.2005 04:01
"Dec 17th, HK: (i) Pakistan's Commerce Minister and facilitator Humayun Akhtar Khan has stated "no breakdowns or breakthroughs" had occurred during the WTO talks, although with news circulating that no new agreement may be signed, the International League of Peoples' Struggle (ILPS) are now preparing for a "celebratory mass action" tomorrow. (ii) Big protests took place in the evening, reports say people were confronted with a large police presence. The police used a lot of pepperspray to try and disperse people. (iii) Hong Kong Police stopped the protest from approaching the conference center. Teargas and rubber-bullets were used. Some of the protesters were injured. 900 people are besieged in Wanchai near the conference center. 3:30am: Arrests have now begun. Protesters are being loaded onto buses. (iv) Police have cornered and threatened to arrest 1000 protesters during a peaceful street occupation 1 block from the convention centre. They've been held there for the last 3 hours. Protesters are asking for support from the activist community to proceed with an international appeal to have the protesters released immideately, have their human rights respected, as the actions of the police are undignified."
http://targetwto.revolt.org/taxonomy_menu/1 | |
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