8 maart internationale vrouwendag Prime - 14.01.2006 19:25
8 Maart Internationale Vrouwendag. Internationale demonstratie voor vrouwenrechten in Iran. Uitnodiging Den Haag 03-01-2006 Beste mensen, 8 Maart Internationale Vrouwendag. Internationale demonstratie voor vrouwenrechten in Iran. Uitnodiging Allereerst de beste wensen voor dit nieuwe jaar! Graag vragen wij uw aandacht voor het volgende: Op 7 maart aanstaande zal er een grote groep prominente progressieve Iraanse vrouwen van over de hele wereld naar Den Haag komen om op internationale vrouwendag te demonstreren voor meer rechten voor vrouwen in Iran. De demonstratie op 8 maart wordt de afsluiting van een tournee die in de eerste week van maart in Duitsland begint. Daar worden in 4 steden demonstraties en bijeenkomsten door de Iraanse vrouwen gehouden in samenwerking met Duitse vrouwenorganisaties. Zoals bekend staan de vrouwenrechten in Iran al jaren onder grote druk en dit wordt er met de nieuwe conservatieve regering beslist niet beter op. De demonstratie kan een grote impact hebben op de vrouwenbeweging in Iran. Uiteraard is Iran niet het enige land waar vrouwenrechten onder druk staan. Wereldwijd is de strijd tegen geweld tegen vrouwen en tegen vrouwenonderdrukking nog altijd een belangrijk thema. Juist daarom is een zo breed mogelijke internationale solidariteit het beste wapen om in deze situatie verandering te brengen. De demonstratie in Den Haag zal beginnen op het Malieveld en na een bezoek aan de Iraanse ambassade zal een afsluitende manifestatie gehouden worden bij het Vredespaleis. Om deze demonstratie tot een echt succes te maken is ondersteuning vanuit in Nederland gevestigde progressieve organisaties van essentieel belang. Vandaar dat wij u middels deze brief willen uitnodigen voor een eerste voorbereidings- bijeenkomst op vrijdagmiddag 20 januari om 14.00 uur op het kantoor van Prime, Stationsweg 62, Den Haag. (Vlakbij Station Den Haag HS). Op deze bijeenkomst kan een ieder suggesties en ideeen voor de demonstratie/manifestatie ter berde brengen. Het is de bedoeling dat de demonstratie van 8 maart een open karakter krijgt waarin iedere groep zichzelf kan laten zien en kenbaar maken. Als bijlage bij deze uitnodiging sturen wij u de eerste verklaring van de Iraanse vrouwenbeweging. Mcoht u het met deze verklaring eens zijn dan is het mogelijk om deze verklaring mede te ondertekenen. Wij hopen dat u aan deze uitnodiging gehoor zult willen/kunnen geven, zodat wij gezamenlijk de Iraanse vrouwen de steun kunnen geven die zij hard nodig hebben. Met Vriendelijke groet, Achmed Pouri, PRIME Wytze de Lange, XminY Solidariteitsfonds Vrouwenorganisatie van 8 maart ( Iraans- Afghaans afdeling Nederland) Meer informatie: tel. 070-3050415 / 06-55362313 (Prime) ********************************************* If you are against death by stoning! If you are against forced veiling! If you are against prosecution and imprisonment of women! If you are against lashing a woman’s body! If you are against any form of patriarchy! If you are against all the medieval laws of Iran’s Islamic Republic of Iran imposing inequality against women! Join the great walk against anti women laws in Iran’s Islamic Republic on March 8th 2006! For over 25 years one of the most anti women governments of the world has ruled Iran. A government whose fundamental existence is based upon oppressive laws securing domination of women. For over 25 years Iranian women have struggled and resisted against poverty and injustice in the political, cultural and economical aspects of life . Women have endured being lashed, stoned to death , jailed, tortured and executed, but they have not surrendered to the medieval laws of Iran’s Islamic Republic. March 8th 2006 is a time to show, once more our solidarity with the relentless struggles of Iranian women. We should make this day, a day for expressing exciting and magnificent exhibitions of solidarity against the anti- woman system of Iran’s Islamic Republic. We, the women of the “Campaign for the abolition of all Legislation confirming inequality and imposing Islamic punishment on Iranian Women”, will observe International women’s day, by organising a great walk from Germany to Holland. (The details of this walk which will be concluded in front of the International court of Human Rights in Hague, will be announced later.) This rally is the right place for : Any woman, who feels brutalised by hearing news that her sisters are stoned to death in Iran. Any woman, who has felt the bitterness of punishment by lashing simply for defending the right to choose her own clothes. Any woman, who refuses to surrender to inferiority and inequality. Any woman, who fights for the right to control her own body. Any woman, who is struggling for determine her own destiny. Any