THERE IS PROOF THAT EUROPEAN GOVERNMENTS WERE IN LEAGUE WITH CIA GANGS THAT KIDNAPPED PERSONS IN EUROPE TO TORTURE THEM. That proof is in a document excerpted here. You can read the full document by following a link given. Also here are embarassing lists of persons -- Americans and Europeans -- with varying degrees of complicity in CIA gangsterism. There is a list of the countries that have joint ventures with the CIA called "CTICs." And there is a list of all of the CIA planes mentioned in the news.  CIA AIR European investigators have been saying they "have no proof" of illegal CIA activities. Here is proof -- or at least information that will help them get the proof they say they need. EU AGREED TO CIA PRISON FLIGHTS -- With these words: "Both sides [EU-US] agreed on ... increased use of European transit facilities to support the return of criminal/inadmissible aliens...." "European transit facilities" are the airspaces and airports now claimed to be violated. "The return" is what the CIA calls "rendition"; and "criminal/inadmissible aliens" are persons who have been renditioned to Guantanamo, CIA prisons in Eastern Europe, and states that practice torture in the Middle East. You can read the actual PDF documents to get the details of how the US and EU agreed to "remove" people to these places without legal extradition. ------------------------------- A US PROPOSAL right after 9/11 included these words: Quoting: "5. Keeping open European transit facilities to support the return of criminal/inadmissible aliens from the United States to Europe or the country of origin. Improve cooperation in removals of status violators/criminals/inadmissibles. More fulsome use of immigration laws to effect removals of fugitives without recourse to extradition." The above is in the first European PDF document (13803/01), of Nov. 12, 2001, entitled: OUTCOME OF PROCEEDINGS of : Strategic Committee on Immigration, Frontiers and Asylum - Meeting with the United States THE EU CAVED IN ("agreed") a little over a year later with these words: Quoting: "4.1. ... Both sides agreed on the areas where cooperation could be improved i.a. the exchange of data between border management services, increased use of European transit facilities to support the return of criminal/inadmissible aliens, co-ordination with regard to false documents training (US side will provide the EU with a paper suggesting modalities for the coordination of false documents training) and improving the cooperation in removals." The above is in the second European PDF document (5762/03), of Jan. 27, 2003, entitled: New Transatlantic Agenda. EU-US meeting on Justice and Home Affairs. Athens, 22 January 2003. Proof of European complicity in lynchings ("renditions" or "removals") of Muslims is at (BE SURE to copy and paste the WHOLE address including ".pdf."):$File/st05762.en03.pdf ----------------------------------------- Persons who signed this agreement could be liable to civil and criminal prosecution, if it can be proved that they intended to cause illegal actions. US SIDE MARK RICHARD - Department of Justice - Senior Counsel - US/EU Rep. - Brussels FRANK KERBER - JHA Counselor, USEUR Brussels MARC MEZNAR - First Secretary, USEU Brussels BRUCE SWARTZ - Deputy Assistant Attorney General for Criminal Matters at DOJ MAREN BROOKS - Policy Analyst - Department of State (INL) EUROPEAN COMMISSION JAN DE CEUSTER J.L. DE BROUWER LOTTE KNUDSEN DIEDERIK PAALMAN SGC GILLES DE KERCHOVE ITALIAN SIDE Emanuele MAROTTA, Ministry of Interior, Office for the Coordination and Planning of Police Forces, Service for International Relations Carmelo VELLA, Ministry of Interior, Office for the Coordination and Planning of Police Forces, Service for International Relations Andree PORTUEGI, Ministry of Interior, Office for the Coordination and Planning of Police Forces, Service for International Relations Enrico GORNARI, Ministry of Interior, Border police