FRANCE: police almost killed unionist dellar - 21.03.2006 13:22
Cyrill Ferez, a member of the Union SUD PTT is in coma after a brutally attack by the CRS (french police).  Cyril Ferez after the police attack Cyril Ferez, 39 years old works at Torcy as an technician for the Orange telephone company and is a member of the SUD-PTT union. He has been hospitalised at Henri-Mondor de Créteil in the Val-de-Marne district, after suffering serious head injuries at the confrontation with CRS (French riot police) in the Nation district of Paris on Saturday. An inquiry has been opened. Unionists from SUD-PTT said police men did punch him with their feet and run over him (1), unionists from CNT describe how about 30 police men "lynched" him (2), photographers tell on yahoo news (germany), they have seen police men hunting him and then beating him when already lying on the street. After the attack Cyril lied about 15 minutes on the street. Police did neither help him nor call an ambulance. 2 students then called fireworkers and an ambulance. The ambulance was 200 meters away - it took 20 minutes till they arrived at Cyril Ferez.(3) (1) Un anti-CPE dans le coma, AP, 20. 3. 2006 (2) La grève, maintenant!, Confédération Nationale du Travail, 19. 3. 2006 (3) Justice nulle par, police partout, indymedia Paris information about the mass protests in France on: |