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PKK killed Kani Yilmaz and Sabri Tori pwd europe office - 15.02.2006 19:53
PKK murdered Kani Yilmaz and Sabri Tori! Patriotic Democratic Party of Kurdistan (PWD) Coordination member and assistant coordinator Kani Yilmaz was slain on February 11, 2006 at approximately 10:00 am as a result of a car bomb in the city of Suleymaniye in South-kurdistan (North Iraq). PWD Member Sabri (Serdar Kaya) was also murdered with him in his car. PKK murdered Kani Yilmaz and Sabri Tori! Patriotic Democratic Party of Kurdistan (PWD) Coordination member and assistant coordinator Kani Yilmaz was slain on February 11, 2006 at approximately 10:00 am as a result of a car bomb in the city of Suleymaniye in South-kurdistan (North Iraq). PWD Member Sabri (Serdar Kaya) was also murdered with him in his car. The team who performed the murder was hired by PKK. Veli Cat, code name Numan, from Hilvan Urfa was separated from PKK Special Team and was sent undercover. He had been staying at the Seyit Sadik Camp near Suleymaniye for approximately a year. Just before the murders Serdar-a code name- who is tied to HPG Military Intelligence Team Member ran by Murat Karayilan had provided him with the explosives. These group of individuals telephone conversations before the murders are recorded and available. On February 11th, Numan traveled from Seyit Sadik Camp to Suleymaniye with Kani Yilmaz in his car. While in the car with Kani Yilmaz and Sabri Tori Numan carefully placed the case containing the explosives and he was dropped of at the entrance of Suleymaniye, Rizgari District, at the industrial intersection of Highway 60. Once the car was about 700 meters away, he detonated the explosives with a remote control and immediately after the explosion Numan and PKK Military Intelligence member Serdar has disappeared. The police and expert teams intensively investigated the explosion and informed our party officially that the explosion was done by a remote control. Kani yilmaz worked for years within the PKK for the civil rights of Kurdish People and he served many years in prison in Turkey because of his struggel. After being released from prison Kani Yilmaz acted as PKK’s foreman in Europe. He was very well known in Europe by many Press members and Politicians. After Abdullah Ocalan’s capture and imprisonment in Turkey Kani Yilmaz and a group of his comrades have criticized PKK’s goals and separated from PKK and assembled a new party, PWD which stands for patriotic democratic party of Kurdistan PWD was aimed and slandered by PKK and its members from the first day of its assembly. PKK set ground for murders of PWD members especially through ROJ TV, the TV station known as serving PKK. Serdar Kaya who was murdered along with Kani Yilmaz had served in the PKK for 15 years from the mountains of Kurdistan against the Turkish Military. He had also left PKK and joined forces with PWD. Kani and Serdar won’t be PKK’s Stalinist Strategy’s first or the last victims. Previously PKK also murdered Sipan, Kemale Sor and Hikmet Fidan for leaving PKK PKK continues its speeches on human rights and democracy in the world, their campaigns on “NO DEATH PENALTY” continues because of their leader Ocalan’s situation, yet their hypocrisy also continues and they murder the Kurdish people who do not think alike. Abdullah Ocalan is responsible for the murder on Kani Yilmaz and all those other murdered by PKK Others who are responsible for these murders are as follows: PKK Presidency Council Members Cemil Bayik and Murat Karayilan PKK's Legal Party in Iraq PCKD. Roj TV based in Brussel PKK’s European Representative/Authority Zubeyr Aydar. PKK’s legal Party in Turkey DTP We’re asking that you say “NO” to the murders of kurds bye the PKK. The PKK is today a instrument in the hands of the Turkish state. Please raise your voice say no to the murders bye the PKK Office of the PWD in Europe 14 February 2006 For contact please write to: pwdk-avrupa@hotmail.com [Updated on: Tue, 14 February 2006 23:21] by Moderator E-Mail: pwdk-avrupa@hotmail.com Website: http://www.pwdnerin.com |
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