Sebastiano NERI, Ministry of Justice, Department Justice Affairs MORE LISTS AND BACKGROUND CIA DDO (Jose Rodriguez), the chief spy? CIA planes, front companies, lawyers? The 22 American CIA agents allegedly led by Robert Seldon Lady in the 2003 Milan kidnapping of Muslim cleric Abu Omar? All are listed below. The Italian secret service SISMI knew in advance of their operation, just as Mr. Lady claims. There is a document that proves, in writing, such operations involve the cooperation of EU governments. The Milan prosecutor Spataro knows this. Prime Minister Berlusconi knows this. Still, these two men are on a collision course as Spataro prepares for a show trail of the 22 "in absentia" while Berlusconi attempts to get away with denying everything. Also, Italy is one of 25-plus countries (listed) in which the CIA and foreign spy agencies work out of the same office (CTIC, see list)! Any illegal operations can be stopped by lawsuits and liens on planes and companies (another list). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLIP AND SAVE LIST OF PLANES BELOW. It will make following the news (lawsuits, prosecutions, investigations) much easier! A few days after the Athens agreement on renditions, Robert Lady and a CIA/US military team allegedly kidnapped in Milan and transported to torture in Egypt one Osama Moustafa Hassan Nasr, or Abu Omar. Now, while poor Bob Lady sits out an exile (possibly in Punta Gorda, Florida, instead of his retirement villa in Penango, Italy), lying hypocrites in European governments deny knowledge of kidnappings like the one he is charged with in Italy. Colin Powell is right: the European governments are being hypocrites by denying they knew about renditions and torture flights , or "removals" and "use of European transit facilities," as the document calls them -- or lynchings of Muslims. ROBERT (BOB) LADY and WILLIAM (BILL OR BILLY) LADY Robert Seldon Lady is an American born in Honduras in 1954. His father, William (Bill or Billy) Seldon Lady lived in Arkansas and Florida before moving to Honduras when he was 20 (in 1946). Billy Lady was in Honduras during the Iran-contra affair. This 1980s affair involved the sale of arms to Iran by Lt. Col. Oliver North, operating out of the Reagan White House. North and his associates used the proceeds from the Iran arms sales, and proceeds from sales of Colombian drugs in the US, to finance material aid to the contra ("against") rebels trying to overthrow the elected Sandinista government in Nicaragua. The CIA was heavily involved in this. Bill Lady (again, Bob Lady's dad) ran an airline out of the Bay Islands (see map) at the time. As a mining prospector, he had thoroughly surveyed the Olancho department (province) of eastern Honduras, where most of the Iran-contra action occurred in Honduras, and neighboring parts of Nicaragua. Mr. Lady had a farm near Danli in the El Paraiso department, at the time, in the thick of the action. (SEE MAP.) He also was an accomplished cruise sailor, a network controller of a worldwide amateur-radio network used by military personnel, an aviation pioneer of Honduras, and the expert on eastern Honduras terrain. He may have rented aircraft to the US Government, which of course is not illegal. His son, the alleged renditioner Robert Seldon Lady, joined the CIA in Latin America in about 1984. In 2001, before leaving for Milan, Italy, Bob Lady worked out of New Orleans and the US Embassy in Panama under Jose A. Rodriguez Jr, now the Deputy Director for Operations (DDO) of the CIA. Bob Lady is charged with being the ringleader of the Feb. 17, 2003, kidnapping of Abu Omar off the streets of Milan. Abu Omar was transferred to Egypt by the Boston Red Sox Gulfstream executive jet N85V (now N227SV) and the CIA Learjet N221SG. The Learjet is operated by Aero Contractors Limited, which has locations at the airports in Smithfield and Kinston, North Carolina, which recently have