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Herdenk Waco & de CIA setup Oklahoma Patriot -not Bush ¬ extremist - 18.03.2006 08:21
De Waco cover-up waar de filmpjes verdwenen, want wie loste de eerste schoten...? Wesley Clark gaf het bevel, dezelfde gek die later de NATO aanvoerde en met driedubbel spionne hoer Mabel Wisse Smit de Sebrenica val voor de Serven opzette. Volgens Amerikaanse bronnen wilde hij zelfs de oorlog aan de Sowjet Unie verklaren, wat gelukkig anderen wisten tegen te houden. Hier de ECHTE patriots. Niet de van Bush en al helemaal niet die van de mediamanipulatie dat het extreem-rechts extreme godsdienstige gekken zijn. REMEMBER WACO! You DO NOT use military force against our own citizens, especially women and children!! Translate this Page! Waco 'Pogo Radio Your Way' 911 Tapes, Congressional Hearings, more...
http://www.apfn.net/Waco-pogo.htm WACO Movie CLIP
http://www.apfn.org/Movies/waco.wmv Waco 2005 12th Anniversary PowerPoint Presentation/Movie
http://www.apfn.org/Movies/waco.ppt There are NO Statutes of Limitations on the Crimes of Genocide!
http://www.apfn.net/jesterJones/index.htm Why WACO! "LET JUSTICE FINALLY BE DONE"
http://www.apfn.org/apfn/letjustice.htm Links: Why Waco?
http://www.apfn.org/apfn/whywaco.htm There are NO Statutes of Limitations on MURDER! O.J. SIMPSON: DIVERSION FROM WACO/SUMMER OF 1993 O.J. Simpson was never indicted!! by Harmon L. Taylor, TX Attorney
http://www.apfn.org/apfn/OJ.htm Waco Images, Documents & Info
http://www.apfn.org/waco/waco_images.htm There is NO Statutes of Limitations on the Crimes of Genocide!
http://www.apfn.org/apfn/genocide.htm David Koresh and the Untold Story Of the Branch Davidians 2002 by Mark Swett
http://home.maine.rr.com/waco/uaofb.html [WHO WACO]
http://www.apfn.org/apfn/whowaco.htm The elites had to have the Branch Davidian Village eliminated because:
http://www.apfn.org/apfn/elites.htm Hillary-Rappoport-Hubble Report
http://www.apfn.org/apfn/rapoport.htm Waco cover-up: "The FLIR Project" Film Resurrects Waco
http://www.apfn.org/apfn/flir_project.htm WACO - MILITARY DOCUMENTS DESTROYED
http://www.apfn.org/apfn/waco_mil.htm Waco: 'A Curious String of Coincidences'
http://www.newsmax.com/showinsidecover.shtml?a=2000/6/15/195709 FBI Special Agent (SA) R. Wayne Smith Waco Report
http://www.apfn.org/apfn/fbiwaco_doc.htm The Waco Massacre
http://serendipity.magnet.ch/waco.html Hillary Directed Waco
http://www.apfn.org/apfn/hillary_waco.htm Bring The Waco Murders To Justice!CLASS ACTION SUIT
http://www.apfn.org/apfn/CAS.htm FROM RUTH MOSHER: Free Davidian prisoners: Personal comments precede!
http://www.apfn.org/apfn/mosher.htm An Unofficial Account of the Waco Incident
http://www.apfn.org/apfn/unofficial.htm APFN [WACO] APPOINTMENT WITH THE APOCALYPSE Wed Apr 11 18:54:00 2001 APPOINTMENT WITH THE APOCALYPSE by Steven Hager and Preston Peet
http://www.hightimes.com/Magazine/2001/2001_05/article1.tpl [SNIP] The day before launching "Operation Trojan Horse," the ATF reserved rooms in local hotels for over a hundred agents and personnel. They also alerted the national and local media to be ready for a big story that was about to break. A highly inflammatory article attacking Koresh as a child abuser appeared in the Waco Tribune-Herald the morning of the raid. It wasn't difficult to see a massive operation was underway, aimed at Mount Carmel. [SNIP] APPOINTMENT WITH THE APOCALYPSE by Steven Hager and Preston Peet
http://www.hightimes.com/Magazine/2001/2001_05/article1.tpl Download Acrobat Reader here Paul Wilshire's full 101 page report (PDF) to Janet Reno Dated May 21, 1993
http://www.apfn.org/wacoinfo/PW_report.pdf Application& Affidavit for Search Warrant
http://www.apfn.org/wacoinfo/AppAffSearch.pdf Search Warrant: filed 2/26/93
http://www.apfn.org/wacoinfo/warrant2-25-93.pdf Search Warrant: filed 3/01/93
http://www.apfn.org/wacoinfo/warrant3-01-93.pdf Eric Aaron Lighter Document
http://www.apfn.org/wacoinfo/lighter.pdf Report to the Deputy Attorney General on the Events at Waco, Texas February 28 to April 19, 1993 [SNIP] Another major role for FBI Headquarters' personnel included contacting various U.S. military components regarding the transportation of agent and support personnel, and obtaining data about the effective range of assorted weapons. The FBI also sought technical information about certain military vehicles. According to DD Clarke, there was concern and uncertainty as to the types of weapons inside the compound, particularly in view of the reported presence of .50 caliber rifles capable of penetrating any tactical vehicle in the FBI's inventory. As a result of these concerns, the FBI requested Bradley fighting vehicles from the U.S. Army. Nine of these -- without barrels, pursuant to an agreement between the FBI and the Army to avoid posse comitatus prohibitions -- were ultimately provided. [SNIP]
http://www.star-telegram.com/specials/00wacoreport/waco_report.htm SEE THE REPORT IN PDF FORMAT AT
http://www.allsouthwest.com/waco/Order.pdf Cato Blasts Danforth Waco Report Tuesday, 10 April 2001 17:05 (ET)
