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Demand EU-Initiative against Jap. Whaling Claire - 17.01.2006 10:56
Starting from Jan. 1, Austria has taken over the presidency in the EU. Send protests against the inactivity of the EU to the Austrian minister of foreign affairs, Ursula Plassnik and the chancellor. Demand an official protest from Austria against illegal whaling of Japan.   Whales are currently slaughtered by a highly illegal Japaese operation. The regulations and the moratorium of the International Whaling Commission, the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary, the Antarctic Treaty territory and the Australian Antarctic Territory is being violated. The rules of the Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) are being violated, too. Up to now the violations are tolerated by those countries voting in the IWC for the protection of whales. They are all EU-countries and among others Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the USA. The two European pirate whaling countries, Norway and Iceland, are not members of the EU. Starting from Jan. 1, Austria has taken over the presidency in the EU. Send protests against the inactivity of the EU to the Austrian minister of foreign affairs, Ursula Plassnik and the chancellor. Demand an official protest from Austria against illegal whaling of Japan. If you live in a country that supports a ban on whaling an obvious contact is your embassy in Vienna. The embassy could coordinate a joint effort of the EU and your country. SITUATION IN ANTARCTICA Three ships of the two organizations Greenpeace and Sea Shepherd take direct action in the Antarctica against Japanese whalers. For recent informations view the following homepages or read Australian newspapers. www.seashepherd.org www.greenpeace.org melbourne.indymedia.org THE AUSTRIAN GOVERNMENT All numbers are indicated for international contact. Inside Austria you have to delete the international code 0043, add a zero; 0043 1 531 15 0 turns to 01 531 15 0, inside Vienna ignore the 01. From most countries +43 is synonymous with dialling 0043. Federal Chancellor Wolfgang Schüssel Bundeskanzleramt Ballhausplatz 2 1010 Wien T: 0043 1 53115 0 F: 0043 1 53115 2209
wolfgang.schuessel@bka.gv.at Foreign Minister Ursula Plassnik Bundesministerium für auswärtige Angelegenheiten Minoritenplatz 8 1014 Wien T: 0043 5 01150 0 F: 0043 5 01159 0
kabbm@bmaa.gv.at Aditionally you can contact the embassy of Austria in your country. It is recommended to send a copy of your message to the minister or chancellor to the embassy. Here are some embassies of Austria. If yours is not listed: http://www.bmaa.gv.at/view.php3?r_id=204&LNG=de&version= EMBASSIES of Austria Australia 12 Talbot Street, Forrest, ACT 2603 P.O.B. 3375, Manuka, ACT 2603 Tel: (+61/2) 6295 1533 and (+61/2) 6295 1376 Fax: (+61/2) 6239 6751 E-Mail: canberra-ob@bmaa.gv.at Internet: www.austriaemb.org.au Germany Stauffenbergstraße 1 10785 Berlin Telefon: (+49/30) 202 870 Telefax: (+49/30) 229 05 69 E-Mail: berlin-ob@bmaa.gv.at Netherlands van Alkemadelaan 342 2597 AS Den Haag Postbus 96855, 2509 JG Den Haag Telefon: (+31/70) 324 54 70 (+31/70) 324 54 71 (+31/70) 324 54 72 (+31/70) 328 21 32 Fax: (+31/70) 32 82 066 E-Mail: den-haag-ob@bmaa.gv.at UK 18, Belgrave Mews West London SW1X 8HU Telefon: (+44/20) 7235-3731 Telefax: (+44/20) 7344-0292 E-Mail: london-ob@bmaa.gv.at USA 3524 International Court N.W. Washington D.C. 20008 Telefon: (+1/202) 895 67 00 Telefax: (+1/202) 895 67 50 E-Mail: washington-ob@bmaa.gv.at There are a lot of regional consulates in some countries to be contacted, too. EMBASSIES OF COUNTRIES IN AUSTRIA Maybe you want to urge the embassy of your country in Austria to launch a common initiative to enforce the ban on whaling. Here are some addresses of embassies. If yours is not listed here consult the homepage of your minister for foreign affairs or go to a search engine and enter "embassy vienna" and your country. The name given is the name of the ambassador. Deborah Stokes Australia Matiellistr. 2-4 1040 Wien T: +43 1 50 674 112 F: +43 1 504 1178
austemb@aon.at Philippe Nieuwenhuys Belgium Wohllebeng. 6 1040 Wien T: +43 1 502 070 F: +43 1 502 07 22
Vienna@diplobel.be Marie Gervais-Vidricaire Canada Laurenzergerg. 2 1010 Wien T: +43 1 531 38 30000 F: +43 1 531 38 3321 or +43 1 531 38 3905
vienn-gr@international.gc.ca Mr. J.J. de Visser Netherlands Opernring 5 1010 Wien T: +43 1 589 39 media contact: T: +43 1 589 39 215 F: +43 1 589 39 265
nlgovwen@eunet.at Hans-Henning Horstmann Germany Reisnerstr. 44 1030 Wien T: 0043 1 711 54 0 F: 0043 1 713 83 66 und 715 34 50
info@wien.diplo.de Johann Bucher Switzerland Prinz Eugen Str. 7 1030 Wien T: 0043 1 795 05 0 F: 0043 1 795 05 21
vertretung@vie.rep.admin.ch John Malcolm Macgregor UK Jauresgasse 12 1030 Wien T: +43 1 716 130 F: +43 1 716 13 2999 and 2900
press@britishembassy.at USA Boltzmanng. 16 1090 Wien T: +43 1 313 390 Fax: (+43-1) 310 06 82
embassy@usembassy.at PROTEST DIRECTLY: JAPAN Japanese Embassy in Vienna Heßgasse 6 1010 Wien T: 0043 1 531 92 0 F: 0043 1 532 05 90
info@embjp.at FREE FAX SERVICE You can use a free email-to-fax service to Austria. Go to www.denotos.de. It allows one short fax per hour. DISTRIBUTE It is essential to get mass participation, so please distribute this to newsgroups, chatrooms, friends etc. |
Lees meer over: natuur, dier en mens | aanvullingen | 17 Governments protest against whaling | Claire - 20.01.2006 11:40
The 17 governments comprehensively denounced the so-called scientific hunt as a sham, noting that "Japan is now killing more whales in the Antarctic every year than it killed for scientific research in the 31 years prior to the introduction of the moratorium on commercial whaling." They further express "grave concerns" that the hunt "will undermine the long-term viability" of both fin and humpback whales. NOT PARTICIPATING were The Netherlands, Denmark, Eastern European countries, and of course the pirate whaling outlaws Norway and Iceland. Therefore: Urge the Austrian embassy in the Netherlands (Austria is a signatoring state) to intervene: Netherlands van Alkemadelaan 342 2597 AS Den Haag Postbus 96855, 2509 JG Den Haag Telefon: (+31/70) 324 54 70 (+31/70) 324 54 71 (+31/70) 324 54 72 (+31/70) 328 21 32 Fax: (+31/70) 32 82 066 E-Mail: den-haag-ob@bmaa.gv.at or contact the Netherlands embassy in Austria: Mr. J.J. de Visser Netherlands Opernring 5 1010 Wien T: +43 1 589 39 media contact: T: +43 1 589 39 215 F: +43 1 589 39 265
E-Mail: claire_morgan@graffiti.net Website: http://www.greenpeace.org/international/press/releases/17-governments-join-greenpeace | |
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