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verdict of yolandas higher appeal arrived burn all prisons - 27.01.2006 16:29
yolanda received the verdict of her higher appeal. at the eviction of the rokin 116 on the 31st of may 2005 yolanda got arrested. in her trial she got sentenced to 5 months of prison, because the police claims that she got arrested with a molotov cocktail. after 3 month of prison she got released and had her higher appeal on monday the 16th this january. today the verdict arrived. she got sentenced to 240 hours of work where every day she spent in prison so far counts as 2 hours and also 1/2 year prison on 2 years of probation. so whoever still thinks that the legal system is okay, go shoot yourself. |
Lees meer over: vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen | and justice for all, except for most of us | hanging judge - 27.01.2006 20:14
And note the new laws as of february 1st! articles that might be relevant for activists, writers, rappers, etc. because they may have an effect on freedom of speech and/or actions to do for example with town council/government meetings, politicians, and that have changed or are new are: 121 (changed) 121a (new) 123 (changed) 123a (new) 124 (changed) 124a (new) 142a (new) 285 (changed) Always expect the worst. The justice system is out there to scare people off, not to do justice. Also, the appeal by the DA in the case of the reisbureau rita poster did absolutely not surprise me at all, whereas the accused apparently seemed to have thought the DA would not appeal. Well, folks. Don't be naive indeed. They don't build those prisons for nothing and they don't make all these new laws to not use them. Beware, new laws are in place as of februari 1st. Make sure you know what all those new articles are about. Don't let it surprise you. Fight the law and break it by knowing it's contents. It won't be long before we're being called terrorists, just for speaking our mind!
| in addition to my previous post... | hanging judge2 - 27.01.2006 20:30
changes in law per febr. 1st: download here - knowledge is power! i hope this works, downloadable pdf file with all the law changes febr. 1st. source: staatsblad | |
aanvullingen | |