been picketed by protesters. Bob Lady claims that the Italian secret service knew in advance of the Abu Omar grab, and he is right, based on the EU-US agreement and on the existence of a joint US-Italy "Counterterrorist Intelligence Center" (CTIC) in Italy. Bob Lady, as the Milan station chief of the CIA, is rumored to have cooperated in the back-channel transmission (avoiding official CIA and other channels) of forged Niger documents to Dick Cheney's and Paul Wolfowitz's White House Iraq Group, also to the Pentagon's Office of Special Plans (the "Stovepipe") created by Wolfowitz. President Bush picked false intelligence based on those documents, for use in his 2003 State of the Union address and elsewhere, to sell his Iraq war plans. Karl Rove's foreign policy advisor, Michael Ledeen, was a key figure in Iran-contra while the Ladys were in Honduras. If they were involved with the CIA in Honduras at the time, Ledeen knew them. The Milan prosecutor, Armando Spataro, has hard drives captured from Lady's home in Penango. Lady in turn had his father's hard drives. Bob Lady's hard drives have revealed much about the abduction of Abu Omar; and the drives, or Lady himself, may have much to reveal about Iran-contra. Alumni of Iran-contra, like Michael Ledeen, are in the current Bush administration and were leaders in fabricating a cause for invading Iraq. INDIVIDUAL AGREEMENTS FOR 25-PLUS CTICs -- JOINT SPY VENTURES WITH CIA Beyond knowing about CIA rendition flights, the Europeans are cooperating fully in them. The CIA has supposedly "secret" CTICs (Counterterrorist Intelligence Centers) in over 25 countries, including some supposed Iraq-war opponents like France, Germany, and Sweden. These are joint-venture spy-nests with the local intelligence service (Italy's SISMI, for example) and military. The CIA supplies about 20 agents for each and an about-$20-million-dollars' annual budget. They share offices, equipment, and information continually. There is no way SISMI could NOT have known in advance about the Abu Omar snatch in Milan. Here is a list of the countries with CTICs: EUROPE 1. Albania 2. Bosnia 3. Britain 4. Bulgaria 5. France 6. Germany 7. Hungary 8. Italy 9. Kosovo (province of Serbia) 10. Macedonia 11. Poland 12. Portugal 13. Romania 14. Spain 15. Sweden ASIA 16. Afghanistan 17. Indonesia 18. Pakistan 19. Phillipines 20. Thailand 21. Uzbekistan MIDDLE EAST, NORTH AFRICA 22. Algeria 23. Egypt 24. Jordan 25. Libya 26. Morocco 27. Saudi Arabia 28. Turkey 29. Yemen OTHER 30. Australia 31. Canada In the spring of 2005, the CIA's Deputy Director for Operations (the head of the espionage directorate), Jose A. Rodriguez Jr, told House and Senate intelligence committees that 25 CTICs had been instrumental in arresting over 3000 suspected terrorists. Many of these have been renditioned; flown to the jails of the CIA, US military, and brutal regimes (Egypt, etc.); tortured; and subjected to indefinite imprisonment -- all without any legal proceedings except, sometimes, kangaroo courts in countries to where they have been flown. The renditions, overflights, and imprisonments have taken place mainly in the above countries. Human rights groups and other investigators in those countries have a lot to learn. US FIRMS, PERSONS TO BE SUED FOR CIA'S TORTURE, EVILS Gettng governments of the US and the above countries to do anything about CIA abuses will be hard. However, people can be sued for these abuses when they can be identified in the US and other countries more or less subject to the rule of law. In the US, Aero Contractors (which operates CIA planes out of Smithfield and Kinston, NC) and its president Norman Richardson, Richmor Aviation (NY) and its owner Mahlon Richards, CIA shell companies and their lawyers like Dean Plakias (MA) and Scott Caplan (WA) -- these are but a few of the many US firms that could potentially be served legal actions by victims of CIA kidnapping and