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G8 update kriss - 14.02.2006 10:57
G8 Summit 2007: There is already broad resistance (this text is taken from gipfelsoli.org) Already now, the mobilisation of the Left in Germany is impressive. Many already began to prepare and network in 2005. Heiligendamm has 270 inhabitants, lies on the coast of the Baltic Sea and is part of the district of the small town of Bad Doberan. The G8 summit will happen in May or June 2007, not in July like other summits, in order to avoid any revenue loss for the tourism industry in this region. The event is expected to take place at the Kempinski hotel in Heiligendamm; this is a luxury hotel which belongs to the Fundus-Group. Fundus is currently buying up more and more of (and hence privatising) the land around the hotel, thus becoming the subject of much talk, because hitherto public thorough-fares are being closed off. The space requirements of the summit delegations are expected to exceed those available at the hotel, which means the actual summit itself may be scheduled for Rostock (20 kilometres away with 200 000 inhabitants) Already now, the mobilisation on the Left is impressive. Many already began to prepare and network in 2005. Anarchists and Left Radicals The organisation in Germany already began in April 2005 at the conference of the “Bundeskoordination Internationalismus“ (BUKO – the federal coordination for internationalism). Since then, there have been two Germany-wide meetings, each with over 200 participants (and numerous e-lists). Some activists from Eastern European countries, France, Switzerland and the UK also attended. The discussions at the meetings revolved around organisational issues: Should the PGA Hallmarks provide an organisational basis? How would decisions be made? What kind of organisation would this be: will this be a network for the particular elements of the radical left or will it be a platform for everyone? To date, the radical left groups have worked within a notion of “Dissent!“ The content discussions focussed on terms such as “internationalism“ and “globalisation“: Does globalistion offer any positive connotations (e.g. “globalisation from below“), or should there be a continuation of the term internationalism, including further development of its meaning? What is the relationship of this mobilisation to liberation movements? How can contemporary social organisations find a space for themselves within the moblisation (for example in the area of migration)? Can we articulate overarching concerns? In multiple working groups these different points were explored: political content, Infotour, external and internal communication, action, strategy, St Petersbrug 2006, praxis, camp 2006, trauma, anti-repression etc. One decision that was made is that there will be an international mobilising camp this summer and a number of groups are working on the idea of making migration the main theme of this gathering. The next meeting will take place from 31st March to 2nd April 2006. Contact: g8-2007@riseup.net; further info: http://de.dissent.org.uk and
http://wiki.de.dissent.org.uk. Out of these initiatives the working group Infotour has formed. The purpose of this group is to organise publicity about the G8, so as to involve as many groups and individuals as possible in the preparations for the mobilisation from an early stage already. The Infogroup takes an approach whereby it is the explicit aim to provide information about all mobilising activities, particularly also to counteract any possible splitting of the broader mobilisation. At present, there are around 30 info-events planned in Germany, Poland and Switzerland. Further working groups include the cycling caravan working group, actions working group and the working group for an international mobilisation. Infos on
http://wiki.de.dissent.org.uk/index.php/Hauptseite. Left Coalition For the past six months, organisations and networks such as the Interventionist Left, SOLID, ATTAC and others have been trying to create a broad left coalition. It will be officially launched at the end of March. Here, an excerpt from the call: „We are thus calling for the creation of an inclusive and broad coalition that takes on the organisation and coordination of all collective tasks which cannot be achieved by one group alone. Here, initiatives from across the Left spectrum should come together: Local social forums, unemployed and social initiatives, antifascist groups, refugee initiatives, autonomous groups and other movement-orientated groups of the radical left, third world and church organisations, ATTAC and no-global organisations, traditional communist and trotskist organisations, trade