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Lawaai deadline approaching Kazza Eliot - 07.02.2006 21:30
Lawaai Deadline is now only one week away....Feb 15 -  Nieuw tijdschrift voor krakers met lokaal, landelijk en internationaal nieuws over kraken en daaraan gerelateerde onderwerpen. Schrijf je graag? Heb je een uitgesproken mening over een onderwerp maar kan je die niet kwijt? Kritische analyses, axies, overpeinzingen, verhalen, ruwe schetsen, posters, tekeningen, foto’s, zo maar wat, nieuws, strips, suggesties, websites etc. Inzendingen in Nederlands of Engels naar lawaai@squat.net Deadline is 15 februari. New zine for krakers featuring stories from everywhere on squating and issues concerning squatters. Do you have something you would like to see in print? Antidotes, critical analysis, actions, afterthoughts, stories, scrawlings, posters, drawings, photos, nonsense, news, comix, hints, tips, advice,retrofitting, d.i.y., letters, information, websites, fashion but no gossip (sorry!). Contributions accepted in English and Dutch. Published irregularly. Deadline for first edition February 15. Send contributions or questions to lawaai@squat.net |
Lees meer over: wonen/kraken | aanvullingen | Smile | Monty Cantsin - 07.02.2006 21:49
The chief concern of Neoism is to turn people into players. This is to be gradually achieved as follows: First, Neoism denies there is a game. Second, it hides the rules from those involved. Third, it gives them all penalties and no wins. Fourth, it removes all goals, enforces their playing, inhibits their enjoying. Fifth, it makes them look like players, but forbids them playing. To make everyone remain a piece in the game, it permits him to associate only with pieces and denies the existence of players. Lawaai exists solely to encourage other people to take up this principle and to produce their own Lawaai magazines. Call the magazine that you start Lawaai because using this name will give you a good start on the road to copyright infringement, and Lawaai magazines everywhere have agreed to take absolutely no legal action whatsoever against anyone who appropriates the title of the magazine for their own ends. So now you have the title of your magazine and you're well on the way to becoming a successful plagiarist. In fact, all you need to do is to put your magazine into production. and that is where the great advantages of plagiarism begin to show themselves. Plagiarism removes the need for talent, or even much application, in the production of magazines or anything else for that matter. All you have to do is select what to plagiarize, do the layout and then find somewhere to get it online for free or printed cheaply, if you think a world without trees is a good idea.
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