torture, based on the existence of the landmark lawsuit filed Dec. 6 by CIA victim Khaled el-Masri of Germany. Already Aero and Plakias have heard from Masri's lawyers. Then there are CIA officials like James Pavitt, its retired DDO (Deputy Director for Operations). The DDO reportedly is the specific officer who approves kidnappings and torture measures for specific victims. The DDOs can be gone after. Pavitt was the DDO from Aug. 1999 to Aug. 2004, succeeded by Stephen Kappes (Aug. to Nov. 2004). The Nation says the DDO since Nov. 2004 is Jose Rodriguez. BESIDES PERSONS ALREADY CHARGED, like the alleged organizer of the Abu Omar rendition in Italy, who reportedly is in Punta Gorda, Florida, who else might be liable, criminally or civilly, for Abu Omar's Feb. 2003 abduction from Italy and transport via US planes and air bases to Egypt? Omar, when briefly released, called home to report what happened to him and got rearrested for that. He was tortured and maimed, allegedly in the presence of CIA officer Robert Lady, and remains imprisoned by his Egyptian torturers. There are numerous current and retired employees of the CIA's Operations Directorate who potentially could be sued for CIA renditions and related abuses. Some of them have signed fat book contracts and are reaping large speaking fees bragging about their outrages. An example is Michael Scheuer, the McLean, VA, man who was in charge of snatches from 1995, when the first victim was seized, until June 1999. There were some 50 victims in that period. Since 9/11, there have been 150 to 200 snatches. According to the Washington Post, in the wake of 9/11, our President ordered the CIA to break up the organization that murdered 3000 innocent Americans. Director-CIA George Tenet delegated the task of individuals to target to DDO Pavitt and Rodriguez, who at the time was the director of the Counterterrorist Center (CTC). Already Tenet has been named in the groundbreaking lawsuit by el-Masri, along with CIA "John Does," which probably includes Pavitt and Rodriguez. As for Jose Rodriguez, before he became the CIA DDO in late 2004 he was the head of the CIA Counterterrorist Center, CTC. The CTC is the part of the CIA that carries out renditions. So for ones done in that time frame, Rodriguez could be liable personally. No wonder he is so publicity shy. AERO CONTRACTORS is another potential defendent and is being sued by the German citizen Khaled el-Masri and the ACLU. Aero Contractors is a real, rather than a shell, company that provides the pilots and flight crews for most CIA planes. The planes are owned by the CIA through phony companies fronted by lawyers. However, the victims' lawyers can serve papers on the CIA-front lawyers, who are known, and thus secure liens in US courts against the CIA's planes. A list of CIA shell companies for owning aircraft (while leaving actual operations to Aero Contractors and other CIA contractors) appears at the end of this article, along with their agents (lawyers) for legal service. CIA AIR ( CLIP AND SAVE. ) Indispensable to Newswatchers, Planewatchers, and all CIA Watchers. __________________________________________________ CIA AIR -- LIST OF CIA PLANES by N-Number by Clayton Hallmark Includes rendition planes, CIA front companies, contractors. __________________________________________________ ---See list of owner companies (AVSPECS, etc.) at end. ---Does not include contractor planes unlikely used by CIA. ---Some planes have had more than one number. There are 50 numbers below but only 44 separate planes. "r" -- Known rendition or prison (Guantanamo, etc.) plane. __________________________________________________ N-number, Maker Model, Serial No., OWNER N1HC_____ Gulfstream GV-SP, s/n 5009, US AV N33NJ_____Gates Learjet 35A-305, s/n 305, NATIONAL r-N50BH____Gulfstream III, s/n 359, CRYSTAL r-N85VM____now N227SV, Gulfstream IV, s/n 1172, BOSOX N120JM____Fairchild SA227-AT, s/n AT-577, PATH