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There Are No Sides To Peace Mary La Rosa - 17.03.2006 03:31
Rachel Corrie (1979-2003) There Are No Sides To Peace by Mary La Rosa The years pass. The poems continue. Words string together homage to Rachel songs for Rachel theatre about Rachel not only anniversary and memoriam but constant shining and reminder. We do not forget who are the peacemakers. We do not forget the actions they take in the name of non violent peaceful struggle. We do not forget the injustice and the harsh penalties towards those who stand unarmed but righteous against the machines of war and occupation. So many innocent broken bones and smashed lives! between those who act and speak out against the violence and those who perpetuate the violence. But, through the dark prevailing doom wrought by bombs and Caterpillars and weapons of any destruction hate does not diminish the life and spirit of one who acted upon good and peaceful intentions. Rachel who put her life's conviction into daily practice Rachel who moved bravely beyond a more comfortable life in order to sustain oppressed lives. Rachel did not only pray She became the prayer the hope of the world There are no sides to peace. Mary La Rosa March 16, 2006 Previous poems for Rachel: Road Kill: www.dissidentvoice.org/Mar04/LaRosa0316.htm Remembrance: Rachel Corrie (1979-2003)
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