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URGENT CALL FOR SOLIDARITY!!!! anonymous - 26.05.2006 16:25
URGENT CALL FOR SOLIDARITY!!!! TWO MONTH ON STRIKE! To all of the libertarian movement of the world and to all anarchosyndicalists in the world, this is an emergency calling for economic solidarity for the comrades from the supermarkets Mercadona, who have proclaimed temporally unlimited strike which cumplies nearly one month. This strike has got some caracteristics which doesn´t have seen the CNT for a lot of years. Mercadona is a big enterprise, very repressive, powerful and which doesn´t have doubts to bash our comrades doing any violent act to CNT and to our comrades: Like having the Civil Guard (officially paramilitary police force) at his orders, death threating to comrades and his families etc. These workers are demonstrating a great example of struggle and solidarity . Mercadona not only denies their rights but even doesn´t pay his workers, they stopped paying them the last wages before the strike started. Mercadona knows that they can defeat us with economic means. Therefore we cannot allow loosing this great struggle and strike for economic reasons. Our comrades in Mercadona need money to mantain their families VERY URGENTLY. We need monthly 18.000 euros (aprox. 22.000 USD) to go on with the strike which will be long and very hard. The libertarian movement of the world can show a great example of solidarity to these workers making economic contributions that their families can eat, that their children won´t be hungry for the fault of those shameless. And finally that the CNT can continue this strike and in this way maintain the basic expenditures of these workers. In that case they have major necessities than in other recent strikes, because in a city like Barcelona the living costs are really high and the payments for mortgage are suffocating (an average of 70% of the income of a family). We repeat, we cannot allow that they asphyxiate those families in strike, which is a fair strike and therefore we call urgently to show economic solidarity to our comrades. The Bank: La Caixa Solidarity account: 2100 - 1183 - 35 - 0100505773 Europe: IBAN: ES08 2100 1183 3501 0050 5773 Rest of the world: BIC (Swift): CAIXESBBXXX 2100 1183 3501 0050 5773 About the strike The strike started because they fired three comrades, members of the labour union group of the CNT in the Logistic Center of the supermarket chain Mercadona en Sant Sadurní d’Anoia (Barcelona, Spain). One of them was the oficial delegate of the CNT in the company. The company was harassing his workers yet for a while, but when it was notified to them that CNT created a section they started to punish and to threat all of workers and especially the delegates of the union section of the CNT. The situation was unsoportable for the workers, Mercadona was hiring strike breakers for the Logistic Center before it was declared any strike and the repression was hardened. With this situation the workers declared strike initially for ten days which later was declared temporally unlimited. Actually we are two month on strike. But the strike will be long and very hard. These are the objectives of the strike: readmision of the three fired comrades payment of the half an our of making traces (thanks to the collective agreement made by the UGT [reformist labour union] it isn’t regarded like efective working time. In this way the weekly work time is increased) fulfillment of the oficial standards of security and hygiene in the working places stop of the harassing practices recognition of the union section of the CNT in the company and his delegates garanty for the fired workers to accept the readmission or special renumeration for unfounded dismissal Support the strike in Mercadona! We won’t allow to loose this struggle! CNT-AIT Barcelona Plç. Duc de Medinacelli 6, Entr. 1ª E- 08002 BARCELONA (Spain/España) Tlfn/Fax: (0034) 93 317 05 47
http://barcelona.cnt.es sov @ barcelona.cnt.es |
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