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Battle against cancer (lymphoma) Anton Paddy - 28.03.2006 19:34
Went to see the doctor who failed to diagnose the lymphoma.  Spring Went to see the doctor who failed to diagnose the lymphoma. What a disaster. I will have to plan more carefully. The effect of all the pills on your concentration can be noticed. First of all I forgot my prescriptions for him to renew and went to the dart station. I was late already but had to go back to the house for the missing prescriptions. When I saw him he seemed nervous and evasive. He tried to get me to leave immediately as I was late. I had to ask him 3 times if he had been informed of the diagnosis before he answered. When I asked him why the blood and x/ray tests had not shown the lymphoma he waffled on in medical jargon. This condition started with severe pains in the stomach area, which would last for 1-2 days and then go away. It felt like I had ingested some acid substance like the pot cleaner that had not been properly cleaned out of the pot or cup after a though cleaning in the kitchen. My toenail also split which I believe is a fungal infection. These are the only two things that preceded the lymphoma. E-Mail: antonpaddy@yahoo.ie Website: http://antonpaddy.blogspot.com |
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