In 80 vragen de wereld rond? Martin S. Past - 04.05.2006 20:25
Morgen op het Museumplein in 020: de mobiele schilderijententoonstelling "Around the world in 80 questions": van de Balkan tot Irak in miniatuur-schilderijen, onder het motto: Show your hope!  Balkan Winterlandschapje...  Eindhovense fantasie  Busje komt zo... The Mobile Global Exhibition SHOW YOUR HOPE is a traveling story telling exhibition with over 200 paintings made by international artists, specially for this mobile and global exhibition. During public events presentations will be held throughout the period of exhibition. Supported by the paintings that can be easily attached to the vehicle with velcro system, universal stories from the world, about hope, will be told to the audience. With a simple voting system and with the help of translators, the public will be attracted to give their opinion about the paintings, and more important, about the theme 'hope'. The exhibition performance can take place in any location and for every audience and at all times. Who we are --> We are musicians, artists, students and cooperators of a variety of non gouvernmental organizations, mainly from the Netherlands. We are involved with international issues throughout the years, for example due to our personal and professional activities in the world and due to international influenses in our daily life. What we ask ourselves? --> We consider this world as a great place, with enormous variety, very good potention and endless beauty. But in the same time we see new dilemma's and questions coming up every day. Questions about environment, poverty and health, technological progress, armament, missile shields, refugees, minorities, native people, European integration, terrorism, travel and tourism and economics are more and more becoming related to another. We ask ourselves how to continue dealing with this new form of information. What do we want? --> In this new millennium, and in the beginning of this digital area, we would like to stimulate global participation, and share our experiences with others. So people who participate at the end could experience a richer form of global consciousness. We want to make a research program about this to be published at the end. How will we do this? --> We will make a journey around the world and ask 80 questions in places we visit. This journey will take several years and we travel with an old DAF truck, ones made in our hometown. We will publish information about this journey live on the internet and we will make analyzes about the similarities and differences of the answers. We will create a document that will give a wide contemporary view on how the people of this planet think about the planet as it is, and we give impressions from many who work with international relations. This website will be used as network and bulletin board for all those who people who participate. Hereby we invite everybody to do so. Where will we do this? --> This project will be coordinated in our hometown Eindhoven (NL), where we will also return. It is our desire to visit many of Eindhovens memories, products or aquaintences in the world. In the same time as these activities are generated, activities in Eindhoven will be organized. On this way we can activate the audience in our hometown to become more long term interested in this project, and with that also in the contemporary global situation. Presumably many participantes in Netherlands will join, as people in places we visited and those who find this interesting and found us purely through cyber space. Our Aim? --> Show universal beauty through arts, music, language, media and make many people participate and enjoy it. E-Mail: Website: |