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Irakese regering steeds onafhankelijker jn - 28.05.2006 21:55
De Irakese regering weekt zich steeds meer los van de Amerikaanse bezetter. Op zich was 'onafhankelijkheid' wel een doel van de Amerikanen, maar dan wel onkritische onafhankelijkheid. Vandaag heeft Irak echter, samen met Iran, een statement gemaakt tegen Israel, Amerika's bondgenoot in de regio. Het wachten is op een pissige Bush of Rumsfeld. Los van de anti-Israelische uitspraak is samenwerking met Iran sowieso een klap in het gezicht van de neo-cons. Laten we hopen dat het een verzwakking betekent van de militaire aanwezigheid (de continue oorlog) van de Amerikanen in het Midden-Oosten. In combinatie met een burgelijk ongehoorzame vredesbeweging hier kan dat hopelijk wat perspectief betekenen voor het geteisterde Midden-Oosten.... laten we alle militaire bases en bedrijven die de oorlog faciliteren, bezetten! Hieronder de tekst. Iran and Iraq issued a joint statement on Saturday evening at the end of a two-day visit by Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki to Iraq. In the statement, the two countries referred to the deep-rooted historical, cultural and religious ties and great commonalties between the two nations and called for promotion of bilateral ties in all fields based on the principle of non-interference in each other's internal affair and commitment to bilateral agreements. The two sides stressed the importance of maintaining national unity and territorial integrity of Iraq as well as promoting stability and security in that country. They also welcomed active participation of all Iraqi groups in materialization of the country's political trend as well as inauguration of the country's parliament and formation of a long-term government. The statement condemned terrorist acts in Iraq including massacre of innocent people, violation of sanctities and bombing of the shrines of Shiite Imam Ali al-Naqi (AS) and Imam Hassan al-Askariya (AS) in Samarra and denounced plots by enemies of Islam aimed to fan the flames of tribal and ethnic war and establish links between terrorism and Islam. It also praised the pivotal role played by ulema and religious jurisprudence in establishing tranquility and stability in Iraq. The two countries stressed the importance of providing assistance to the Iraqi government and people to restore stability and security and expressed readiness to help materialize the decisions made during previous meetings of foreign ministers of Iraq's neighboring states to reconstruct and develop the country and restore stability and security to the country. The statement called on all states and international organizations to participate in Iraq's reconstruction and economic development as a fundamental factor for restoration of sustainable stability and security to the country and the region. Pointing to protection of joint borders as borders of peace and friendship, they stressed expansion of cooperation between the two countries' provinces, determination of zero points at Iran-Iraq border, activation of markets and effective campaign against illegal activities including smuggling of weapons and illicit drugs, and terrorist acts. Iran praised the Iraqi government's readiness to release a number of Iranian pilgrims detained in that country. The two sides stressed acceleration of the release of detainees of the two countries. Iran and Iraq also condemned brutal measures taken by the Zionist regime against the oppressed Palestinian people and called for intensification of international efforts to restore Palestinians' rights. |
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