woman who believes in a woman’s right to divorce, the right to travel, the right of choice, the right of custody and all other basic human rights. Any woman, who is not willing to submit to the medieval laws of the Islamic Republic. Any woman who wants to abolish the interference of religion in all aspects of political and social life, in particular when it concerns women’s lives. In this rally, there is a place for all freedom loving women and men, all political and progressive and revolutionary forces, who want equality between men and women in every aspects of life, a place for all those who oppose gender discrimination in any form. Freedom loving men and women! Your active participation in this walk will resonate the voice of the just struggles of Iranian women. We want this voice to be heard throughout the world, and we want to mobilise the International women’s movement against world Imperialism, the main protector of male chauvinism in every corner of this world. Let us play our role in burying this medieval regime, by joining in solidarity with the struggles of Iranian people. Let us pay our respect to the needs and demands of Iranian women whose struggles have become the shining example of these struggles. No doubt the degree of progress and freedom in any society is measured by the rights and liberty of women in that society. Campaign for the abolition of all legislation confirming inequality and imposing Islamic punishment on Iranian Women. November 2005 ********************************************* A Call for Solidarity with Women in Iran March on March 8, 2006 For Abolition of all Misogynic Laws in Iran Dear friends, On the occasion of March 8, international woman’s day, the women of “Campaign for Abolition of all Misogynic Gender Based legislation & Islamic Punitive Laws in Iran” have planned a daring march which will start on March 4 from Frankfort (Germany) and end on March 8 in the city of The Hague (the Netherlands) in front of The Hague international court. This march will bring together activists of Iranian women’s movement in exile as well as hundreds of other Iranian men and women who have joined hands to protest 27 years of repression against the women in Iran by the Islamic Republic of Iran. The protest will strongly put forward the demand for immediate abolition of all gender based and gender biased legislation and Islamic punitive laws. These laws criminalize women on the grounds of such simple normal habits of life as uncovered hair and un- Islamic clothing (anything except head to toe cover) in public, strolling in public with men of not blood relations or husband. These laws condemn to death by hanging or stoning unfaithful wives and “un-virtuous” women; they allow the father to marry off his 9 years old daughter; they give a free hand to men to kill their wives, siblings, mothers and daughters for matters of “honor”. Women have to obtain an officially signed permission from husband to travel. Women are called half of men in matters such as witnessing in courts. Wives can be divorced unilaterally or can never obtain divorce if they want to. Abortion is illegal and a crime. Islamic judges can interpret all other matters not spelled in the law by relying on the sharia and their own interpretations by referring to books written by any Ayatollah (high ranking priest in Islamic hierarchy). These laws represent and impose a state of semi- slavery social relations on women. They have strengthened the already brutal patriarchal and male supremacist relations in the country. A vast apparatus of morality police is set up to keep an eye on women so that if they violate these medieval moral code of conducts they would be arrested and lashed, imprisoned or stoned to death. Welcome to dark ages in 21st century. After the overthrow of the Shah’s regime and its replacement by this regime, the struggle of the Iranian women for liberation entered a new phase, which was launched on March 8, 1979 with the slogan of: “We did not Make Revolution to Go Backwards”! This was in defiance to Ayatollah Khomeini’s call for mandatory veiling of women. In the last 27 years the women have resisted this oppression in many ways. ´ The struggle of women of Iran is against Islamic Republic of Iran but is not for any other center of power in the World—such as the USA for example! This needs a clarification because the government of the USA proclaiming to be great democracy donor in the Middle East has called itself a liberator of the women of Middle East from the yoke of Islamic fundamentalism. This is a ridiculous claim which makes a mockery of what liberation is and is an insult to the women of the Middle East. If anybody had been taken in by this self styled liberator of the women of ME, the march of events in