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Vanavond film in Leids Bezet (Amsterdam) La - 01.05.2006 16:35
Vanavond film "Berlusconi's Mousetrap" in Leids Bezet, Leidsestraat 43 Amsterdam. Open 19.00 uur, film begint 21.00 uur. Berlusconi's Mousetrap is a feature length documentary produced by Irish Indymedia about the events in Genoa. The film is based on footage shot by Irish Indy media and some film culled from the International Indymedia archive. It is obvious watching the documentary that considerable effort has gone into the selection and editing of the footage as well as the sourcing and translation of Italian material for the film. The result is an intelligent, complex and accomplished documentary that undoubtedly captures the spirit and atmosphere of a city where a political carnival degenerated into a police riot. Movie start: 21:00 opens at: 19:00 price: donations welcome Misschien is er eten. Leidsestraat 43 Amsterdam |
Lees meer over: zonder rubriek | aanvullingen | Vroeg komen! | la - 01.05.2006 16:40
Want om 1900 uur komen twee figuren het een en ander vertellen over het nare politiegeweld tegen krakers en buitenlanders in Barcelona op 4 en 9 februari 2006! Vroeg komen dus!
http://karcelona.revolt.org www.presosalacalle.tk | |
aanvullingen | |