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No Dutch troops to Afghanistan: demo report Stop torture at Bagram air base - 22.12.2005 15:40
Today, there was a demonstration in The Hague, against sending Dutch troops to Afghanistan.  Afghan refugees demonstrate in The Hague, also on Plein square Today, there was a demonstration in The Hague, against sending Dutch troops to Afghanistan. There is much resistance against that. At the demonstration, on the Plein square, there were speeches on behalf of the peace movement, parents of Dutch soldiers, Groenfront! environmentalists, and Afghan refugees living in The Netherlands. See demonstration report at http://dearkitty.modblog.com/core.mod?show=blogview&blog_id=792377 |
Lees meer over: militarisme wereldcrisis | aanvullingen | koekoeroe | telewokwok - 22.12.2005 16:00
Vanavond bij Koekoeroe Reedio (18-20 uur) wat geluidsopnames van de demonstratie in Den Haag (die aanmerkelijk kleiner was dan bovenstaande foto suggereert...) tegen het zenden van NL soldaten naar Afghanistan. Via internet live te beluisteren en 1 week in het archief van Koekoeroe.
E-Mail: telewokwok@gmx.net Website: http://squat.net/koekoeroe | Foto | Stop torture at Bagram air base - 22.12.2005 16:13
Inderdaad, die foto had ik nog van de zelfde plaats, over het zelfde land. | |
aanvullingen | |