http://www.vny.com/cf/News/upidetail.cfm?QID=175900 Cato Blasts Danforth Waco Report By DANIEL KAGAN, Managing Editor, UPI Think Tank Desk WASHINGTON, April 10 (UPI) -- A new study by the Cato Institute says that the final official government report on the 1993 Branch Davidian disaster in Waco, Tex.-- which exonerated federal officials from wrongdoing-- is "not supported by the factual evidence." In "No Confidence: An Unofficial Account of the Waco Incident," criminal justice scholar Timothy Lynch, director of the libertarian Cato's Project on Criminal Justice, analyzes the legal implications of certain undisputed events and concludes that the official investigation into the incident -- led by special prosecutor former Sen. John Danforth of Missouri -- was "soft and incomplete." According to Lynch, many obvious crimes have gone unprosecuted. For example, says Lynch, ATF agents were caught on tape assaulting a local television cameraman after he had filmed their retreat from the initial raid on the Branch Davidian complex. Lynch says that ATF agents also lied to federal investigators -- a federal offense -- but were never prosecuted despite recommendations by U.S. Marshals. More seriously, he says, FBI agents exhibited a gross disregard for human life when they indiscriminately fired "ferret" rounds at the Davidian residence and used tanks to ram its walls. "Since at least one child was struck by a ferret round, second-degree murder charges may be appropriate," Lynch writes. Also, the involvement of certain FBI officials in the Waco operation "should have set off alarm bells with Special Prosecutor Danforth's investigators," Lynch writes. Those officials were suspended by the Department of Justice for their involvement in the controversial "Ruby Ridge" incident, in which the wife of white separatist survivalist Randy Weaver was killed by an FBI sniper during a nine-day standoff with agents in Ruby Ridge, Idaho in 1992. One of these officials was eventually sentenced to 18 months in prison for destroying evidence and lying to investigators about his role in that cover-up. Lynch points out that the involvement of those officials in supervisory positions at Waco was not even mentioned in the special prosecutor's report. "Danforth should have hauled those individuals before a grand jury and questioned them about missing Waco evidence," Lynch says. "He did not." If the crimes chronicled in his study go unpunished, Lynch concludes, "the Waco incident will leave an odious precedent-that federal agents can use the "color of their office" to commit crimes against citizens." The report is available as Policy Analysis no. 395 at the Cato Institute website: http://cato.org/pubs/pas/pa-395es.html. Cato Report: http://cato.org/pubs/pas/pa395.pdf Danforth was wrong on Waco! Just released 'F.L.I.R. Project' proves feds fired shots at Davidians
http://www.dxmarket.com/worldnetdaily/products/V0026.html Inside Mount Carmel 03/08/93 Inside_Mt_Carmel.WMV
http://www.apfn.org/Movies/Inside_Mt_Carmel.WMV Mount Carmel A Day of Information
http://www.apfn.org/apfn/wacoinfo4-19-94.htm Download free Windows Media Player 7 CLICK HERE [Video] THE BURNING OF MOUNT CARMEL 04/19/93 WACO_CH19_03_11_93.WMV
http://www.apfn.org/wacoinfo/WACO_CH19_03_11_93.WMV The Waco Incident [Video]
http://www.apfn.org/Movies/incident.wmv ~WACO~ Kenneth Vardon of Vardon Associates & American Patriot Fax Network introducing Gary Hunt toTV Channel 19 03/11/93 http://www.apfn.org/wacoinfo/Channel19_93.WMV ~WACO~ Channel 19, Las Vegas, NV 03/11/93 http:/www.apfn.org/wacoinfo/WACO_CH19_03_11_93.WMV An un-edited Satallite News Broadcast http://www.apfn.org/wacoinfo/WACO_CNN_04_19_93.WMV ...more un-edited Satellite News
http://www.apfn.org/wacoinfo/WACO_CNN2_04_19_93.WMV Janet Reno on CNN 04/19/93 http://www.apfn.org/wacoinfo/WACO_RENO_04_19_93.WMV Jack Thompson, Attorney Jack Thompson Exposes Reno at IBT (Part #1-#4) 1 hr. 56 min. http://www.apfn.org/wacoinfo/IBT_Thompson_Reno.WMV ---------------------------------- Dick DeGuerin, Koresh's Attorney (on 60 Minutes) http://www.apfn.org/wacoinfo/waco7.wmv ILLUMINATI LINKED TO WHY WACO, LINKED TO CLINTON!
http://www.apfn.org/apfn/whywaco.htm Non-professional 90-minute audio tape tells story of the Republic of Texas, added to this tape are cuts of information of Bill Clinton's connection to the Illuminati. This information has never been released because of the most certain death that will occur to those who are in the know. This is a judge for yourself, real interviews with various inside contacts that have told various parts of who pulled the trigger on the Branch Davidian's and the connections. Shocking, to say the least. In Bill Clinton's own words he thanks his friend of 25 years, Bernard Rappoport of Waco, Texas. The reported illuminati controller of Texas, if not the entire United States as revealed on tape. See Video: http://www.apfn.org/Movies/ClintonUT.WMV (Windows Media Video) WACO: 911 Tapes 02/28/93 (Audio 'Winamp' files) Waco Police Dept Recordings (Wayne Martin to LT. Lynch W.S.D., Koresh to LT. Lynch (cellular) The following tapes have not been edited. They are the original tapes and have some 'static only' blank spots. Please stand by......... Tape 1a http://www.apfn.org/wacoinfo/911tape1.wma Tape 1b http://www.apfn.org/wacoinfo/911tape1b.wma Tape 2a http://www.apfn.org/wacoinfo/911tape2.wma Tape 2b http://www.apfn.org/wacoinfo/911tape2b.wma Tape 3a http://www.apfn.org/wacoinfo/911tape3.wma Tape 4a http://www.apfn.org/wacoinfo/911tape4.wma Tape 4b http://www.apfn.org/wacoinfo/911tape4b.wma Tape 5a http://www.apfn.org/wacoinfo/911tape5.wma Tape 5b http://www.apfn.org/wacoinfo/911tape5b.wma Transcription from 911 calls during Waco raids
http://www.apfn.org/apfn/calls.htm Sonny Bono Sonny Bono killed in skiing accident 01/98
http://cgi.cnn.com/US/9801/06/bono.obit/index.html Shortly after the Waco disaster, U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno told the media and Congress she ordered the attack because she had evidence that the almost two dozen children inside the compound were being abused and were in danger of further abuse. However, her claims of child abuse have now been disproven. In fact, some members of Congress have admitted they believed Reno was lying during her testimony. Sonny Bono, knew she was lying! Video coming soon!
