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Films uit China Transnational Institute - 02.06.2006 14:28
Filmhuis Cavia juni programma Interessante docu-films uit en over China Van Hallstraat 52-1, Amsterdam www.filmhuiscavia.nl Woensdag 7 juni 20:30 uur Interesting Times - The Secret of my Succes In Fanshen village, China - birth control policy leads to an unusual turn of events in the upcoming village council elections. Jinchuan Duan (2002) 58 min The Men who could conquer China The documentary follows the efforts of wealthy New York investment banker trying to make it in China Nick Torrens & Jane St. Vincent Welch (2004) 78 min Donderdag 8 juni 20:30 uur Heng Shu Heng/Go for Broke The true story of a band of laid-off workers from state-owned companies who set out to risk their own fortunes in the private sector Guangli Wang (2004) 87 min Vrijdag 9 juni The Concrete Revolution Chinese writer and director comments in word and image on the price the new China pays for joining the outside world. Xialo Guo (2004) 71 min informatie van "Schone Kleren Kampagne" over o.m. de arbeidsomstandigheden textielindustrie in China Mardi Gras This film offers us a close look into the life and psychology of people working in Mardi Gras, the biggest bead factory in the world David Redmon (2005) 71 min Zaterdag 10 juni Home to Tibet Sonam Lama is a Tibetan living in exile who returns to his native country after twelve years for a dangerous trip Alan Datar, Lisa Merton (1995) 55 min informatie van "International Campaign for Tibet" over de huidige situatie betreft China en Tibet Karmapa - Two ways of Divinity Double portrait of two Tibetan boys who are both believed to be the next reincarnation of the holy Karmapa leader Arto Halonen (1998) 60 min Het programma is mede samengesteld door Transnational Institute E-Mail: andrea@tni.org Website: http://www.tni.org |
Lees meer over: globalisering kunst, cultuur en muziek vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten wereldcrisis | aanvullingen | |