Maluku Warrior dancers join Tahiti dancers N.J. Pietersz - 07.06.2006 11:20
Last weekend (2006-06-04) at the Tattoo Convention in Amsterdam an impressive dancing was performed by Vatea Tahiti, a Tahitian dancing group, and Tenue Hiaka Alifuru, a Malukuan dancing group.  Traditional Tahiti Haka & Maluku Tjakalele Last weekend (2006-06-04) at the Tattoo Convention in Amsterdam an impressive dancing was performed by Vatea Tahiti, a Tahitian dancing group, and Tenue Hiaka Alifuru, a Malukuan dancing group. As far as we know this was the first time in history that Tahiti rhythms were used for a Maluku Warrior dance (Tjakalele). The fusion of two Pacific people came together perfectly and was a real tread to watch for all the spectators. Firstly, the Tahitian Hula dancers performed a dance, which swayed the crowd away with their beautiful style of dancing. Secondly, the Tenue Hiaka Alifuru group performed their spectacular war dance. During their performance some of the dancers jumped from the stage into the crowd pretending to attack the crowd with their parang (swords) and tombak (spears). Vatea Tahiti ended the performance by dancing a Haka. After the performance the dancers gathered in the Pacific Tattoo Room where there was an opportunity to get to know the dancers. It was also possible to enjoy a Melanesian exposition about “Vanuatu Prison Tattoo’s” by Artist Steven Ball. The Tattoo convention was closed by mister Pika Nendissa (Tenue Hiaka Alifuru) & mister Vitea (Vitea Tahiti) performing a dancing act during which they exchanged their traditional weapons and merged their warrior dances. All of the above together with Maluku & Papua background music in the Pacific Tattoo Room made this convention worthwhile and is a recommendation for next year. “Vatea Tahiti” dancing group In Polynesian mythology, Vatea is the first man (son of Varima-te-Takere), along with his wife Papa, who gave birth to a calabash, which Vatea made into the sky. Alternatively, Papa, a giant bird, laid an egg which became the island Hawaii. Vatea and Papa then lived there as the first man and woman. Polynesia (many islands) refers to a triangular grouping of Central and South Pacific Ocean island archipelagos settled by sea-faring voyagers from a heartland in Tonga and Samoa. The Polynesian people fanned out to island groups to the east as far as Tahiti, the Marquesas, New Zealand, and Hawai'i. “Tenue Hiaka Alifuru” Maluku dancing group “Tenue Hiaka Alifuru” stands for “Breath of Fire War Dance” of the Melanesian Alifuru people. (Alifuru means First Human) Melanesia (Black Islands) refers to the islands of Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, New Caledonia (under French sovereignty), Bismarck Archipelago, Maluku Islands (under Indonesian sovereignty), West Papua (under Indonesian sovereignty) and the Torres Strait Islands. For pictures click here! E-Mail: Website: |