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(Engels versie) Camera burned in amsterdam eyes closed - 20.03.2006 20:56
Camera burned on international day of action against cameras. Early this morning a electric eye of the police was blinded. Although only one camera out of many was burned we hope to send a clear message to the police, politicians, and right wing nuts who support the use of cameras that we will not tolerate the expansion of mechanisms of control in this case police power. We also want to communicate to everyone that our burning of one camera may seem to many a pointless act of destruction but actually we think that direct actions like this one are more effective than a pettion or a vote for another party. To us the little steps taken by power to expand its realm of control are the most dangerous ones because they often go unnoticed and with little protest so we ask everyone to think about and take action against all those little steps that have recently been taken by government and big business ( i.e. preventative searches, camera toezicht, inncrease in security and politie, ID plicht, licht controles ) to expand their control and power over people. |
Lees meer over: vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen | uit dit artikel zijn aanvullingen verplaatst naar de ruispagina | this one ? | maag - 21.03.2006 21:17
 this one ? x x x | |
aanvullingen | |