http://www.alabamafamily.org/pubs/08-26-99.htm Update!! Waco Siege Investigator Found Dead In His Home (April 29, 2000)
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A38496-2000Apr29.html The Waco's expert Carlos Ghigliotti was most likely murdered by invisible operatives of surveillance system with heart-attack inducing technique. Waco FLIR Expert's Strange Death Ruled 'Heart Attack'
http://www.apfn.org/apfn/strange.htm Update!! WACO SIEGE Police probe death of tape expert (April 30, 2000)
http://www.apfn.org/apfn/wacosiege.htm PARDON THE SEVEN WACO PRISONERS
http://www.apfn.org/apfn/pardon.htm "Former Davidian gives his account of Waco siege"
http://www.apfn.org/apfn/lovelock.htm New Documentary Links First Lady and Foster to Waco
http://www.newsmax.com/showinsidecover.shtml?a=1999/11/4/11508 WACO: GAO REPORT - DOD/FBI Ammo
http://www.apfn.org/apfn/waco_GAO.htm Justice Department investigation should target UT campus
http://www.apfn.org/apfn/whowaco.htm The Aftermath of Koresh's Waco:
http://www.apfn.org/apfn/ID_main.htm Texas Ranger Report on Waco
http://www.txdps.state.tx.us/director_staff/public_information/branch_davidian/index.htm UNNERSTALL FAX
http://www.apfn.org/apfn/unnerstall_fax.htm From: Gary Hunt at the Outpost of Freedom in Waco, Texas Date: MARCH 24, 1993
http://www.outpost-of-freedom.com/opf0324a.htm Sarah Bain's (jury foreperson) Letter to District Court Judge Walter S. Smith, Jr.
http://www.apfn.org/apfn/sarah.htm Excerpts from Mt. Carmel, the Unseen Reality
http://www.apfn.org/apfn/mtcarmel.htm HEY DANFORTH...did you overlook something?????
http://www.apfn.org/apfn/danforth.htm WACO: Gunshot Evidence
http://www.apfn.org/apfn/gunshot.htm FBI didn't plan to fight Waco fire
http://www.apfn.org/apfn/wacofire.htm HOW CAN YOU BE 100% CERTAIN?
http://www.apfn.org/apfn/how.htm Salon.com News | "The ATF fired first"
http://www.salon.com/news/feature/2000/07/25/waco/print.html THE UNWARRANTED WARRANT
http://i2i.org/SuptDocs/Waco/warrant.htm "What the Waco Jury Never Heard"
http://www.cesnur.org/testi/waco112.htm Now the real Waco tragedy begins
http://www.apfn.org/apfn/realwaco.htm Burying the Branch Davidians
http://www.lewrockwell.com/orig/vinson7.html WACO AND NANCY SINATRA
http://www.apfn.org/apfn/nancy.htm A secret military organization took part in the raid at Waco
http://www.apfn.org/apfn/secretmilitary.htm Crimes of Waco 05-00 Lo Fi: Play (28.8k modems or faster) Hi Fi: Play (high-speed connections) Download (15.8 MB) Song Lyrics Email Song Add to My.MP3.com Description: My full analysis of government culpability for the Waco massacre, including my explanation of why Bill Clinton and Janet Reno should be held criminally liable even if you assume that the Davidians set the fatal fire themselves. This is the whole big enchilada, or you can find it broken down into three bite-size pieces. WACO REMEMBERED Who Waco! Probe Clinton's Ties To Riady to Rappoport to Why Waco!
