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Verzet tegen G8: 2 infoavonden dissent-nl - 14.02.2006 16:50
Je kunt er niet vroeg genoeg bij zijn. In de zomer van 2007 strijkt de G8, de regeringen van de 8 machtigste landen op aarde, neer in Noord-Duitsland. Duitse antikapitalistische organisaties zijn al druk in de weer om daar verzet tegen te organiseren.  Hotel Kempinski, vlakbij Rostock Een spreker komt ook naar Nederland (woensdag 1 maart Klinker Nijmegen, maandag 6 maart Broeinest Amsterdam) om te vertellen over de voorbereidingen. Er zal ook informatie worden gegeven over de komende G8-top in St Petersburg, Rusland (15-17 juli 2006). Er worden wat spetterende korte films vertoond zoals: G8 can you hear us? - Why close the G8? - Raised voices - En meer.... De bijeenkomst in Amsterdam zal ook benut worden voor een herstart van dissent!-nl om ook vanuit Nederland aan te haken bij de protesten. Dit gebeurde afgelopen zomer ook toen de G8 in Schotland bijeenkwam. (zie: http://dissent.org.uk/) Zie voor programma Grote Broek, Nijmegen, 1 maart (20.00 uur): http://www.grotebroek.nl/ Maandagavond 6 maart, 20.00 Broeinest, Plantage Doklaan 10-12 Amsterdam, zie http://www.broeinest.info ********************* Zie voor meer info over de G8-tour: http://gipfelsoli.org/ Over Heiligendamm: http://www.g8-2007.de/ St Petersburg: http://g8-2006.plentyfact.net/index.php/Main_Page Info in het Nederlands: http://www.globalinfo.nl Broeinest is een wekelijkse info-avond met bar en muziek in de Plantage Doklaan 10-12 in Amsterdam. Zie voor meer info: http://www.broeinest.info |
Lees meer over: G8 globalisering vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen | NO-G8 | Black Falcon - 14.02.2006 18:01
 NO-G8 Also let's not forget this years, Call out to protest against G8 summit of 2006 in St. Petersburg, Russia In July 2006 G8 will hold its summit in St.Petersburg, Russia. G7 was created in 1975, for informal discussions on economic and political questions between heads of most powerful capitalist states. Russia joined in 1998 - it was accepted thanks to its nuclear arsenal and vast natural resources (in 2004, Russia was only 16th largest economy of the world; e.g. China was not invited to the club). G8 has no juridical status whatsoever, so it exists outside any democratic framework. But it still has become an important spectacle and platform, where top leaders of the world may look for consensus among each other, before imposing their policies on their populations. We have no illusions about parliamentarian democracy, we are against any governments. Current state of the world proves all too well, that with a submissive mainstream media spreading anti-terrorist hysteria, powers are yet able to submit their citizens to policy of war and destruction. Russia has been one of the forerunners of these developments, with an endless war in Northern Caucasus and suppression of independent media. We are anticapitalists, and we do not have any illusions about national capital as an alternative to global one. Small diplomatic skirmishes between major powers in regards to North Caucasian and Iraq wars were quickly settled, and essentially all G8 states give at least passive support to policies of each other. Solidarity between elites passes any borders, so our solidarity must do this as well. Whatever labels media put on us, we are not "antiglobalists". We are for a free flow of people, ideas and struggles - across any borders. When G8 leaders claim to fight for freedom, they are fighting for a freedom of capital accumulation according to which nuclear waste must have freedom to cross borders into Russia, but people must not have this right. G8 leaders also claim to fight against poverty, but in reality it is their policies that cause poverty in the first place. Moscow has more billionaries than any other city of the world, while vast majority of Russian population has profited nothing from the politics, declared to be aimed at "economic growth", which in any case will last just as long as there are natural resources to be looted. In contrary, it is the very poorest who have been targeted with the neoliberal reforms, such as revoking free social benefits and rising prices of communal payments, which is connected to the plan of Russia joining the WTO. We call for protests all around the world during G8 summit in St. Petersburg. We also call for a global convergence to St. Petersburg in time of the summit attention of the whole world will be directed to spectacle of the G8, and we must show that they will be met with protest anywhere they will go! We are everywhere! Network Against G8 (Russia / ex-USSR) E-Mail: info@blackfalconorganic.org Website: http://www.blackfalconorganic.org | |
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