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information regarding trade unions Aidan - 21.02.2006 17:19
A call out for information regarding radical Trade Unions in the Netherlands who take on issues regarding flex work, temp work, expolited labour in the services sector in our precarious post industrial capitalist socities! I am hoping someone can provide me with some basic information. I was working in an Irish bar near the Leidsiplein until last week until i was pushed out of the job. In brief: three people ordered food and drinks and left without paying , i was blamed and then the bar accused me of taking the money. Obviously this resulted in me losing my job. I wrote a statement documenting the events that occurred on the day. I was adamant to clear my name and highlight the dreadful conditions that are in place for my fellow workers. I went in today and gave the statement to the manager who sacked me. He informed me that i would not be given the job back but i told him i was only here to clear my name and get a written statement that i have been cleared of theft. He refused to do this. I responded that if i am being sacked for theft he should ring the cops, he said you are not sacked for theft, i then asked why i was sacked, he refused to answer. It is because of theft he responded, i then said, well ring the cops. But of course, he cannot do this as all the workers are working without sofi numbers etc. In Ireland i have been an elected representative of my students union and active in the trade union movement for some years now. The job means nothing to me but i am adamant to make a case out of it and highlight the precarious nature of our work environments. After the manager refused to clear my name i asked him whether not paying taxes was a crime and considered theft under criminal law. His faced dropped as he knew what i was implying. All workers are paid in cash after each shift and thus no taxes are paid on this labor, i get the impression that the company cuts corners everywhere. He told me to get off my high horse and as usual attempted the insults , threats that all us 'flex workers' are well accustomed to at this stage. Basically I am asking anyone with information regarding independent unions to contact me. In Ireland we have a radical anti social partnership union 'independent workers union' that take on cases like this all the time. It is a radical libertarian union that is breaking ground in our post industrial insecure job environments. Is their anything similar in the Netherlands? I would love to take action on this issue and highlight some very important issues through it. Equally, i want some basic personal demands to be met by the bar regarding my personal situation. so if anyone can help me out on this issue i would greatly appreciate it! Equally, in Ireland, all students are members of their national students union - USI, all our members when working outside the university have immediate membership of SIPTU , the largest trade union in Ireland. Does the same criteria apply here? Website: http://www.wsm.ie |
Lees meer over: europa | aanvullingen | There is a power in the Union? | Jaap van dah Schuahh jr. - 21.02.2006 18:23
I guess this would be the main Trade Union to solve this issue. By Dutch law you must always such an "ontslag op staande voet" i.e getting sacked on the spot. Slainte! Een vakbond komt op voor de belangen van werknemers. De FNV Horecabond ondersteunt dan ook alle mensen die werken in de horeca, de contractcatering en de recreatie op het gebied van arbeid en inkomen. Vakbekwame en gastvrije werknemers zijn immers voorwaarden voor succesvolle bedrijven in deze sectoren. Met dit uitgangspunt in het hart gesloten, behartigt de vakbond de belangen van alle leden. De FNV Horecabond is hiermee het informatiepunt voor alle vragen, advies en hulp over arbeid en inkomen. Een team van deskundige medewerkers staat voor u klaar. Website: http://www.horecabond.fnv.nl/ | I wish i knew of one.. | Luke - 21.02.2006 19:00
I wish i knew of one... That covered me... i've been without a visa for 2 years. I've been working black and have been straight up ripped off. One boss refused to pay me 80 euro.. Which is alot for someone like me who can't work at all. What can a person like me do about it. Well nothing really.. So yeah in my experience there is power in a union! When i first came here one of the first things i did was ask around to join a local Anarchist union. I asked people where i should go to find out about workers right ect... Someone directed me to an Uitzend bureau!!! hehhee Can you f$#@ing belive that. I had to laugh when i rocked up to the front of Man power in Leiden. I did not know if i should throw a brick through the window or go in a beg for a job... hehe.. :) I remember getting a job in a factory, asked a few of the english lads where i could join the union. ( which is standard where I'm from) They just laughed at me. Told me to shut it and just don't make problems. found out the polish lads were on 3 euro and hour less than the locals... What the fuck is that about?????? standard practice i was told. try and anarchist group in Amsterdam.. I hear they have done come cool work related actions in the past.. Best wishes!... L
| Ask AGA | S.Bob - 21.02.2006 19:58
Abuses in the catering industry can be reported to the AGA, aga@squat.net. The AGA can also be visited: every Saturday from 14.00 to 18.00 hrs at the Eerste Schinkelstraat 14-16. (Aga stands for: Anarchist Group Amsterdam) | Welcome | Henk, AGA - 23.02.2006 21:57
Dear Aidan, Welcome to the Amsterdam job market. As some the others have written already, we were quite succesful in similar cases over the last four years. All of these conflicts were in the hotel and catering industry. We always apply direct action, but if possible also pursue legal action. But our experience so far was, that direct action gets the goods. If you want to meet some of us, you're more than welcome to visit our library at the Eerste Schinkelstrat 14-16. It's open every Saturday from 2 till 6 pm. You can also contact us via e-mail to make a seperate appointment: agamsterdam@yahoo.com In solidarity, Henk of the Anarchist Group Amsterdam (AGA)
E-Mail: agamsterdam@yahoo.com Website: http://squat.net/aga | |
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