http://www.apfn.org/apfn/ties.htm Feds Probe Clinton's Ties To Riady Monday July 24 8:43 PM ET By SONYA ROSS, Associated Press Writer WASHINGTON (AP) - Federal investigators looking into alleged fund-raising abuses by Democrats questioned President Clinton extensively about his ties to Indonesian businessman James Riady, dating back to his 1992 White House campaign. In testimony released Monday, Clinton said he did not remember a 1992 limousine ride in which Riady purportedly pledged to funnel $1 million in donations to his campaign. ``I don't have a specific recollection of what the conversation was, or this fact of the car ride,'' the president said. He said he only remembered seeing Riady ``sometime in '92 after I became the nominee,'' and that Riady pledged to help his campaign. When pressed as to whether he could specifically recall Riady's $1 million promise, Clinton replied: ``I don't. I don't. And I don't know whether he ever gave that much money. ... If he said a million, I'm surprised I don't remember it.'' A 155-page transcript of Clinton's four-hour testimony, taken April 21, was released late Monday by the White House without comment. A Justice Department task force is looking into whether Riady, as a foreign national, worked illegally to funnel campaign contributions to Clinton's presidential campaign. According to an FBI summary released last year, Democratic fund-raiser John Huang, a Riady employee, said Riady ``rode in a limousine with ... Clinton,'' telling the then-Arkansas governor ``that he would like to raise $1 million.'' ``Riady ... told Huang that President Clinton's reaction was one of surprise when J. Riady said he would like to raise $1 million,'' the summary added. Huang said that in the following weeks, Riady employees donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Democratic Party. He said he assumed the donors had been reimbursed by Riady, as he had been. In the testimony, Clinton flatly denied taking Riady into the White House Situation Room in 1993, on the day that federal agents raided the Branch Davidians compound near Waco, Texas. According to investigators, Riady used such anecdotes to give government ministers in Indonesia the impression that his family ``had a direct pipeline to the Oval Office.'' ``I don't think I've ever taken anybody to the Situation Room,'' The president said. ``I think that's highly unlikely.'' But Clinton also said he did not remember anything that happened that day. ``I did my best to go through the day to do my job, do what I was supposed to do,'' he said. Clinton and Vice President Al Gore (news - web sites) were questioned by investigators as part of the government's ongoing investigation into alleged fund-raising abuses by Democrats. In his testimony, released last month, Gore wrestled with the definition of ``fund-raiser,'' insisted there was no price tag placed on White House coffees and denied knowing that the event he attended at a Buddhist temple in California was actually a fund-raiser. The questioning focused on the 1996 campaign. Clinton, however, was interrogated about his 1992 and 1996 campaigns, his first encounters with Riady and Riady's father, Mochtar, and his process of deciding whom to tap for administration jobs and commission posts. When investigators asked about the size of Riady's pledged donation - and the fact that Clinton seems to have forgotten such a large contribution - the president said such activities are commonplace. ``Sometimes people give that much money. I know in an election or two ago that one of the Republicans got that much money from one source,'' Clinton said. ``So, it happens from time to time and it's not unlawful. But I, I just don't remember.'' Clinton's testimony contained scant references to Gore, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee this year, and dealt mainly with whether he agreed that the coffees were his idea, not Gore's. ``If he said that, Iwouldn't disagree with that,'' the president said. He defended the coffees as innocent activity, saying he saw nothing wrong with them because he also was holding issues-oriented coffees at that time. ``And I still do some of them, but mostly in the late afternoon, unrelated to the (Democratic National Committee),'' Clinton said. ``I liked them and they were easy on me.'' The task force also questioned the president about a vacation he and first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton took at Camp David, Md., during the July 4th holiday in 1993, approximately a week after aide Webster Hubbell purportedly accepted $100,000 from a Riady entity. Clinton denied that Hubbell mentioned anything about working for Riady. ``The only thing I remember about that vacation was that I took a long walk with him (Hubbell) and I asked him if he was in trouble,'' Clinton said. ``And he said no, he was having a billing dispute with a law firm and he would resolve it. That's the searing memory I have about that.'' Clinton hotly denied telling Riady of concerns about payments to Hubbell because Hubbell might end up as a witness in an investigation. Such a conversation ``would have made Mr. (independent counsel Kenneth) Starr happy,'' he said. ``Webb Hubbell was persistently persecuted by the independent counsel because he would not lie about me or Hillary,'' Clinton said. ``I never worried about what Webb Hubbell would say. If he wanted to say something bad about me, he'd have to make it up.'' ======================================================================================= Justice Department investigation should target UT campus
http://net.cs.utexas.edu/users/boyer/fp/texan-970317.html Justice Department investigation should target UT campus Clayton Vernon TEXAN COLUMNIST According to The New York Times, former UT System Regents Chairman Bernard Rappoport hired Webster Hubbell for a joint venture with the Riady family in Indonesia during the brief time before Hubbell's federal imprisonment. This shocker should end naive beliefs that the cozy and profitable relationships between the individuals who ran this system and Indonesian interests was above-board. Whitewater prosecutor Kenneth Starr is investigating these and other enormous payments, totaling $400,000, to determine if they were "hush money" related in any way to Hubbell's decision to not cooperate with federal investigators. Appearances of impropriety include frequent visits to Hubbell in prison by the Clintons' close personal friends, to remind him the Clintons still "cared." The Lippo Group, an Indonesian conglomerate run by the Riadys, helped introduce since-disgraced fund-raiser John Huang to the Clinton administration, which later endorsed Rappoport's $2 billion Chinese real-estate project. Rappoport's public service to Texas served his private interests well. Clinton has claimed ignorance of these "indefensible" payments from his good friends and his best friend. We can no longer deny the coinciding of Rappoport's sudden interest in hiring Hubbell as his lawyer, and the large consulting compensation paid to UT System Chancellor William Cunningham by Jim Bob Moffett and Freeport-McMoRan -- a large and controversial corporate presence in Indonesia. We now expect the Justice Department's investigation to shift south, to the Democratic Leadership Council. This group was co-founded by Sen. John Breaux of Louisiana, who helped Moffett intimidate our faculty last year. This cozy relationship suggests our system administration lacks integrity. This sad possibility is supported by other events. Last year, we lost a "whistle-blower" lawsuit in which a plaintiff alleged the University deliberately undercollected royalties from oil and gas producers with ties to administrators. Now there are allegations of administrators being forced to contribute to the DNC. Students, faculty and staff are completely unaware of the alleged sleazy machinations. Perhaps our traditional reliance on the Democratic Party's support of higher education has left us vulnerable to its recent indiscretions. Perhaps UT President Robert Berdahl had some of these consideration in mind when he accepted the chancellorship at Cal-Berkeley. Berdahl is a man of principle, he may have felt totally out of place within the highest levels of the UT System. Vernon is a graduate student in economics. ============================================================================ Non-professional 90-minute audio tape tells story of Republic of Texas, added to this tape are cuts of information of Bill Clinton's connection to the Illuminati. This information has never been released because of the most certain death that will occur to those who are in the know. This is a judge for yourself, real interviews with various inside contacts that have told various parts of who pulled the trigger on the Branch Davidian's and the connections. Shocking, to say the least. In Bill Clinton's own words he thanks his friend of 25 years, Bernard Rappoport of Waco, Texas. The reported illuminati controller of Texas, if not the entire United States as revealed on tape. See Video: http://www.apfn.org/Movies/ClintonUT.WMV (Windows Media Video)
http://www.apfn.org/apfn/wacopg.htm As best as I can find it was Bernard Rappoport who sells all the life insurance to Teamsters Union members and is of course connected to the Chicago Mafia, Dan Rostenkowski, Hillary Clinton, Hubbell, Dan Lasater, Mochtar Riady, John Huang, the Chinese Communist and the whole Opium-China-CIA connection going back I guess to the Boxer rebellion. [snip]
http://www.konformist.com/vault/wacodrug.htm ================================================================================ You guys are only just scratching the surface with Rappoport. Get to his buddy Doc Peelwani, the guy who did the Autopsies at Waco, as is the same guy who certified Jim McDougal's death in a Texas prison. Posted on 09/01/1999 05:52:34 PDT by Gypsy II
http://www.freerepublic.com/forum/a37cd145368df.htm -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORONER REPORT WACO: INTERVIEW EXCERPTS: Dr. Nizam Peerwani
http://www.apfn.org/apfn/peerwani.htm -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now please read APFN WHY WACO PAGES:
http://www.apfn.org/apfn/wacopg.htm Under-construction Why_Waco Search Warrants etc...