unions and youth groups, The Linkspartei (Left party)/PDS etc. In order for all relevant groups to be able to participate in the preparations in an equal way, we require a basic consensus that enables us to work together despite our differences and is not articulated unnecessarily narrowly. As common basic principles, we propose: * The explicit and unequivocal delegitimisation of the G8 * The reciprocal recognition of different forms of protest, action and resistance * A mode of collaboration based on solidarity and reliability which enables binding decisions * A clear and pro-active rejection of all right wing populist and right-wing forces“ Contact for this preparatory group: www.g8-2007.de. Further more... Since January the NoLager Network (anti-deportation network) is calling for mobilisations against the G8 2007 (migration will be one of the cetral themes of the general anti-G8 mobilisation). In this way refugees will connect their struggles with Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, the federal state where the G8 will be taking place: It is in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern where the German government began the mass deportations to Togo. Resistance to this has had initial success and the deportations have had to be interrupted. Annually in May, the BUKO conference takes place. This year, there will be an explicit theme on the G8. In 2005 there were 2 militant attacks in the context of the G8 2007 in Heiligendamm. In Hamburg the car of a corporate executive burnt and in Berlin this happened to a villa belonging to the foreign office. ATTAC has created a federal working group and publicised the call: “Global Social Rights“. NGOs are also mobilising. The local section of the Linkspartei (Left Party) in Rostock where the G8 will predomonantly take place, rejects the G8. Many of these groups and organisations will have a presence at the European Social Forum in Athens because of their ongoing efforts to organise against the 2007 G8 summit. Meanwhile in Rostock there are many Left orientated groups preparing for the summit. There are local networking meetings and public events. Already anti-G8 groups are calling against the 2006 edition of the annual May 1st demonstration of the openly fascist NPD (German nationalist party). [gipfelsoli.org;
http://gipfelsoli.org/Heiligendamm/2006/zusammenfassung_februar_2006_deutsch.html] |
Lees meer over: G8 globalisering | aanvullingen | infoavond | broeinest - 14.02.2006 12:52
Er is in Amsterdam al een infoavond gepland over de G8 top bij het duitse Kiel. Mensen uit Duitsland komen vertellen over hun plannen en zullen een toelichting geven op hetgeen Kriss hierboven al heeft gepost. Ook de G8 dit jaat in het Russische Peterburgs komt aan bod. Datum: maandag 6 maart Tijd: 20:00 plek: Plantage Doklaan 8-12, Amsterdam info: www.broeinest.info (meer over de g8 avond komt er binnenkort op) En als ik het goed heb gaan ze ook langs Nijmegen
Website: http://www.broeinest.info | Bij Rostock, hier meer | dissent-nl - 14.02.2006 16:46
 Niet bij Kiel maar bij Rostock, ligt het hotel waar ze bijeen hopen te kopen. Hieronder meer over de twee info-avonden die binnenkort komen: ------------ G8 tegenhouden Je kunt er niet vroeg genoeg bij zijn. In de zomer van 2007 strijkt de G8, de regeringen van de 8 machtigste landen op aarde, neer in Noord-Duitsland. Duitse antikapitalistische organisaties zijn al druk in de weer om daar verzet tegen te organiseren. Een spreker komt ook naar Nederland (woensdag 1 maart Klinker Nijmegen, maandag 6 maart Broeinest Amsterdam) om te vertellen over de voorbereidingen. Er zal ook informatie worden gegeven over de komende G8-top in St Petersburg, Rusland (15-17 juli 2006). Er worden wat spetterende korte films vertoond zoals: G8 can you hear us? - Why close the G8? - Raised voices - En meer.... De bijeenkomst in Amsterdam zal ook benut worden voor een herstart van dissent!-nl om ook vanuit Nederland aan te haken bij de protesten. Dit gebeurde afgelopen zomer ook toen de G8 in Schotland bijeenkwam. (zie: http://dissent.org.uk/) Zie voor programma Grote Broek, Nijmegen, 1 maart (20.00 uur): http://www.grotebroek.nl/ Maandagavond 6 maart, 20.00 Broeinest, Plantage Doklaan 10-12 Amsterdam, zie http://www.broeinest.info ********************* Zie voor meer info over de G8-tour: http://gipfelsoli.org/ Over Heiligendamm: http://www.g8-2007.de/ St Petersburg: http://g8-2006.plentyfact.net/index.php/Main_Page Info in het Nederlands: http://www.globalinfo.nl Broeinest is een wekelijkse info-avond met bar en muziek in de Plantage Doklaan 10-12 in Amsterdam. Zie voor meer info: http://www.broeinest.info
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