Afghanistan and Iraq have proven that he/she had been badly fooled. If still they believe that George Bush and his ilk are women liberators please talk to women fighting to prevent George Bush from taking away their right to abortion as well as dominating the Christian fascists on every aspect of the lives of women in the USA itself. What George Bush is taking away from the women in the USA will not deliver to the women in Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan or any other country. A section of progressive people in the West who are against occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq by the US, for the fear of ending up on the same side with the US government hesitate to actively promote the struggle of the peoples of Iran and specifically the struggle of the women, against the Islamic Republic regime. This is exactly the trap that the US government has laid out for these progressive forces. The US government agencies have been cultivating a pro-US group of “Iranian women”, “Iranian opposition”, in order to give a lift face to the imperialist plans of the US. The only forces that can turn the table on them are the peoples of Iran and their genuine struggle against Islamic Republic of Iran. It is a fatal mistake to defend the reactionary states in the Middle East or reactionary Islamic fundamentalist groups in order to oppose the US imperialism. These forces all belong to the same category: anti people category. The oppressed women of Iran, Iraq, and Afghanistan along with the oppressed women in other parts of the world are all part of the people of the world. We are all one people on the four corners of the world fighting to liberate ourselves from the injustices of this world. And it is the people of the world that we want to stand with us in our fight against the reactionary Islamic Republic of Iran. Dear friends, We call upon you to support our campaign and the march that has been organized for March 8, 2006 and join us to make it a resounding victory. We call upon all progressive individuals and forces in the global anti- war movement not to hesitate to strengthen the genuine voice of the people’s movement in Iran. The Bushite policy of “with us or against us” is aiming to polarize the peoples of world on the basis of parasitic interests of the US imperialism. In reality it is we the people of the world vs. them the imperialist powers and all reactionary states. The imperialists and reactionaries can sometimes have feud among them but let us stick together and polarize the political scenes in the interests of the peoples of the world. This is another global reason why it is important for the anti imperialist forces of the world to unite with the Campaign for Abolition of all Misogynic Gender Based legislation & Islamic Punitive Laws in Iran. Celebrate March 8, 2006 with us and all Middle Eastern women in fight and help us to build the independent ranks of the women of Middle East against the US imperialism as well as the reactionary states governing these countries. Sign the campaign form in solidarity in the underlying sites. Contact us through e mails in order to coordinate for March 8, 2006 Help distribute this call to all organizations and individuals who would care to stand with us and strengthen our cause. Let us know in advance in any special way you can contribute to the March.
zan_dem_iran@hotmail.com www.karzar_zanan.com ********************************************* To all women who suffer from inequality To all activists and organisations of the Iranian women’s Movement In the last 26 years, Islamic legislation has deprived Iranian women of the most basic human rights. Forced veil has reduced women to second class citizens. Honour killing is legal and women are condemned to hanging and death by stoning for ‘unchaste behaviour’. Forced segregation has lead to women’s isolation, reducing their role in society. The youth are deprived of free association . Homosexuals are pursued as criminals. Polygamy and temporary marriages (Sigheh) are not only legal but they are promoted by the state. Legislation regarding marriage and divorce, has deprived women of a free choice in finding a spouse, the right to have children, the right to become guardian of their own children, the right to choose employment, the right to work or not to work, the right to travel. For 26 years, the Iranian theocratic state has secured the imposition of all these anti women laws with street vigilantes, courts, prisons, hanging and stoning to death. It is 26 years that deprivation from basic rights has made women’s lives hell. Addiction, prostitution, suicide, self-immolation are increasing at a frightening rate amongst women. For the last 26 years, our struggle against inequality has taken many