FRANCE: 50 universities occupied/on strike, a jeanette - 14.03.2006 19:50
What the hell is going on in France? - On march the 7th, 400.000 people demonstrated against a new law concerning workers, CPE. CPE "deregulates the job market. CPE means e.g. anyone who gets a new job can be fired within 2 years - at any day, without a cause... - On march the 10th, 1 million people all over France protested against CPE - Schools and universities all over France have been taken over by students - to protest against CPE...  meantime 50 from 81 universities on strike/ some occupied     "peace among the peoples - war between the classes!" 1 million people on the streets of France: In Paris 200 000 in Marseille 100 000, in Bordeaux 70 000, in Toulouse 35 000, in Nantes 30 000, in Grenoble 20 000, in Rennes 20 000, in Montpellier 15 000, in Lyon 15 000, Pau 15 000, Brest 14 000 , in Metz 12 000 and so on... Direct Action - gives Satisfaction: All over France riots and Clashes with the police....some protesters heavily injured... In Toulouse protesters managed to occupy states´buildings... 300 pupils stopped a high speed train (TGV)... In Marseille 5000 pupils attacked police and police stations afters some arrests of demonstrators... schools are occupied by teachers and pupils, e.g. le college de france, or a school in Lannion and and and... in Lille states bulindings were occupied... 50 universities are on strike and/or occupied by students: among them: Aix-Marseille 1, Aix-Marseille 2, Amiens, Angers, Brest, Caen, Chambéry (IUT), Clermont Ferrand 2, Dijon, Grenoble II, La Rochelle, Le Havre, Le Mans, Lille 1, Lille 2, Lille 3, Limoges, Lorient, Marne la Vallée, Metz, Montpellier 2, Montpellier 3, Nancy, Nantes, Niort (IUT) Orléans, Pau, Poitiers, Rennes 2, Reims, Rouen, Toulouse 2, Toulouse 3, Tours, Paris 1, Paris 3, Paris 4, Paris 5, Paris 6, Paris 7, Paris 8, Paris 10, Paris 13, Evry and others... At the weekend police stormed into Sorbonne university, Paris, beating people, using teargas. Police was attacked militantly by the students - ladders, chairs, and so on were thrown on them from the top of the building. Video: Unios stand in solidarity with the pupils and students. They now plan actions together. On thursday they will start nationwide demonstrations ------------------------------------------------- reports and pics: german indymedia feature: french other links:,12-0@2-3224,31-749751@51-725561,0.html,1-0@2-3226,36-749741@51-725561,0.html |