FREEDOM FOR BAHAR- The campaign continues! Halkin Sesi TV - 31.05.2006 20:16
The support actions for the freedom of Bahar Kimyongür, spokesman of the DHKC Information Bureau in Brussels, who was arrested in the Netherlands with the pretext of an extradition demand by Turkey and is still kept at the Dutch prison Dordrecht near the Belgian border, continue. The campaign for his release is supported by a large number of people, among them also several Belgian parliamentaries and senators.   On 30th May, two Belgian senators, a parliamentary and the wife of Bahar Kimyongür held a meetings with the Dutch Embassador to Belgium. As a resulting of the ongoing campaign, MP's and senators, as for example Pierre Galand and Jean Cornil from the Socialist Party, which is recently in government, and Celine Delforge from the Green Party took part in this meeting. During the talk with the authorities around 25 people have gathered in front of the embassy, who carried banners. The group, which met with the Dutch embassador Rudolf Bekink, made a statement to the press when they left the building. According to our informations, both senators first of all had expressed their misgivings as regards these developments and announced that they’d speak in the name of many politicians who think in the same way. Pierre Galand summarised his words to the embassador as follows: “I said, that I know Bahar Kimyongür personally very well, sine the years when I was professor at the university and that I had great respect for his activities. I told that I wanted to be informed about the prison conditions of Bahar and asked wheter my country and The Netherlands were collaborating in this case. But the embassador answered that he hasn’t got any informations on that. I told him that this young person is doing nothing else than making public the human rights violations in his country and stressed that this can’t be a reason to extradit a Belgian citizen.” Belgian senator Jean Cornil said following in his speech: “I know Bahar personally very well. I admire his humanitarian character. Thanks to him I had the chance to go to Turkey and to meet with political prisoners’ families. I witnessed their great pains nearly. These days were very emotional and important for me. I’m telling this, because these are the activities which Bahar was busy with. Turkey ain’t a democratic country, we know this also from the reports of several institutions. Therefore we want you to say no to the extradition demand of Turkey”. Green MP Celine Delforge said, that she’s been in Turkey only two months ago and that she knows very well the repressive means used against the political opposition of the country. Therefore she also urged the authorities not to accept the extradition demand of Turkey. Bahar’s wife spoke about the dossier, that was shown as pretext for the extradition demand and added: “These accusations are completely groundless. It is said that he can’t be extradited, but they keep Bahar arrested with such funny reasons and they speak about extending his prison duration. We want him to be released at the first trial. Embassador Bekink stated, that he’ll make a request to see the trial as soon as possible and that he’ll forward the messages to his government. Finally he asked for “Faith in the Dutch Justice”. Bekink thanked senator and the parliamentaries for their informations and said to the wife of Bahar Kimyongür: “I want you to know that I’m with you with all my heart”. In his statement to the press Pierre Galand said, that he’ll follow up this case and that he’ll once again talk with the Justice Minister, who is member of the same party. Senator Jean Cornil announced, that him and other senators are gokng to visit Bahar Kimyongür in the coming days. (source: Halkinsesi TV, 30th May 2006) |