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netherland tollerantie? psylocybe - 19.02.2006 14:14
netherland tollerantie I live in Amsterdam for more than 2 years...i do not speak dutch and i'm not going to learn it.... I left my country hoping for a better place to live ...more tollerant, civil and respectful...but here the dreams of a perfect society disappear like a blow back in the '70. Your society based his richness on the colonies and on the labour of the arabs and immigrants willing to do the job that you do not want to do. So first you obliged them to learn your language..afterwards that was not longer sufficient...they had to b dutch...abandon their habits their culture... But tollerantie ...is not just not caring of what is happenig around...meaning u can b gay,smoke joint,being muslims as long u are two steps faraway from my arse...tollerantie is also respect for other people culture willing to mingle with them... Here in Amsterdam(not to mention the country side of holland)...u have places for white blonde arians and places for blacks and muslims where a normal dutch does not go even near.....and this is the multicultural society that you talk about when you go around the world with your backpak?...or maybe is more close to the dutch community that u see in the summertime in Toremolinos,south of Spain,or Greece..eating fries and drinking beer like back home????? As a matter of fact I'm not going to learn the language of apartheid....especially for not to give any stisfaction to those that do not give you an hand even when you are trying to put an effort...and they switch immediately into english....... |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme | aanvullingen | Sure | nani - 19.02.2006 14:50
The remark that tolerance is just another word for not giving a shit is not a new one, of course. And the thing with clichés is that unfortunately mostly they're true, at least partly. But real tolerance, the sort you're talking about as that you were expecting to find here, or maybe another word, i.e. people making a real effort to get to know each other before they judge and condemn, starts with not collectivising whole peoples or nationalities or whatever in an accusing 'You'and certainly not on the basis of shortterm personal experience. There is no 'you', i.e. there is no 'us' that defines all and sundry. If you are dissapointed with Holland because of an blownup idealist idea you had before, the only thing I can say is: Of course you are. It doesn't matter if you learn the language or not. Your mind apparently is all ready made up, in the negative sense, about the lot of 'us', and probably nothing would change that, so I'm not going to try, in English or Dutch. Good luck with finding a place that does meet all your, obviously very high standards of humanity. It might be easier if you find it in yourself first though.
E-Mail: nani@xs4all.nl | maybe | psylocybe - 19.02.2006 23:05
maybe the place i'm looking for does not exist in this world..... maybe i'm an idealist..if so....u also should also have the courage to condemn your society,and to stop promoting your country around the globe as the most civilized palce to live in... Yes i made up my mind about the netherlands..and i will live this country soon....but before that, let me tell you that you are just another dutch...taking distances from my words in my e mail...patronazing me like just a (fake) keyboard intellectual knows how to do it but not able to criticize his society ...not able to see the racism around...therefore an accomplice and also a guilty person of his sick society. best regards @
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