RADIO PATAPOE Live at OT301 / saturday april 15 poepert - 11.04.2006 21:45
RADIO PATAPOE Live Unexpected music, unheard sounds, uncanny dancing!  (Amsterdam) 15 April, 2006 OT301 21:00 - 3:00 RADIO PATAPOE Live Unexpected music, unheard sounds, uncanny dancing! Live... HAKKITAKKI [Errorkrew] DJs... + SUPERNOVA + RABO & DE DABO + BERGMAN & DAKAFKA + POLYPHAKE PLAPPERLAPAPP + SISTERO vs. KLEINEKAREL [Dull Glamour Love] A fine selection of Patapoe Djs soundscaping, beatblasting and musicfreaking for your advanced listening pleasure. Live, direct and on air. Support independent and free radioculture! Entrance 4 euro >> >> Website: |