http://www.apfn.org/apfn/why_waco.htm SPECIAL REPORT: LIPPO-SUCTION
http://www.assumption.edu/WebVAX/ProRe/Lippo18Oct96.html Waco Coverup Demands Concern by Gary Palmer
http://www.alabamafamily.org/pubs/08-26-99.htm Exemption law helped U.S. win Davidian case
http://deseretnews.com/dn/view/0,1249,175020004,00.html Former Waco Prosecutor Indicted
http://www.apfn.org/apfn/former.htm Waco Whitewash
http://www.radio4all.org/pfp/wacowhit.htm Waco Feb 28-April 19, 1993
http://www.indirect.com/www/dhardy/waco.html ================================================================================ THE BCCI AFFAIR
http://www.abovetopsecret.com/secgov.html ================================================================================ Report Government Corruption: A confidential, secure and anonymous website to report knowledge of ethical or legal transgressions (e.g. corruption/bribery/extortion/etc.) by the government and/or judges. Email: info@judicialwatch.org
http://www.confidentialwitness.org/ America Media Columnists (500) Listed By Names Email this info to your favorit Columnist!
http://www.blueagle.com/ No one is bound to obey an unConstitutional Act and no courts are bound to enforce it. UnConstitutionality dates from the time of its enactment, not from the decision so branding it." [16th American Jurisprudence 2nd Edition Section 256, page 177] *** IF NOT YOU, WHO? IF NOT NOW, WHEN? IF NOT, WHY NOT? *** Forget about the law, do what you're told ???
http://home.talkcity.com/LibertySt/arem/ It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell *COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107, any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ] ~~~~~~~~~~ Please Forward ~~~~~~~~~~~~
http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20000724/us/campaign_fund_raising_2.html To support the Waco Investigation Team; send gift/donations to: Kenneth L. Vardon, PMB 107, 6630 West Cactus #B107, Glendale, Arizona 85304 Email: apfn@apfn.org URL: http://www.apfn.org/apfn/apfncont.htm Waco Whitewash
http://john.birch.org/waco/waco_whitewash.htm What's NEW?? WHY WACO?
http://www.wizardsofaz.com/waco/whatsnew.html WACO - Who Shot First?
http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/RANCHO/POLITICS/WACO/waco.html Absences of 2 Witnesses Questioned
http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/story.hts/metropolitan/600619 Report to the Deputy Attorney General on the Events at Waco, Texas: The Events of April 19, 1993
http://www.usdoj.gov/05publications/waco/wacotwelve.html Waco Trial -7/14/00
http://www.apfn.org/apfn/kangaroo.htm Lies and whispers Six years later, the full story of Waco remains untold
http://www.usnews.com/usnews/issue/990913/waco.htm U.S. News: The FBI agent at the center of the Waco investigation (11/8/99)
http://www.usnews.com/usnews/issue/991108/horiuchi.htm Davidians' Sentences Set Aside
http://www.apfn.org./apfn/davidians.htm WHY WACO? Interview with Mike McNulty www.waco-anewrevelation.com/Waco/WacoP/pages/fsIE/IEMKp1.html Waco Trial Update 06/25/00
http://www.apfn.org/apfn/wacoupdate.htm The Waco FLIR Flashes
http://users.erols.com/igoddard/flirloc7.htm WEB Pages dedicated to the siege of the Branch Davidian Compound at Waco.
http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Senate/1400/koreshlinks.html WE DEMAND JUSTICE FOR THE WACO PRISONERS!
http://www.wizardsofaz.com/waco/petition.html More on Waco
http://www.apfn.org/apfn/moreon.htm ...and More on Waco
http://www.apfn.org/apfn/why_waco.htm Davidians: FBI Ignored Offer The lawsuit heads to trial in mid-June, 2000.
http://syninfo.com/ian/PRIVATE/2000/04/22/2000042222134355.html What Happened at Waco?
