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Join the call for the liberation of Ahmed Saa L'altra Lombardia - SU LA TESTA - 17.03.2006 15:50
Who wants to join this call address the following email : laltralombardia@laltralombardia.it Join the call for the liberation of Ahmed Saadat!!! The Israelis want to assassinate Ahmed Saadat - secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and deputy of the Palestinian Parliament. Let’s construct a national and international mobilitation in order to defend and to free comrade Saadat and the others Palestinian militants pursued by the imperialist government of Israel! Who wants to join this call address the following email : laltralombardia@laltralombardia.it Haniye, head of Palestinian government, was dealing with Abu Mazen the liberation of Saadat and other four comrades jailed in Gerico. Saadat is the secretary of the Popular Front for the liberation of Palestine, the party that has given its support to Hamas in order to form the new government of national unit. Some days before the Israelis had been launched threats of death , and Hamas was agreeing with Abu Mazen a plan of release in emergency. In truth Abu Mazen was accomplice of the British ones and of the Americans who moved from Jericho jail just before the Israeli attack on 14th March. Now Saadat and his four comrades are in an Israeli jail. This is the usual answer of Israel: to bomb and to kill, in order to impose with the force its wish without mediation, without dialogue. The terrorist state of Israel pursues with determination its politics of aggression and violence. In February the occupation army has killed 34 Palestinian, 16 of which assassinated, hurt 92 people, included 5 foreigners. It has arrested 320 young people, demolished 10 houses, confiscated 1359 hectares of earth in order to make place to the colonies. Israeli government continues to illegally detain numerous Palestinian, included a lot of members of the Parliament. The last declarations of the first minister Olmert are one war declaration: the borders of Israel will have to comprise the great colonies of the West Bank: Gush Etzion, Ariel, the periphery of Jerusalem, Maale Adumin and the Jordan river like emergency border. This individual has declared to the Jerusalem Post, 9 March 2006, than in next 4 years 3500 houses will be built up to the border with Maale Adumin in order to connect it to East Jerusalem. This is the violent and anti-democrat answer to the Palestinian people that with regular democratic elections have chosen their representatives. Israel answers with the volence in order to turn upside down the next government who is not like to its politics, neither to their American masters ones. The repressive violence of the Israeli army is to prevent the liberation of comrade Saadat after years of unjust and persecutory jail. Let’s construct one national and international mobilitation in order to defend and to free comrade Saadat and the others Palestinian militants pursued by the imperialist government of Israel. FREE PALESTINE! FREEDOM FOR COMRADE SAADAT and ALL PALESTINIAN POLITICAL PRISONERS! Giorgio Riboldi President of the Association L’altra Lombardia – SU LA TESTA Political-cultural association L’altra Lombardia – SU LA TESTA - national center Milan – tel: +39 339 195 66 69 - +39 338 98 75 898 email: laltralombardia@laltralombardia.it web: www.laltralombardia.it FIRST SIGNATURES: MAURO BULGARELLI – deputato dei Verdi GIORGIO RIBOLDI – presidente L’altra Lombardia – SU LA TESTA ALESSANDRA KERSEVAN – storica FRANCO CALAMIDA – PRC Milano EDOARDO NUCCI – PdCI Roma MARIA ANTONIETTA ARTUSA – PdCI Roma ANGELA NUCCI – PdCI Roma NARRAMONDO – Associazione culturale, teatro civile e politico di narrazione GAEA RIONDINO – libera cittadina PIETRO VANGELI – Segretario nazionale dei CARC GRUPPO I MAGGIO – Trieste EMILIO LAMBIASE – Presidente Italia-Cuba, circolo Camilo Cienfuegos – Salerno FRANCESCA RODELLA – Collettivo studenti “SU LA TESTA” MARCO SACCHI – Milano FRANCESCO FORTINGUERRA – Torremaggiore – FG MARIELLA MEGNA – traduttrice GUIDO VAUDETTO – referente Rete Lilliput - Cremona CATERINA RODELLA – Collettivo studenti “SU LA TESTA” PIANETA FUTURO – Associazione comunista – Pisa NEWROZ - Pisa LAURA BARISON - Torino MANUELA AUSILIO – studentessa filosofia – Roma LUCA RIBES – Cremona SANDRA CANGEMI – giornalista CARC – sezione di Milano GIOVANNA GABRIELLI – giornalista – Roma MIRELLA DE GREGORIO – Milano DARIO RICCARDO GIULIANI – Milano BRUNO GIACOMAZZO – Trieste FULVIO GRIMALDI - giornalista SIMONA MASINI ELISABETTA FILIPPI - volontaria Servizio Civile Internazionale FEDERICO CERATTI – Milano INFOSHOP MONDODISOTTO – Bra ASP – Associazione Solidarietà Proletaria MARIA PELLIZZARI – Trieste PERRINE OLFF-RASTEGAR – Collectif judéo-arabe et citoyen pour la paix – Strasbourg – Fr GUENTER SCHENK - Collectif judéo-arabe et citoyen pour la paix – Strasbourg – France JOSIANE OLFF-NATHAN – Université Louis Pasteur – Strasbourg – France SANDI VOLK – storico – Trieste ALEX CORLAZZOLI – giornalista NORA GUERALLA MIRIAM PELLEGRINI – partigiana Giustizia e Libertà SPARTACO FERRI – partigiano Divisione Garibaldi CSA AURO - Catania E-Mail: laltralombardia@laltralombardia.it Website: http://www.laltralombardia.it |
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