N157A____Beech B200C, s/n BL-53, AVSPECS N168BF____Raytheon Hawker 800XP, s/n 258373, WELLS N168D____CASA CN-235-300, s/n C135, DEVON N173S____Beech B300, s/n FM-4, STEVENS N187D____CASA CN-235, s/n C-143, DEVON N196D____CASA CN-235, s/n 139, DEVON N212AZ____AEROSPATIALE ATR-42, s/n 016, KRAMER N212CP____Cessna 208B, s/n 208B0531, PATH N219D____CASA CN-235, s/n C-145, DEVON r-N221SG____Gates Learjet 35A, s/n 182, PATH r-N227SV____ex N85V, Gulfstream IV, s/n 1172, BOSOX r-N259SK____ex N829MG, Gulfstream III, s/n 327, S&K (bought from PRESIDENT) N299AL____Raytheon B200C, s/n BB-1823, AVSPEC N312ME____Beech 200C, s/n BL-46, AVSPEC r-N313P____now N4476S, Boeing 737-7ET, s/n 33010, KEELER, ex-PREMIER N315CR____ AEROSPATIALE ATR-42-320, s/n 252, JEFFERSON r-N379P____see N44982, ex N8068V, N581GA, Gulfstream V, s/n 581, BAYARD (after Dec 2004), PREMIER N470JF____ AEROSPATIALE ATR-42-320, s/n 247, JEFFERSON N505LL____DeHavilland DHC-8-315, s/n 415, PATH r-N581GA___ see N44982, ex N379P, N8068V, Gulfstream V, s/n 581, BAYARD (after Dec 2004), PREMIER N822US____McDonnell Douglas DC-9-82 (MD-82), s/n 49139, ALAMEDA, c/o JETRAN, San Antonio, Texas N824MG____Learjet 55, s/n 106, PRESIDENT (Plane, number now registered to "Lear II, LLC," Bellevue, WA.) N825MG____Learjet 55, s/n 055, PRESIDENT (Plane, number now registered to "Lear I, LLC" Bellevue, WA.) N828MG____Gulfstream III, s/n 409, PRESIDENT. Number no longer assigned. Plane sold to Raleigh Holdings. r-N829MG____N259SK, Gulfstream III, s/n 327, PRESIDENT (sold by Mark J. Gordon to S&K and renumbered) N845S____Douglas DC3, s/n 25509 (43-48248), STEVENS N955BW____Fairchild SA227-DC, s/n DC821B (C26B), AWS N956BW____Fairchild SA227-DC, s/n DC864B, AWS N961BW____CASA C-212-CC, s/n 248, AWS N962BW____CASA C-212-200, s/n 290, PRESIDENT N963BW____CASA C-212-CC, s/n 320, AWS N964BW____CASA C-212-DF, s/n 379, AWS N965BW____CASA C-212-DF, s/n 393, AWS N966BW____CASA C-212-200, s/n 289, AWS N967BW____CASA C-212-CD, s/n 304, AWS N968BW____CASA C-212-CD, s/n 309, AWS N1016M____Cessna 208, s/n 20800153, CROWELL N2189M____Lockheed 382G-44K-30, s/n 4582, RAPID (owner), TEPPER (operator) N4009L____Raytheon B300C, s/n FM-9, STEVENS N4042J____Beech B200, s/n BB-874, STEVENS N4456A____Raytheon B200C, s/n BL-143, AVSPEC r-N4476S____N313P, Boeing 737-7ET, s/n 33010, KEELER (was PREMIER's N313P) N4489A____Raytheon B200C, s/n BL-145, AVSPEC N4557C____Lockheed 382G-44K-30, s/n 5027, RAPID (owner), TEPPER (operator) N5139A____Raytheon B200C, s/n BL-144, AVSPEC N5155A____Raytheon B200C, s/n BL-146, AVSPEC N6161Q____Dehavilland DHC-6-300, s/n 633, AVSPEC r-N8068V____see N44982, ex N379P, N581GA, Gulfstream V, s/n 581, BAYARD (after Dec 2004), PREMIER N8183J____Lockheed 382G-44K-30, s/n 4796, RAPID (owner), TEPPER (operator) N8213G____Lockheed Hercules L100-30, s/n 5055, HSL (Plane had PRESCOTT markings.) r-N44982____ex N379P, N8068V, N581GA, Gulfstream V, s/n 581, BAYARD (after Dec 2004), PREMIER Famous Guantanamo Express retired to 126CH,Inc. (CH Mortgages Services, Miami, FL) in 2006. KEY TO COMPANIES: ALAMEDA - Alameda Corp, c/o Jetran International Ltd, San Antonio, Texas AVSPECS - Aviation Specialties, Inc. AWS - Aviation Worldwide Services, LLC, sister company to PRESIDENT, both owned by Blackwater USA, Melbourne, FL BAYARD - Bayard Foreign Marketing, LLC BOSOX - Boston Red Sox coowner Phillip H. Morse; Assembly Point Aviation (registered); Richmor Aviation, Inc. (charters) CROWELL - Crowell Aviation Technologies, Inc. CRYSTAL - Crystal Jet Aviation, Inc. DEVON - Devon Holding & Leasing, Inc. HSL - HSL Company. Registered civilian Hercules C-130 oper- ated by PRESCOTT Support Company JEFFERSON - Jefferson Financial Co., c/o RL&F Services New Castle, Delaware KEELER - Keeler and Tate Management, LLC (737 formerly owned by PREMIER) KRAMER - Kramer Investments Co., New Castle, Delaware NATIONAL - National Jets, Inc., Ft. Lauderdale, Florida PATH - Path Corporation PREMIER - Premier Executive Transport Services, Inc. PRESCOTT - Prescott Support Co. Had its name on HSL plane PRESIDENT - Presidential Airways, Inc. - Sister Co. of AWS, both owned by Blackwater USA, Melbourne, FL, mercenaries S&K - S&K Aviation, LLC. Gulfstream III got from PRESIDENT WELLS - Wells Fargo Bank Northwest NA. Trustee, registered plane. RAPID - Rapid Air Trans, Inc./Rapid Air Transportation, Inc. Owns 3 civilian Hercules C-130s operated by TEPPER. STEVENS - Stevens Express Leasing, Inc. TEPPER - Tepper Aviation, Inc., Crestview, Florida. UNITED - US AV - United States Aviation Co., Washington, DC -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CIA SHELL COMPANIES, ADDRESSES, LEGAL AGENTS AVIATION SPECIALTIES INC. PO BOX 9891 FRIENDSHIP HEIGHTS STATION POST OFFICE 4005 WISCONSIN AVE, NW WASHINGTON, DC 20016 US (District of Columbia County) Most Co. planes registered to above. Additional Address: 10601 BALTIMORE AVE SUITE 300 (3RD FLOOR) BELTSVILLE, MD 20705 (Prince George's County) Raytheon (Beech) B200C, S/N BB-1823 registered to above. LAWYER: DOUGLAS R. THOMAS (Now at AS Address: Leslie Silverman, Gregory R. Caruso) Thomas lent his address for the one plane, didn't register Co. with state (MD), was disbarred in 2000. He also lent his address for RAPID, below. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BAYARD FOREIGN MARKETING, LLC 755 PITTOCK BLOCK 921 SW WASHINGTON ST PORTLAND, OR 97205 US (Multnomah County) LAWYER: SCOTT D. CAPLAN (same address) of Jordan, Caplan, Paul & Etter ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CROWELL AVIATION TECHNOLOGIES, INC 339 WASHINGTON ST STE 202 DEDHAM, MA 02026 US (Norfolk County) LAWYER: DEAN PLAKIAS (same address) of Hill & Plakias (practice: family law) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEVON HOLDING & LEASING, INC. 129 WEST CENTER STREET # 2 LEXINGTON, NC 27292-3009 (Davidson County) LAWYER: Mark E. Klass Klass is now a judge. He incorporated STEVENS (below). Davidson County Hall of Justice, 110 W. Center St., P.O. Box 1064 Lexington, NC 27293-1064 (336) 249-0351 (Now at 129 W Center St. is attorney Carroll C. Wall.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KEELER AND TATE MANAGEMENT, LLC KEELER AND TATE MANAGEMENT, LLC 245 E LIBERTY ST STE 510 RENO, NV 89501 US (Washoe County) LAWYER: STEVEN F. PETERSEN (same address), political PR SAME OFFICE: Paul D. Laxalt (ex-US Senator), Peter D. Laxalt, Frank R. Petersen --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PATH CORPORATION 413 REHOBOTH AVE PO BOX 305 REHOBOTH BEACH, DE 19971 US (Sussex County) LAWYER: UNKNOWN (Now at PATH's address is Barbara-Cherrix O'Leary, real estate lawyer.) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREMIER EXECUTIVE TRANSPORT SERVICES, INC. (Same address, same lawyer as CROWELL above.) 339 WASHINGTON ST STE 202 DEDHAM, MA 02026 US (Norfolk County) LAWYER: DEAN PLAKIAS (same address) of Hill & Plakias (practice: family law) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRESCOTT SUPPORT COMPANY 555 MARRIOTT DRIVE, SUITE 350 NASHVILLE, TN 37214 (Davidson County) LAWYER: MARK E. MORRISON -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RAPID AIR TRANS INC RAPID AIR TRANSPORT INC 10601 BALTIMORE AVE SUITE 300 (3RD FLOOR) BELTSVILLE, MD 20705 US (Prince George's County) LAWYER: DOUGLAS R. THOMAS, bankruptcy lawyer (Same Office: Leslie Silverman, Gregory R. Caruso) Thomas lent his address for Rapid "Trans" and "Transport" as well as AVIATION SPECIALTIES (above). Thomas registered "Trans" with the state for a time, "Transport" not at all. He was disbarred in 2000. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STEVENS EXPRESS LEASING INC 8130 COUNTRY VILLAGE DR STE 101 CORDOVA, TN 38016 US (Shelby County) LAWYER: DOUGLAS R. BEATY (Same address), real estate lawyer Company was incorporated by Mark E. Klass (see DEVON), now a judge in Lexington, NC. |