http://reason.com/bi/biwaco.html UNNERSTALL FAX Wednesday, 27-Dec-00 21:47:37 writes: THIS IS AN OPERATION HEADED BY WILLIAM SESSIONS (WACO, TEXAS) FBI DIRECTOR, 28 FEB. 1993 --- IT IS SAID THAT GUNTHER RUSSBACKER WAS LEAD AGENT, THAT IS OPERATION WAS FINANCED BY CHARLES KEATING, IN THEY THIS GROUP WOULD ASSASSIN CHILD MOLESTERS AND HIGH LEVEL POLITICAL LEADERS THAT WOULD NOT COMPLY WITH THE 'WORLD DRUG' OPERATIONS... IT IS SAID THIS THE REASON WILLIAM SESSION WOULD NOT REACT TO JANET RENO AND CLINTON DURING THE WACO STANDOFF AND LATER LEFT OFFICE ON TRUMPETED UP CHARGES. FAX RECEIVED APFN JULY 9 1993 --- (THREE PAGES RECEIVED} HEADER: JUL - 9-93 FRI 10:20 UNNERSTALL CONT. P.01 Discussions with William Sessions Do Not Publish Names Quid Pro Quo 1. Safety for entire D.F.G. team if they come forward Re: Waco. 2. XXXXXXXXXXXX station chief in St. Louis, was primary fae????? facilitator of group. 3. XXXXXXXXXX and XXXXXXXX are missing since 7/3/93 last sighting Wash. D.C. 4. Purpose of Waco raid was to target and remove seven sleepers (MK-Ultra) who refused to adhere to ASA and DIA standards. Sleeper were programed by Dr. Chomg Sun Kim of Stone Mountain facility. 5. Waco compound members had almost completed assembly of a nerve gas toxin device massive/large enought o quantify to target and destroy all organic life in 432 square mile area. A city the size of Oklahoma City was intended. Moreover, Houston, Tx. was designated as principal target. Denver had been considered along with Salt Lake City, but the mountainous area precludes accurate dispersion measurements and cannot be calculated as to speed of cross dissipation. Method of dispersal was propeller craft with running air speed of no more then 60 miles per hour. Max. cross seeding to be done at 2500 feet for East-West axis, with 2000 feet for North-South axis. 6. The device in Waco ws in very few hours of completion. Order to go in was not made by Executive Branch!!! Orders assumed "Code Actual" when the infiltrator XXX agent residing within the complex stated "Code Blue". At that time our man Dan McGuire was pulled out; ATF had men in place (inside) up until two days before siege began. 7. Reno spoke Adm. XXxxxXXXX and XXXXXXXXXX about a D.G.T. insertion. Reno acted as if she knew nothing about the real problem-the device! THE DEVICE 1. Material for the device was appropriated through A/F 1324-B The nitrate component was acquired from Ft. Devens, MA.; the volatility stabilizers were brought, via truck, from Ft. Mead, MD. All raw and processed materials was provided from military stores. The gravity fuse detonators were acquired from Carswell USAF, Ft. Worth, TX. 2. Transport personnel was found from AAA services: a subsidiary of Snelling of St. Paul, MN. There were 2 ATF officers from Galveston in the compound as the shipments arrived. 3. Technical assistance in handling and construction were flown in to Dallas from Dover, Deleware. The techs were ASA and USA Chem Corps personnel. A. XXbert Beker B. Charles Whitehead C. Stanley Brownfeld D. Ngo Den Phung (ARVN old timer) E. Pearl Lance F. Dorothy Palmer CHEMICAL RAW WEIGHT-PRIOR TO (CHEMEORSPECTRA) SEPARATION- 1. Molten metal fused to Kitchen appliances-65KG, of sulfur/Zinc volatile mass. It did not ignite past prima stage!?? The cerebro neuro toxins of the C-2 nerve gas propellant ignited under a stress measure of .25pnd/PSI, causing nneuro-toxins to incinerate at 0 level. Immediate reports were unavailable for 11 hours (according to media because it was too hot to enter) due to unresolved neuro-toxic density at 0 level (entire first In squad wore toxic suits and double masks). Total recovered mass at incineration site-125pounds +/- . Numerous base mineral clusters were found fused to small ordnance. That means; the device was in 5 parts, kept in separate munitions bunkers (level 2&3). The minneral/gaseous mass found at ground 0 were massed to various kitchen appliances and indicate that the compound of the mass was jellied! (color believed to have ranged from green to dark olive green-prior to incineration). Incineration occurred through the introduction of 80/90 MM 20 pound glycerine canisters which held a flash point of 175 F to accelerate the focused flash point. A C-2/4 tear gas (canister from) was inserted via 90MM Bradley barrels into the ripped Structure to facilitate ignition. A combination of Oxygen and dimethyl alcohol was injected into the structure at intervals. Ignition occurred electronically; ignition for secondaries was delivered via mercury acid fuses located at canister base. JUL - 9-93 10:29 UNNERSTALL CONST. P.03 DFG removed themselves from acute perimeter by donning ATF blue jackets and baseball caps. DGF blended with in going ATF as they meandered back to their command vehicle. The amount of lives saved at ground 0=7. Inserted team terminated 12 by projectile to the base of skull or forehead. 10 minutes before incineration commenced. End of report. G.R.(GUNTHER RUSSBACKER) Paul Wilcher's FULL REPORT w/ letter (103 pages) Letter to Attorney General Janet Reno dated May 21, 1993 About what really happened at Waco Page 1 Re: (1) Vital NEW information concerning the conflagration at David Koresh's Branch Davidian compound, "Ranch Apocalypse," outside Waco Texas, on Monday, April 19th, 1993, which is now being kept from you covered up -- i.e., that what happened was NOT a "mass suicide," but rather a MASS MURDER; (3) The extreme sensitivity of this information, and my specific proposal as to how you should handle it. The lives of key participants, other witnesses, and even myself are now in grave danger as a result of my passing this information on to you. If you let this information fall into the hands of the wrong persons, some or all of those who know the truth about Waco and are now prepared to come forward and testify could well be "silenced" (i.e., MURDERED) in the very near future; Page - 45 (c) And then above the DCI and the Joint Chiefs, at the very Pinnacle of power, sits a top secret council of nine (9) men -- whose names I do not know, and would not recognize even if I stumbled across them -- but who nevertheless have the power, and who regularly exercise this power -- to order the "termination with extreme prejudice" of any person on earth, up to and including the President of the United States. Page 101 of Paul Wilcher Report to Janet Reno: MY PLAN ON HOW TO EXPOSE THE TRUTH OF WACO & END THE CIA'S "ABOVE THE LAW" STATUS -- IMMUNITY FOR 16 OR SO "BLACK" OPERATIVES IN EXCHANGE FOR THEIR COMPLETE TESTIMONY ON WACO AND ALL OTHER MATTERS PLUS PROTECTION FOR THEMSELVES AND THEIR FAMILIES Paul Wilcher's exPOSE (2 pages)
http://www.apfn.org/wacoinfo/PW_exPOSE.pdf ATTORNEY GENERAL JANET RENO - Friday, May 21st, 1993 Paul Wilcher's FULL REPORT w/ letter (103 pages) Slow loading.......(worth the wait!) Part 1 http://www.apfn.org/wacoinfo/PW_report1.pdf Part 2 http://www.apfn.org/wacoinfo/PW_report2.pdf Part 3 http://www.apfn.org/wacoinfo/PW_report3.pdf Part 1 http://www.apfn.org/wacoinfo/PWreport1.zip Part 2 http://www.apfn.org/wacoinfo/PWreport2.zip Part 3 http://www.apfn.org/wacoinfo/PWreport3.zip (APFN, A copy of this report was sent to the Waco Congressional hearings, registered mail.) ==================================== [APFN] NOTE TYPED BELOW MESSAGE --- As of July 9, 1993, the three above named members of DGF (hand written in -- names blacked out) are still missing. It should be noted that inn almost thirty years of service, those men have never before failed to check in with their contact numbers. //end of message// [APFN] At the time I received this I did not have 100% proof of Wm. Sessions connection/link to Gunther Russbacher. I now have this proof, in Wm. Sessions own handwriting. http://www.apfn.org/apfn/unnerstall.htm War Crimes and Crimes Against.....
