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Tekst van A.B. (GR) voor E"S"F in Athene Antiauthoritair Beveging (GR) - 03.05.2006 08:41
Tekst van Antiauthoritair Beweging (een netwerk antiauthoritair organisatie in Griekenland) voor de Fora, E"S"F etc. in Athene in Mai. Wij hebben dat toch weer in Parijs en in Londen gezegd. Maar op dat momentje de Fora zijn in Griekenland en we moeten nog een keer hetzelfde dingen zeggen. Hel(l)aas had ik niet genoeg tijd en de tekst is in engels.  Beyond E"S"F in Londen Announcement of A.K. about the "Social Forums" April 30, 2006, Antiauthoritarian Movement The Antiauthoritarian Movement (ie A.K.) had participated in the Libertarian Social Forum in Paris 2003 and in the Autonomous Spaces (“BEYOND ESF”) in London 2005, but in both cases we were critical towards the fact that they took place during the days of the European Social Forum (ie E.S.F.). Between us and the ESF there is a deep gap in a lot of issues, but mainly the fact that the aim of our struggle is not to achieve more bearable conditions of misery and exploitation, we struggle for the abolition of all forms of exploitation. Furthermore, in 2005 the point of “contact” among us and the ESF was on another level, a level which starts with the collaboration of some organisers of the London E“S”F with the Metropolitan Police and leads to the detention rooms and the state courts ( for a detailed explanation with photo evidence about what happened in London check out this webpage http://www.resistance2003.gr/en/texts/text.php?id=99 ). We would prefer if such international meetings (like Autonomous Spaces in London or the Libertarian Social Forum in Paris) could take place under different circumstances and on other dates. More specifically, we mean that we do not like to be defined or depended in any way from the words or the events of others. Despite these, we believe that the increasingly global shape of totalitarianism cannot be combated by organising the Resistance only on a national basis. So the moments of direct action and confrontation in Prague, Genoa, Brussels, Seville and Evian were not adequate for us. There we didnʼt have enough time for dialogue and future organising. Thatʼs why we wanted to listen carefully what they had to say in the amphitheatres the ones who we have seen by our side on the streets… we wanted to know what where the dreams of our international comrades and by which means they wanted to turn them into reality. Thatʼs why our disagreements for the timing and the circumstance of the two previous gatherings were very small in front of who and for which reasons they were inviting us to participate. So we answered to the call of our international comrades and we made our best to help and participate. But, now in Greece the Antiauthoritarian Movement shall not participate or organise any kind of “FORUM”, neither alternative nor mainstream. April 2006 - Greece Antiauthoritarian Movement www.resistane2003.gr E-Mail: info@resistance2003.gr Website: http://www.resistance2003.gr |
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