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Shell Hell in Mayo, Ireland. Anitya O' Flynn - 18.04.2006 18:54
Shell, is a Dutch, Brittish oil Company, with its headquaters based in Amsterdam. Shell reputation is not clean, and presently is manipulating the Irish government while distroying and endangering the people and envirnoment in the west of Ireland. Inform yourself, and take action. While the Shell headquarters are in Amsterdam, they continue internationally unjust actions. Presently, Rossport a rural area off the beautiful west coast of Ireland is under attack. Shell have been taking part in illegal operations just to line their pockets, putting the environment and its residences in danger. They went as far as to put five local men, who refused to sign their land away, in jail for 94 days. We call on Shell their partners in this project which include Statiol, Marathon and others, to stop their pipeline plans, and relocate to sea. Though the issue of the Rossport pipeline was last in the news when the the five local men were released from prison, the conflict with Shell hasn't gone away. Since then the government commissioned a report, which essentially whitewashed Shell and gave the go ahead to build this dangerous pipeline. If it goes ahead it will be the first time in the world that unrefined gas will be travel ling to an onshore refinery 15kms inland. This would have disastrous effects (already polluting the local bay in its construction) and has already been deemed unsafe by and independent environmental inquiry. The people of Rossport, however, are not lying down in the face of either the multinational or government. Last summer they stopped Shell from carrying out pipeline work. This summer the plan is the same. Safety is not negotiable. Five years ago when Shell decided to push ahead with this pipeline it was clear it wasn't safe. Five years later, government reports or bullying a small community will not change this fact. It wasn't safe then and it isn't safe now. Beyond safety and the sensitive bogland envirnoment, the Shell is ripping Ireland's resources off. Five years ago Shell got the deal of a century when the country's esteemed leaders gave them the entire gas field and then paid them to build the refinery by giving them massive tax breaks on all their construction work. If it was a rip-off then, it's still a rip-off now. Shell are aware that they face a very strong campaign and so have been sending out fancy leaflets all across Mayo telling people how safe the pipeline is. They are getting ready for a big push to have it built this spring. The local Campaign is also preparing too. Last autumn a delegation went to Norway to successfully publicise the complicity of Statoil, who own the second largest stake in the field. At the moment there are several people preparing a camp site in Mayo to facilitate people who want to go and show solidarity. The camp is opening on February 25th and is for all interested in showing solidarity with the people of Rossport. In this sparsely populated area the campers will help with the continuous picket which makes sure that Shell don't start their pipelaying. If you have a few days to spare or more, come to Mayo and help with the blockades. Future action in,Amsterdam: We Here at camp were discussin doing actions at various subcontractors headquarters involved in the Corrib Gas Project both at home and abroad. Tideway, the dredgin company involved in the offshore diggin of the pipeline route, are based in the neatherlands. This is their site address and physical address/contact details respectively: Sitehomepage: http://www.tideway.nl/html/home.htm Visiting address: Topaasstraat 64 4817 HW Breda The Netherlands Email: tideway@dredging.com Tel : +31 76 5204140 Fax : +31 76 5204150 Postal address: P.O. Box 7074 4800 GB Breda The Netherlands If its possible do ye think we could organise a demo at their HQ.? Anybody in Breda interested? There is info. available about there involvement in the project here: http://www.indymedia.ie/newswire.php?story_id=70474 . Allseas, who sub-contract work to Tideway, and also own the Solitaire pipe laying ship which was stopped by the threat of local fishermen blockading it back in August. More info on them can be found at www.allseas.com. They are based in Switzerland i believe. If you can't get to Mayo, you can get in touch with your local 'Shell to Sea' group here in Contacts: Amsterdam: Eyfa: Anitya, anitya@eyfa.org phone. +31 [0]20 665 7743 shell to sea solidarity camp: E-mail: rossportsolidaritycamp@gmail.com Phone: 097 20944 or 086 3201612 Mailing List- send blank e-mail to rossportsolidaritycamp-subscribe@lists.riseup.net For more info: http://www.struggle.ws/rsc/ E-Mail: anitya@eyfa.org Website: http://struggle.ws/rsc |
aanvullingen |  | images | anitya - 18.04.2006 19:24
  welleo | De strijd om een pijplijn | s. hell - 19.04.2006 13:40
Kleine boeren in Mayo, Ierland, vechten tegen multinational Shell. Het olieconcern is bezig een pijpleiding aan te leggen dwars door een natuurgebied. Twee Nederlandse activisten verbleven een weeklang in het solidariteitskamp dat is opgezet om de bewoners in Rossport te ondersteunen. lees verder: http://www.ravagedigitaal.org/2005/nummer11/pijplijn.htm | Shell HQ | Mo - 20.04.2006 11:25
... kleine correctie: hoofdkantoor Shell staat in Den Haag, niet in Amsterdam. Shell's HQ are located in The Hangue, not in Amsterdam. | Shell to Sea block Shell machinery. | anitya - 12.05.2006 13:31
 shell trucks sent back  mayo | environment | feature Monday April 10, 2006 21:10 by EC - RSC rossportsolidaritycamp at gmail dot com Shell equipment turned back by protestorsFor the second Monday in a row Shell to Sea protesters have prevented Shell machinery from entering the Bellanaboy gas terminal construction site. At 2:30pm a lorry carrying a digger attempted to enter the site, which has been constantly picketed by campaigners since last summer. Around twenty Shell to Sea campaigners and members of Rossport Solidarity Camp formed a line between the lorry and the site entrance blocking access for the lorry. On seeing the protesters the lorry turned away Last Monday's failed attempt by Shell to bring earthmoving machinery and materials onto the Bellanaboy site in Erris was repeated this afternoon when Shell to Sea campaigners again prevented machinery from entering the site. At 2:30pm a lorry carrying a digger attempted to enter the site, which has been constantly picketed by campaigners since last summer. Around twenty Shell to Sea Campaigners and members of Rossport Solidarity Camp formed a line between the lorry and the site entrance blocking access for the lorry. On seeing the protesters the lorry turned away. Shell to Sea are not allowing any equipment onto the site until Mayo County Council and Shell are prepared to explain the need for the additional equipment on a site which they claim is not releasing contaminated water. for more on this see
http://www.indymedia.ie/article/74919 Related Link: http://www.shelltosea.com
http://www.corribsos.com/index.php?id=291&type=event The camp is very important at this critical time, As all the institutions have failed, it is only the people left to defend themselves against shell. If people are interested, please do contact us, as we have one or two ideas!
E-Mail: anitya@eyfa.org | |
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