February program oPeRaTiNg tHeAtRe oPeRaTiNg tHeAtRe - 03.02.2006 12:12
A special evening ISRAEL PALESTINE on February 7th the oPeRaTiNg tHeAtRe has a full program for February. Check it out at
http://www.radar.squat.net and http://operatingtheatre.squat.net Screening are every tuesday Opens at 19:00 Dinner at 19:30 Film at 20:30 Entrance for free, but donations are welcome Location: Squathé, Vijzelstraat 5A (next to the Pathé cinema), Amsterdam. ............... tuesday 7th February A special evening in 2 parts. First part footage with "RADICAL RESISTANCE AGAINST THE WALL", second part with a documantary film "AVENGE BUT ONE OF MY TWO EYES", from Avi Mograbi. Both films are with english subtitles. "RADICAL RESISTANCE AGAINST THE WALL". Raw videofootage and clips from 2005 of the non violent resistance against the wall in the village of Billin. Anarchists, Israelies and Palestinians do creative demos, actions and more. About an hour long with commentary from an activist. "AVENGE BUT ONE OF MY TWO EYES", dir. Avi MOGRABI, ISRAEL, FRANCE, 2005, 100 min Colour. >From the myths of Samson and Massada, the younger Israeli generations learn that death is preferable to domination. Today, as the second Intifada is raging, the Palestinians are constantly humiliated by the Israeli army, peasant are kept from ploughing their fields, children on their way back from school are stranded at checkpoints for hours, an old woman can't even go back home. Exhausted, these people voice their anger and despair, just as the Jews did with the Romans or Samson with the Philistines. Israeli filmmaker Avi Mograbi still believes in the power of dialogue, with besieged Palestinians, and with omnipresent Israeli army officials. ............... Tuesday 14 February "Le Fond de l'air est rouge (A Grin Without a Cat)" Le Fond de l'air est rouge (A Grin Without a Cat) Chris Marker, 1977, 240 min. English subtitles. Tuesday 21 February Starting at 16:00, a SAMURAI MOVIE MARATHON. The samurai is a figure who is based in fact, but embellished in myth, come on the rampage with seven hours of samurai classics accompanied by japanese voku (at 19:30), sushi suprise, sake and popcorn. (all films with english subtitles). Yojimbo (1961), Director: Akira Kurosawa, 110 min. Samurai Fiction (1998), Director: Hiroyuki Nakano, 88 min. The Tale of Zatoichi (1962), Director: Kenji Misumi, 96 min. Samurai Assasin (1965), Director: Kihachi Okamoto, 122 min. Tuesday 28 February Trash n' Horror with "WILD ZERO" dir. Takeuchi Tetsuro, Japan, 1999, 98 min. english subtitles. |