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Woorden van Iraanse president compleet verdra Guido - 20.04.2006 17:01
De Westerse propoganda tegen Iran is al een tijdje bezig, hieronder stukjes uit een artikel dat aantoont hoe de woorden van de Iraanse president de voorbije maanden meer dan eens compleet verdraaid, veranderd werden. Er werd geschreven in de Westerse pers dat de Iraanse president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad , Israël van de kaart geveegd wil zien en dat hij de Holocaust ontkent. Maar, dit blijkt helemaal niet zo te zijn. Onderstaande stukje komen uit een nogal lang artikel in het Engels dat zeker de moeite is om eens aandachtig te lezen: "It's becoming clear. The statements of the Iranian President have been reflected by the media in a manipulated way. Iran's President betokens the removal of the regimes, that are in power in Israel and in the USA, to be possible aim for the future. This is correct. But he never demands the elimination or annihilation of Israel. He reveals that changes are potential." Ivm Israël vd kaart vegen: "The term 'map' to which the media refer at length does not even appear. Whereas the 'New York Times' said: "Our dear Imam said that the occupying regime must be wiped off the map" the version by MEMRI is: "Imam [Khomeini] said: This regime that is occupying Qods [Jerusalem] must be eliminated from the pages of history." Ivm de ontkenning vd Holocaust: "There again we find the quotation already rendered by n24: "In the name of the Holocaust they created a myth." We can see that this is completely different from what is published by e.g. the DPA - the massacre against the Jews is a fairy-tale. What Ahmadinejad does is not denying the Holocaust. No! It is dealing out criticism against the mendacity of the imperialistic powers who use the Holocaust to muzzle critical voices and to achieve advantages concerning the legitimization of a planned war. This is criticism against the exploitation of the Holocaust." De rest kan je hier lezen:
http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article12790.htm |
Lees meer over: media | aanvullingen | |