http://warcrimesandcrimesagainsthumanity.50megs.com/ APFN Talks To The Enemy
http://www.apfn.org/apfn/enemy.htm Vince Foster Story
http://www.apfn.org/apfn/vince.htm The Octopus
http://www.apfn.org/apfn/octopus.htm The War on the Christian Middle Class
http://www.apfn.org/apfn/christian.htm While the sheep are sleeping, the predators move in.
http://www.apfn.org/apfn/sheep.htm THE TRUTH ABOUT THE WORLD COUNCIL OF CHURCHES
http://www.apfn.org/apfn/WCC.htm The slide into dictatorship
http://www.apfn.org/apfn/dictatorship2.htm Anonymous Waco Links Wed Feb 13 18:21:50 2002 TOP WACO LINKS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: My listing a web page below does not connote endorsement of all its contents. Also see Waco Articles page INVESTIGATION-ORIENTED PAGES Waco: the Rules of Engagement (film/video) The movie web page page has reviews, order forms for video, various interesting materials. http://www.waco93.com/ Waco: A New Revelation (film/video) More evidence of federal agents' murderous intent and actions. http://www.waco-anewrevelation.com/ Dave Hardy's Waco Page An attorney helping with the Davidian civil suits, Hardy includes great photos, videos and audios which he got through Freedom of Information requests. http://www.hardylaw.net/waco.html Ian Goddard's Waco Pages currently Waco FLIR information. http://IanGoddard.net/wacoflir.htm Center for Reform Includes a Waco investigation section with good official documentation. http://www.uscfr.com/ Outpost of Freedom Waco Pages Gary Hunt, who was active during the siege, presents various original documents and writings: http://www.illusions.com/opf/wacoind.htm The Sun Reflection Geometry Report which debunks the governments claim infrared photography on April 19, 1993 merely shows sun reflections, not government gunfire. http://www.rolandresearch.com/SRGv1/A-1stPage.htm No More Wacos: What's Wrong with Federal Law Enforcement, and How to Fix It Authors David B. Kopel and Paul H. Blackman's web page. Book is fact filled, but would have had a more balanced and accurate view if they had interviewed Davidian survivors and attorneys. http://i2i.org/Waco.htm PBS Front Line "Waco: The Inside Story" While obviously suspect as a government source, the page does include some good video and audio tape and photographs. http://www2.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/waco/home.html Marc Breault's Visions page Breault is the former member who set out to destroy the Davidians as a religous group and succeeded. http://www.ozemail.com.au/~mbreault/visions.html Rick Ross's Waco pages This cultbuster and forced deprogrammer also set out to destroy the Davidians and succeeded. http://www.rickross.com/groups/waco.html The Davidian Massacre home page http://www.carolmoore.net/davidian-massacre.html -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS 1993 - The ATF Search Warrant http://www.thesmokinggun.com/fall/waco1.html 1993 - Davidian autopsy reports Warning:This is part of the much larger WacoMuseum website which makes libelous claims that Davidian survivors are government agents and/or helped kill dozens of Davidians 2-28-93 and coverup the murders. Ignore the text and use only the photos and the public documents reproduced there. http://www.mnsinc.com/SkyWriter/WacoMuseum/death/map/d_list00.html 1993 - Alan A. Stone, M.D. Report to Department of Justice on Expert Advice at Waco http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/waco/stonerpt.html 1993 - Nancy Ammerman Report to Department of Justice on Expert Advice at Waco http://www.carolmoore.net/waco-ammerman.html 1994 - Davidian Criminal Trial Transcripts (incomplete) Table of Contents: http://members.nbci.com/waco123/bdtt_toc/index.htm 1995 - House Waco Report: Investigation into the Activities of Federal Law Enforcement Agencies toward the Branch Davidians In the end, Congress blamed the Davidian victims. http://www.house.gov/reform/reports/waco.htm 1999 -Texas Rangers September 1999 Waco report: http://www.txdps.state.tx.us/director_staff/public_information/branch_davidian/index.htm -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MOUNT CARMEL VICTIMS AND SURVIVOR-RELATED PAGES Mount Carmel Survivors Fund Web Page Davidian trial transcripts, good links, chat. http://start.at/mt.carmel Mount Carmel Discussion pages Survivor and friends moderated page. http://www.insidetheweb.com/mbs.cgi/mb669944 A Place Called Waco Survivor David Thibodeau's page, named after his book of same name. http://www.aplacecalledwaco.com Reason Magazine interview with David Thibodeau http://reason.com/bi/biwaco.html Seven Seals Revelation Davidian prisoner Renos Avraam's book of "new light." http://www.sevenseals.com/ Inside Mount Carmel Transcript of video taken of a number of Davidians during the siege. Video available from Mount Carmel survivors. http://parascope.com/articles/1296/test_ind.htm The History of the Branch Davidian/David Koresh religious views http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Senate/1400/koresh1.html Take a Moment to Picture this includes many photos of and memorials to Davidian child victims. http://www.wizardsofaz.com/waco/picturethis.html The Waco Memorial Project includes memorials to four Davidian victims. http://members.aol.com/karenwmp/waco/project.htm Davidian Survivors http://www.carolmoore.net/waco-survivors.html Davidian Prisoners http://www.carolmoore.net/waco-prisoners.html Edwards, Paul spar over Branch Davidian comments
http://www.apfn.net/messageboard/03-01-05/discussion.cgi.60.html WACO: THE NEW WORLD ORDER EXPERIMENT!!