forms. In the streets, in the first demonstrations against forced veil, in prisons and under horrific torture, when young prisoners were raped so that they would not ‘ascend to heaven’. Iranian women have fought daily against security forces who attack them for ‘insufficient veil’, in the corridors of divorce and custody courts, against sexual discrimination in schools and universities… We have fought in so many ways to prove our existence, against these anti-women legislations and the prevailing patriarchal culture. In recent struggles, we have made sure the world remembers Zahra Kazemi, we have delayed the death by stoning of Hajiyeh and we have managed to obtain the release of Afsaneh Norouzi form prison. However as long as the unequal, anti women legislations remain, women will not escape slavery. As long as these laws exist, women like Atefeh will be executed, others will be stoned to death like Shahgol. These enslaving laws are the pillars of the religious state in Iran. These laws and all the repressive organs guaranteeing their implementation make sure women are held down completely. Without the abolition of these laws, the separation of state and religion is meaningless. It is up to every free minded person to raise her/his voice against these anti human laws and to struggle for their abolition. The battle to abolish these laws is a struggle to overthrow Iran’s Islamic regime and for the establishment of a different order, where women’s equality in all aspects are recognized and guaranteed. When these medieval laws were passed, when they forced the veil on our heads and when they executed political opponents, Western governments watched in quiet satisfaction. Now that our struggles have forced the regime to retreat, now that we have made the world hear our voices, they falsely claim support for us. The experience of women throughout the world, especially in Afghanistan and Iraq has proved that the current political, economic and military powers of the world offer nothing but more poverty and exploitation. Everything we have achieved so far has been through our own efforts and it will be the same in future. Let us join forces and create a powerful united campaign to eradicate these unequal laws and Islamic punishments against women as soon as possible. Let us make our voice in opposition to these laws heard throughout the world. Let us create such a storm that no one would ever dare impose such retrograde laws on us. Campaign for Abolition of all Misogynic Gender Based legislation & Islamic Punitive Laws in Iran 8 March Women Organization (Iranian-Afghanistan), International Association of Advanced Women, Women’s Committee of the Iranian Association in London, Simin Azad, Narges Azad ,Bita Asghari, Maryam Afrasiabpoor, Fatemih Eghdami, Parisa Amjadi ,Ashraf sadat Omidmehr, Mahzad Omidmehr, Mahraz Omidmehr, Sina Ansari, Shole Irani, Zivar Bamiri, Parvane Bokah, Nahid Bahmani, Nahid Bagheri, Iran Parvaresh, Maryam Pooya, Esti Pierot, iSusan Poyan, Asti Pirooti, Laleh Hosseinpoor, Mitra Hoghoughi, Parvane Hamidi, Nasrin Hagh go, Zohre Khaje, Manige Khaje, Firouzeh Rad, Sadafe Rad, Hale Rasi, Mahshid Rasti, Niousha Ramesani , Ghazal Ramezani , Mahnaz Raha , Saba Rahi, Mehri Zand, Soraya Zangbari, Mina Zarin ,Mino Sotoodeh, Parvaneh Soltani, Azizeh Shahmoradi, Gissoo Shakeri, Masi Sherafati , Elahe Shokraee, Azita Shafazand, Bano Saberi,Ferasat Salehi, Mino Samadi, Shoko Tavafchiyan, Shoko Atefi, Setare Abassi, Rokni eshghe elahi,Maryam Azimi, Homa Alizadeh, Zahra Erfani, Homa Ghafoori, Negar fekri, Akhgar Farzaneh, Homa Fallah, Firouze Fouladi, Hayde Fouladi, Leila Gharaee, Shahmira Gharaee, Amene Kaka baveh, Zahra Kameli, Ziba Karbasi, Vida Hoshyar, Sedighe Mohamadi, Nahid mohamadi, Homa Moradi, Zaman Masoodi, Azar Mossavat, Shahzad Mojab, Parvane Mansor Niya,Nasime Mahdavi, Yassamin Mezar, Mahnaz Moghadam, Jamile Nedai, Nahid Naeemi, Maryam Nouri, Hamila Neesgili, Sara Nikoo, Zoei Neyrizi Shams yasdani, Atousa Vali Sichani, Karol Hill - Jakje Wright - Sandra Gibbs - Kitty Uyleman- Rohna Shrestha - Annie - Conklin- Magaly Mennanteaox- Susan George- Ema Naughton - ca Jameson- Catriona Cllis- Erika Favory -Shona Lillie- Kristen Lillie- from Bosnia -Senia Cavsevic from Japan- Anri Ishimaru - from Japan- Saori Ishimaru - Dorothy Kidd --Elaire Young- Caroline Macgregor - Anna Hoyles Maria Nikita- Tina Oisheav M A Gurst-Alison- Gilbert - AP Alexander- Janice Brown- Carole Woodman- Am Guoan - Jeanette O Stversen- Rebecca ockerHouzan Mohmoud- Clare BielbyLaura Schwart - Sally Murclock - Suzy Milburn- Maria Gianneu- klara Zandus- Ana Maria -MentulGiesela Reussl - Maria Schmeidt Petra- Riet Hoogendijk - Dilara smit -
zan_dem_iran@hotmail.com www.karzar-zanan.com E-Mail: prime95@xs4all.nl Website: http://www.prime95.nl |