http://www.apfn.net/messageboard/02-26-05/discussion.cgi.5.html WACO DAY 3: Satellite City
http://www.apfn.net/messageboard/03-01-05/discussion.cgi.15.html REMEMBER WACO!
http://www.apfn.net/messageboard/04-01-05/discussion.cgi.55.html RE: Who's APFN??: REMEMBER WACO! DAY ONE, FEB 28, 1993
http://www.apfn.net/messageboard/03-01-05/discussion.cgi.17.html 18 Waco Pro-Lifers Acquitted
http://www.apfn.net/messageboard/02-08-05/discussion.cgi.15.html WACO AND NANCY SINATRA + OTHER RABBIT TRAILS:
http://www.apfn.net/messageboard/03-04-05/discussion.cgi.14.html Waco Tragedy News: Davidian Newsletter for March
http://www.apfn.net/messageboard/04-04-05/discussion.cgi.66.html Branch Davidian raid heard on 911 tape
http://www.apfn.net/messageboard/03-01-05/discussion.cgi.29.html FBI Special Agent (SA) R. Wayne Smith Waco Report
http://www.apfn.net/messageboard/03-01-05/discussion.cgi.59.html $200 tax was what Waco was all about.
http://www.apfn.net/messageboard/04-04-05/discussion.cgi.64.html An Unofficial Account of the Waco Incident
http://www.apfn.net/messageboard/03-01-05/discussion.cgi.61.html WACO DAY 2: Checkpoint at FM 2491 and Loop 340
http://www.apfn.net/messageboard/03-01-05/discussion.cgi.27.html NEW: WHY WACO POWER POINT PRESENTATION
http://www.apfn.net/messageboard/03-01-05/discussion.cgi.32.html Waco Raid Footage: Where is it?
http://www.apfn.net/messageboard/03-01-05/discussion.cgi.31.html Reminiscent of WACO
http://www.apfn.net/messageboard/04-06-05/discussion.cgi.12.html APPOINTMENT WITH THE APOCALYPSE
http://www.apfn.net/messageboard/04-01-05/discussion.cgi.58.html I have the tapes ...
http://www.apfn.net/messageboard/03-01-05/discussion.cgi.30.html Branch Davidian Seventh Day Adventists March 2005 Newsletter
http://www.apfn.net/messageboard/04-09-05/discussion.cgi.18.html February 28: Just another sad date in American History
http://www.apfn.net/messageboard/03-04-05/discussion.cgi.27.html "POSSE COMITATUS ACT" (18 USC 1385):
http://www.apfn.net/messageboard/02-11-05/discussion.cgi.73.html -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELIGION-ORIENTED PAGES Why Waco?: Cults and the Battle for Religious Freedom in America is page for the book by James Tabor & Eugene V. Gallagher. http://www.ucpress.edu/books/pages/6679y.html -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MISCELLANEOUS PHOTO AND LINKS PAGES The Hillary Waco Project Amusing and fairly on-targetWaco comics, though it blames women rather than the Good Old Boys for the murders. http://www.pjcomix.com/waco1.html The Waco Coverup Cartoons by all of the top editorial cartoonists updated regularly. http://www.cagle.com/news/waco/ Alex Jones Info Wars page Radio show host who's been big Davidian supporter. http://www.infowars.com/ Waco Photo Gallery http://parascope.com/articles/1296/waco_gal.htm Waco: Massacre at Mt Carmel Good links collection. http://www.constitution.org/waco/mtcarmel.htm The Waco Tragedy: Information Page http://uts.cc.utexas.edu/~thetruth/waco/waco.html The Waco Massacre various links and commentary. http://serendipity.magnet.ch/waco.html Waco Links and great poster of Janet Rambo Reno http://www.devvy.com/okctwa.html Introduction to Branch Davidians lots of links. http://homepages.anglianet.co.uk/johnm/koresh.html Visit to Mount Carmel 1995 Photos: http://www.dantobias.com/davidian.html Tien-Kuo Waco pages http://lunarpages.com/tienkuo/index.html LaRosa Reports by Benedict D. LaRosa includes several good ones on Waco. http://www.constitution.org/col/larosa.htm Rep. Ron Paul's controversial statement about Waco http://www.lubbockonline.com/news/030197/edwards.htm Red Skelton's Pledge of Allegiance Search this site or the web powered by FreeFind Site search Web search Please report any dead links, missing art or mispellings to webmaster APFN IS NOT A BUSINESS APFN IS SUPPORTED BY "FREE WILL" GIFT/DONATIONS Without Justice, there is JUST_US!
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